Röttger from Veltheim

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Röttger Graf von Veltheim (born January 25, 1781 in Harbke , † March 27, 1848 in Braunschweig ) was a German landlord and private scholar .


Röttger ( count since 1798 ) von Veltheim came from the old Lower Saxon noble family of the "black line" of the Veltheims ; He was the eldest son of Count August Ferdinand von Veltheim (born September 18, 1741 in Harbke; † October 2, 1801 in Braunschweig) and his wife Ottonia Henriette von Arnim (born January 25, 1760; † March 16, 1803 in Braunschweig) . He had four other siblings: Werner Graf von Veltheim (* February 18, 1785; † June 5, 1860), Klara Countess von Veltheim (* June 13, 1790; † unknown), Marianne Albertine Countess von Veltheim (* February 26, 1860) 1794 - May 10, 1844), Armgard von Veltheim (* unknown; † unknown).

Röttger Graf von Veltheim was Hereditary Marshal of the Duchy of Magdeburg, Hereditary Kitchen Master of the Duchy of Braunschweig , Majorate Lord of Harbke, Aderstedt and Groppendorf , Knight of the Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with the Star, Knight of the Order of St. John and Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Order of Gülphen Brandenburg .

He and his siblings were tutored by private tutors in Braunschweig in winter and in Harbke in summer. Due to his fatherly relationships, he got to know the scholars Gottfried Christoph Beireis , Adolph Henke , Paul Jakob Bruns and Franz Dominikus Häberlin from the University of Helmstedt , with whom his father had good relationships. At that time Harbke was a popular destination for promenades and a popular excursion restaurant was the “ Goldener Pudel ” inn .

Until Röttger Graf von Veltheims declared he was of legal age in 1802, his mother and Werner von der Schulenburg-Wolfsburg were both his and his siblings' guardians.

In 1803 he finished his studies in Helmstedt and Göttingen . Due to the inherited fortune, he was able to pursue his interests, which were centered on agriculture as well as travel. Horse breeding was a special focus of his interests . In the same year he had a water mill built in Harbke.

1804 it came within the family with the baron Otto Carl Friedrich von Veltheim-Destedt (* May 22, 1770 in Destedt ; † June 5, 1805 ibid), in which other family members were involved, to negotiations about a "ring swap" of land to advise. On February 26th and April 20th, 1805, contracts were signed so that Baron von Veltheim-Destedt received a back building on Papenstieg in addition to the Veltheim House in Braunschweig. Röttger Graf von Veltheim got a new building on Bohlweg .

In 1806 he traveled through Switzerland and Northern Italy . Further trips followed in 1812 ( Italy ), 1818 ( England and France ), 1825 ( Hungary ), and further trips to Italy in the following years.

He devoted himself mainly to horse breeding on his estate and was the author of the book Comments on English Horse Breeding: with relation of their principles to the refinement of the horse sex in the rest of Europe and especially in Germany , which caused a sensation in 1820 after publication. In the work he contradicted the prevailing views of his time, which based German horse breeding on reproduction by the English thoroughbred , while he preferred oriental stallions and mares.

Another area of ​​interest was agriculture, for example, as early as 1797, his father was extracting sugar from the sap of maple trees , which he had processed in a maple sugar factory built especially for this purpose. Because sugar was only extracted from beets in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century, and was therefore dependent on the import of the expensive foreign sugar from the Ruhr, his experiments were also of economic importance.

His father had made significant changes to the Harbke estate , so the forested area was botanically designed and areas were created that were called "Florida", "Lebanon" or "Ukraine", and whose plantings reflected the respective area. Röttger von Veltheim had an orangery built in place of an old greenhouse in 1830/31 for the cultivation and maintenance of tropical plants. He cultivated the collection of foreign woody plants by having more than 1,400 different plant items and seeds procured and thus became one of the most important suppliers of plants.

At the time, the facility was also known as " Harbkesche wilde Baumzucht " and referred to a specialty in wood history that even Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and his son August von Goethe visited from August 17th to 19th, 1805, allegedly they stayed in the "Golden Poodle". Goethe wrote a dendrological report on the tree species represented in Harbke .

In 1822 a building for the library was built at the castle.

On October 15, 1840, the Prussian award of the title of Hereditary Marshal of the Duchy of Magdeburg in Berlin for Röttger Graf von Veltheim. In the following summer of 1841 he had King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia with the Prince of Prussia as guests in Harbke.

He was also interested as a mine owner and was considered to be the founder of the Harbker mining industry after the first lignite discoveries occurred in 1840. With the digging of the first shaft, which he named "August Ferdinand" after his father, on the way to Sommersdorf, he laid the foundation stone for the extensive expansion of the local lignite industry, which in 1860 already had 12 shafts in the Harbker Revier.

After his wife, with whom he was married for 40 years, died on March 27, 1848 due to pneumonia, he committed suicide only a few hours later.

On December 14, 1803, Röttger married Count von Veltheim Louise von Lauterbach (* October 7, 1784; † September 27, 1860 in Braunschweig), daughter of the Frankfurt lay judge Johann Christof von Lauterbach and his wife Susanna Elisabethe, née. Brunner. The daughter Ottonie, born on July 28, 1805, emerged from the marriage († August 24, 1888 in Veltheimsburg ), the marriage, which entered into in 1803, was divorced in 1806.

On March 26, 1808 he married his second marriage Charlotte Antoinette Friederike von Bülow (* July 6, 1781 - March 27, 1848), a daughter of the chief forest master and the landowner of Gut Beienrode Johann Julius Franz von Bülow (* April 18, 1743 in Hanover ; † December 15, 1796 in Braunschweig) and his wife Elisabeth (Lisette) Auguste von Veltheim (* December 5, 1742 in Destedt; † May 1, 1823 in Wolfenbüttel ). The marriage remained childless.


  • Remarks on the English horse breeding with relation of its principles to the refinement of the horse sex in the rest of Europe and especially in Germany. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1820 ( online )
  • Treatises on horse breeding in England, some other European countries, the Orient etc. in relation to Germany, together with a revision of the horse breeding systems established since the middle of the 18th century. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1833 ( online )
  • Latest voices from England about the current state of the breeding of noble horses there. Atlas, atlas for the work ... containing 14 lithographed drawings of famous and remarkable horses from the previous and present centuries. Leich, Berlin 1837.


  • Bernhard von PotenVeltheim, Röttger Graf von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 39, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1895, p. 594 f.
  • Hamberger / Meusel , vol. 21 = The learned Teutschland in the 19th century. 9th vol., 1827: T – Z
  • New Nekrolog 26 , 1850.
  • Georg Wilhelm Schrader: Biographical-literary lexicon of veterinarians of all times and countries. 1863.
  • Georg Schmidt: The sex v. V. 1912.
  • Bernhard Becker: Goethe's trip to Harbke and Helmstedt. 1925
  • Wilhelm Eule: Book of the home. 1940, p. 135ff. 161ff.
  • Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon des 19. und 20. Century , 1996, p. 627.

Web links

Harbke Castle Park (360 ° panorama)

Individual evidence

  1. Wilh. v. Waldbrühl: New necrology of the Germans . tape 26 . BF Voigt, 1850, p. 840 ( preview in Google Book search).
  2. pkarnatz: Röttger Veltheim, Count :: world history :: People in world history. Retrieved October 5, 2017 .
  3. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses . Justus Perthes, 1827, p. 182 ( preview in Google Book search).
  4. pkarnatz: Otto Karl Friedrich Heinrich von Veltheim (Friedrich von Veltheim) :: world history :: People in world history. Retrieved October 6, 2017 .
  5. ^ Uwe Beitz: To the adornment of the city: Building history of the Braunschweiger Burgplatz since 1750 . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-322-84190-2 , p. 32 ( preview in Google Book search).
  6. Röttger von Veldheim: Comments on the English horse breeding. In: bsb-muenchen.de. 1820, Retrieved October 10, 2017 .
  7. ^ Heinz Härtl: Correspondence II (1802-1804) . Walter de Gruyter, 2004, ISBN 978-3-11-096100-3 , p. 603 ( preview in Google Book search).
  8. ^ Regulation of the estate of Baroness Ottonie von Veltheim, born on August 24, 1888 at Veltheimsburg. Countess of Veltheim. Retrieved October 6, 2017 .
  9. family database NLF: Charlotte Antoinette Friederike von Bulow * 1781 +1848. Retrieved October 6, 2017 .
  10. ^ Walter Hettche: Goethe's Summer Journey 1805. (PDF; 151 kB) In: goethezeitportal.de. Retrieved October 7, 2017 .