Rapa (municipality)

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Location of the municipality of Rapa

Rapa is a municipality in the extreme southeast of the Austral Islands , making it the southernmost municipality in French Polynesia . It comprises the island of Rapa Iti with an area of ​​40.57 km² as well as the uninhabited rock islands of Marotiri with an area of ​​4 hectares and is not divided into sub-communities ( communes associées ). The community has 482 inhabitants (as of 2007).

Info box

country Overseas region Subdivision Parish code Post Code Seat of the
municipal administration
France French Polynesia Austral Islands 98741 98751 Ahurei (Haurei) (in Rapa Iti)
of inhabitants
was standing Coordinates Minimum
482 2007 27 ° 36 ′ 24 ″  S , 144 ° 20 ′ 40 ″  W. 0 650 40.61 km²

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Institut Statistique de Polynésie Française (ISPF) - Recensement de la population 2007 ( Memento of February 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; French)

Coordinates: 27 ° 36 ′ 24 ″  S , 144 ° 20 ′ 40 ″  W.