Roger Zelazny

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Roger Joseph Zelazny (born May 13, 1937 in Euclid , Ohio , † June 14, 1995 in Santa Fe, New Mexico ) was an American writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels. Zelazny's works have received several awards; he won the Nebula Award with three of his stories , the Hugo Award six times and the Locus Award twice .


Roger Zelazny grew up in Euclid , Ohio, and studied psychology, then English literature at Columbia University , where he graduated with an MA in 1962 (Elizabethan and Jacobean theater). From 1960 to 1963 he was with the Ohio National Guard , until 1966 in the US Army Reserve in the launch team of a Nike battery and in a unit for psychological warfare . Until 1969, he worked in social services in Cleveland, Ohio and Baltimore , Maryland . From 1967–68 he was treasurer of the SFWA before he became a full-time writer in 1969. From 1975 until his death he lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Zelazny began to write at an early age - first publications in a college magazine date from 1954 - and wrote numerous short stories before turning to the longer form. At first he only wrote poetry and switched to science fiction in 1962. His first successful publication was The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction's 1963 story A Rose for Ecclesiastes ( The 2224 Dances of Locar ), which was nominated for the 1963 Hugo Award . 1966 were This Immortal (German curse of immortality ), 1968 Lord of Light (German lord of light ), 1976 Home Is the Hangman (German: the executioner has returned home ), 1982 Unicorn Variation (German: the unicorn variant ), 1986 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai (German: 24 Views of Mount Fuji, by Hokusai ) and 1987 Permafrost (German: Leopard on Kilimanjaro ) received the Hugo Award. In addition, many of his works have won international prizes and awards.

His most famous stories form the novel series The Chronicles of Amber . He continued to write poetry throughout his life and anticipated cyberspace with the 1965 story He Who Shapes ( Lord of Dreams ) . Together with Samuel R. Delany , Thomas Disch , Harlan Ellison and John T. Sladek , Zelazny formed the American offshoot of the New Wave in science fiction literature.

Zelazny also used the pseudonym Harrison Denmark .


The novel Damnation Alley was made into a film in 1977 under the direction of Jack Smight ; the film ran in 1978 as Straße der Verdammnis in German cinemas.

In addition, Roger Zelazny unconsciously wrote contemporary history in 1980 when the unfilmed screenplay for his novel "Lord of Light" was selected by the CIA in order to simulate the making of a film called "Argo" in Iran. With the help of this trick it was possible to smuggle six US-American embassy employees who escaped during the storming of the embassy out of the country around two months later. The incident was released in 2012 under the title " Argo " by Ben Affleck and won the 2013 Oscar for " Best Picture ". Since Bill Clinton only made the secret mission public in 1997, Zelazny never found out about it himself.


“Zelazny is bringing to life a high-tech future in which suicide has become the number one cause of death. He presents animals with dawning intelligence ... Zelazny's coherent characterizations and colorful landscapes encase a plot that may only have a single core idea, namely the translation of today's depth psychology into tomorrow, but this in combination with the successful aesthetic preparation to an atmospheric one Unity merges ... for whatever reasons - this book will always remain a classic. "

- Michael Nagula on A Game of Dreams and Deaths (The Dream Master)


The Chronicles of Amber

The story of Corwin von Amber is told in the first five volumes, the original Amber cycle. (The translations into German are by Thomas Schlück .)

  • Vol. 1: Nine Princes in Amber , 1970, Corwin von Amber , Heyne, 1977, ISBN 3-453-30432-2 .
  • Vol. 2: The Guns of Avalon , 1972, German Die Gewehre von Avalon , Heyne, 1977, ISBN 3-453-30445-4 .
  • Vol. 3: Sign of the Unicorn , 1975, Ger. Imzeichen des Einhorns , Heyne, 1977, ISBN 3-453-30466-7 .
  • Vol. 4: The Hand of Oberon , 1976, German Die Hand Oberons , Heyne, 1978, ISBN 3-453-30500-0 .
  • Vol. 5: The Courts of Chaos , 1978, German Die Burgen des Chaos , Heyne, 1981, ISBN 3-453-30743-7 .

In the five volumes published later, Merlin (Merle Corey), the son of Corwin and Dara, is the main character. (The translations into German are by Irene Bonhorst .)

  • Vol. 1: Trumps of Doom , 1985, German The Trumps of the Last Judgment , Heyne, 1995, ISBN 3-453-08005-X .
  • Vol. 2: Blood of Amber , 1986, dt. Das Blut von Amber , Heyne, 1995, ISBN 3-453-08006-8 .
  • Vol. 3: Sign of Chaos , 1987, Sign of Chaos , Heyne, 1995, ISBN 3-453-08008-4 .
  • Vol. 4: Knight of Shadows , 1989, German Ritter der Schatten , Heyne, 1995, ISBN 3-453-08532-9 .
  • Vol. 5: Prince of Chaos , 1991, German Prince of Chaos , Heyne, 1995, ISBN 3-453-08538-8 .

Francis Sandow

The Changing Land

  • The Bells of Shoredan , 1979.
  • The Changing Land , 1981, German changeable land , Heyne, 1985, ISBN 3-453-31259-7 .
  • Dilvish, the Damned , 1982.

Pol Detson (Wizard World)

Best Evil Deed, with Robert Sheckley

  • Vol. 1: Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming , 1991, German Brings me the head of the Prince Charming , Bastei-Lübbe, 1996, ISBN 3-404-20275-9 .
  • Vol. 2: If at Faust You Don't Succeed , 1993, German Who always dying endeavors , Bastei-Lübbe, 1996, ISBN 3-404-20293-7 .
  • Vol. 3: A Farce to be Reckoned With , 1995, German A play, devilishly evil and immoral , Bastei-Lübbe, 1998, ISBN 3-404-20325-9 .


A 10-part series by several SF and fantasy authors ...

  • Vol. 2: A Dark Traveling , also: A Dark Traveling , 1987.

Single novels

  • This Immortal , 1966, German Curse of Immortality , Pabel, 1973, without ISBN (Terra TB 227); und Fluch der Immortlichkeit , Goldmann, 1998, ISBN 3-442-25039-0 (extended version of the story … And Call Me Conrad from 1965, for which Zelazny received the Hugo Award )
  • The Dream Master , 1966, German Lord of Dreams , Pabel, 1976, without ISBN (Terra TB 270); and A game of dream and death , Bastei-Lübbe, 1986, ISBN 3-404-23052-3 (based on the story He who shapes from 1965)
  • Lord of Light , 1967, dt. Herr des Lichts , Heyne, 1976, ISBN 3-453-30390-3 ; and Herr des Lichts , Heyne, 1985, ISBN 3-453-31154-X .
  • Damnation Alley , 1969, Ger. Straße der Verdammnis , Heyne, 1972, without ISBN, later editions: ISBN 3-453-30437-3 ; and street of damnation , vgs, 1996, ISBN 3-8025-2437-3 .
  • Creatures of Light and Darkness , German gods from light and darkness , Bastei-Lübbe, 1981, ISBN 3-404-22033-1 .
  • Jack of Shadows , 1971, German Jack from the shadows , Heyne, 1982, ISBN 3-453-30824-7 .
  • Today We Choose Faces , 1973, German Today we choose faces , Heyne, 1975, ISBN 3-453-30350-4 .
  • Doorways in the Sand , 1975, German gates in the desert , Moewig, 1981, ISBN 3-8118-3525-4 .
  • Deus irae , with Philip K. Dick , 1976, Ger. Der Gott des Zorns , Bastei-Lübbe, 1979, ISBN 3-404-01125-2 .
  • Bridge of Ashes , 1976, German Die Aschenbrücke , Heyne, 1978, ISBN 3-453-30521-3 .
  • Roadmarks , 1979, German road to everywhere , Moewig, 1981, ISBN 3-8118-3542-4 .
  • with Fred Saberhagen : Coils. Wallaby Books, 1980, ISBN 0-671-44915-X . ( Ger . Die Hirnspirale. Bastei-Lübbe, 1987, ISBN 3-404-22099-4 : Donald Belpatri with memory loss and the special ability to overcome the boundary between thoughts and computers, tries to save his girlfriend from the hands of an unscrupulous company )
  • Eye of cat , 1982, German cat eye , Heyne, 1985, ISBN 3-453-31195-7 .
  • The Black Throne , with Fred Saberhagen , 1990
  • The Mask of Loki , with Thomas T. Thomas , 1990
  • Flare , with Thomas T. Thomas , 1992
  • A Night in the Lonesome October , 1993, German Der Clan der Magier , Heyne, 2001, ISBN 3-453-19633-3 .
  • Donnerjack , with Jane Lindskold , 1997
  • Psycho Shop , with Alfred Bester , 1998
  • Lord Demon , with Jane Lindskold , 1999

Short story collections

  • Four for Tomorrow , 1967.
  • A Rose for Ecclesiastes , 1969.
  • The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth and Other Stories , 1971, German shortened The doors of his face, the lamps of his mouth ... , König, 1973, ISBN 3-8082-0062-6 ; complete The doors of his face , Moewig, 1980, ISBN 3-8118-3505-X
  • Poems , 1974.
  • My Name Is Legion , 1976, German. My name is Legion , Bastei-Lübbe, 1980, ISBN 3-404-21133-2 .
  • The Illustrated Roger Zelazny , Byron Preuss Visual Publications Inc 1978, illustrated by Gray Morrow, ISBN 0-89437-014-6 is a book authorized by Roger Zelazny, which is half comic, half short story collection with the following contents: a) Shadowjack : comic- Prehistory to Jack out of the shadows , b) An Amber Tapestry , A Zelazny Tapestry of Doorways in the Sand and Damnation Alley : graphics for the respective books, c) A Rose For Ecclesiastes , The Furies : the whole story with many graphics: The Doors of his Face the Lamps of his Mouth : the whole story illustrated in black and white.
  • The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth and Other Stories , 1971, German shortened The doors of his face, the lamps of his mouth ... , König, 1973, ISBN 3-8082-0062-6 ; complete The doors of his face , Moewig, 1980, ISBN 3-8118-3505-X .
  • The Last Defender of Camelot , 1980.
  • When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed , 1980.
  • To Spin is Miracle Cat , 1981.
  • A Rhapsody in Amber , 1981.
  • Unicorn Variations , 1983.
  • Frost and Fire , 1989.
  • Elegy for Angel and Dogs / The Graveyard Heart , with Walter Jon Williams , 1990, German Das Friedhofsherz - ein Wendebuch , Heyne, 1993, ISBN 3-453-06609-X .
  • Hymn to the Sun An Imitation , 1996.
  • Manna from Heaven , DNA Publications and Wildside Press, 2003, ISBN 1-59224-199-9 contains all five Amber short stories, 15 other short stories of which 6 have never been published before: Godson , Manna from Heaven , Corrida , Prince of the Powers of this World , The Furies , The Deadliest Game , Kalifriki of the Thread , Come Back to the Killing Ground, Alice, My Love , Lady of Steel , Come to Me Not in Winter's white (with Harlan Ellison ) , The New Pleasure , The House of the Hanged Man , Epithalamium , The Last Inn on the Road (with Danny Plachta ) , Angel- Dark Angel , Six From Amber: Prologue From The Trumps of Doom , Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains , The Salesman's Tale , Coming to a Cord , Hall of Mirrors , the Shroudling and the Guisel


  • Nebula Awards Stories 3 , 1968, German ice pilots , Lichtenberg, 1971, ISBN 3-7852-2011-1 .
  • Forever After , 1995, German At the end of all fairy tales , 1996, ISBN 3-404-20297-X .
  • Wheel of Fortune , 1995.
  • Warriors of Blood and Dream , with Martin H. Greenberg , 1995
  • The Williamson Effect , 1996.


Short stories

  • Divine Madness appeared in Beyond All Dreams (1967)
    The story of a man whose time runs backwards until he can correct a mistake.
  • “Breath for Robots” (For a Breath I Tarry) appeared in “Science Fiction Stories 31” (Ullstein 1973) (World's Best Science Fiction 1967, ACE Books)
    How the robot Frost creates people again (a kind of modern Adam and Eve - History).
  • "Der Schläfer" (The Sleeper) appeared in "Wild Cards 1" (Heyne 1986)
    Croyd Crenson wakes up after every month of sleep as a new ace (mutant with desirable skills).
  • "Ashes to Ashes" appeared in "Wild Cards 3: Aces hoch!" (Heyne 1987)
    Croyd Crenson can now manipulate thoughts and chases after a corpse.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Locus Award Records and tallies. ( Memento of December 1, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Retrieved April 12, 2012.
  2. ^ Ohio Center for the Book at Cleveland Public Library
  3. ^ Homepage of the UB of Syracuse University
  4. biography on
  5. a b Afterword by Hans Joachim Alpers in: Roger Zelazny: Strasse nach Überallhin. Moewig, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-8118-3542-4 , pp. 235-237.
  6. See Wolfgang Jeschke (Ed.): The Science Fiction Year 1987 , Wilhelm Heyne Verlag Munich, ISBN 3-453-31365-8 , p. 636 f.
  7. This story can be found udT Das Biest in an SF anthology: Damon Knight , Ed .: Panne in der Hölle. SF stories. Translated by Hans Maeter . Nebula Award Stories, 1. Heyne TB 3344, Munich 1973, pp. 23-61 (1965). First edition without ISBN, later ISBN 3-453-30221-4