Rudolf Wittkopf

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Rudolf Wittkopf (born August 5, 1933 in Hamburg , † September 22, 1997 in Straelen ) was a German writer and translator .


After graduating from high school, Rudolf Wittkopf completed an acting training . In 1952 he stayed in Paris , where he a. a. made the acquaintance of René Char and Paul Celan . From 1952 to 1955 he was head of the Profile publishing house he founded in Wiesbaden-Schierstein , in which the literary magazine Profile. A series of publications for poetry, painting and music was published. From 1958 to 1960 Wittkopf worked at Limes Verlag in Wiesbaden and then lecturer at Karl Rauch Verlag in Düsseldorf . In 1961 he and his wife moved there Spain , where he worked in different places, u. a. based in Barcelona and Fornells in Menorca and worked as a freelance translator. In 1984 he returned to Germany and then lived in Straelen on the Lower Rhine , the place where a college of European translators was recently located.

Rudolf Wittkopf initially translated literary texts from English and French , later mainly from Spanish . He was the main German translator of the Latin American authors Julio Cortázar and Octavio Paz . He also published his own poems . These appeared around 1968 in the yearbook Speichen edited by Johannes Huebner , Lothar Klünner and Joachim Uhlmann , which was published in Berlin and had a “surrealist” focus.

For his translation achievements, Rudolf Wittkopf received the translation award from the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1984, the Johann Heinrich Voss award for translation from the German Academy for Language and Poetry in Darmstadt in 1987 and the posthumous translator award for literature from the Spanish embassy in Germany in 1999.


  • In anticipation of the arsonist , Offenbach / H. 1962
  • Promise , Offenbach / M. 1972
  • Loner , Frankfurt (M) [u. a.] 1981
  • Shepherd of Stones , Berlin 2002


  • Kaleidoscope , Frankfurt Main 1993


  • Guillaume Apollinaire : Die elftausend Ruten , Munich 1970 (translated together with Lothar Klünner )
  • Louis Aragon : Parisian Country Life , Munich 1969
  • Roger Bordier: Fields and Dreams , Hamburg 1964
  • Louis Calaferte : No man's land , Frankfurt a. M. 1966
  • Julio Cortázar : Everyone loves Glenda , Frankfurt am Main 1989
  • Julio Cortázar: Bestiarium , Frankfurt am Main 1979
  • Julio Cortázar: The secret weapons , Frankfurt am Main 1981
  • Julio Cortázar: Stories that I tell myself , Frankfurt am Main 1985
  • Julio Cortázar: A certain Lukas , Frankfurt am Main 1987
  • Julio Cortázar: Last round , Frankfurt am Main 1984
  • Julio Cortázar: The Observatory , Frankfurt am Main 1989
  • Julio Cortázar: Octahedron , Frankfurt am Main 1986
  • Julio Cortázar: Trade winds , Frankfurt am Main 1987
  • Julio Cortázar: Journey around the day in 80 worlds , Frankfurt am Main 1980
  • Julio Cortázar: Unzeiten , Frankfurt 1990
  • Julio Cortázar: The Persecutor , Frankfurt 1978 (translated together with Fritz Rudolf Fries and Wolfgang Promies )
  • Julio Cortázar: 62, model kit , Frankfurt 1993
  • Robert Desnos : The adventures of the privateer Sanglot , Munich 1973
  • Robert Desnos: Freedom or Love. Tiamat, Berlin 2018 (posthumous) detailed. Afterword by Klaus Bittermann
  • Federico García Lorca : Selected Theater Plays , Frankfurt 1991 (translated with Enrique Beck )
  • Federico García Lorca: Blood Wedding , Frankfurt am Main 1999
  • Federico García Lorca: Divan of the Tamarit. Sonnets of Dark Love , Frankfurt am Main 1986 (translated with Lothar Klünner )
  • Federico García Lorca: Untitled Comedy , Frankfurt am Main 1985
  • Federico García Lorca: The audience. Untitled comedy , Frankfurt / Main 1986
  • Allen Ginsberg : Das Geheul and other poems , Wiesbaden 1959 (translated together with Wolfgang Fleischmann)
  • Ramón Gómez de la Serna : Greguerías , Straelen 1986
  • José Gorostiza : Endless Death , Aachen 1995 (translated together with Lothar Klünner)
  • Thomas Ernst Hulme: Comments on Language and Style , Berlin 1962 (translated together with David John Marshall)
  • Pierre-François Lacenaire : Memoirs of a rascal , Berlin 1982
  • Michel Leiris : Aurora , Munich 1979
  • André Masson : An Art of the Essence , Wiesbaden 1961 (translated together with Flora Klee and Philipp Klee)
  • Jean-Jacques Mayoux : Joyce , Frankfurt a. M. 1967
  • Juan Carlos Onetti : When it is no longer important , Frankfurt am Main 1996
  • Octavio Paz : Eagle or Sun? , Frankfurt am Main 1991
  • Octavio Paz: The Other Voice , Frankfurt am Main 1994
  • Octavio Paz: The Other Time of Poetry , Frankfurt am Main 1989
  • Octavio Paz: The bow and the lyre , Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1983, ISBN 3-518-04523-7 .
  • Octavio Paz: The double flame , Frankfurt am Main 1995
  • Octavio Paz: Essays . 2 vols. Frankfurt 1979
  • Octavio Paz: The five-armed Delta , Frankfurt am Main 2000 (translated together with Fritz Vogelgsang )
  • Octavio Paz: In the Light of India , Frankfurt am Main 1997
  • Octavio Paz: In me the tree , Frankfurt am Main 1990
  • Octavio Paz: Itinerarium , Frankfurt am Main 1996
  • Octavio Paz: The philanthropic ogre , Frankfurt am Main 1981 (translated together with Carl Heupel)
  • Octavio Paz: Naked Apparition , Berlin 1987
  • Octavio Paz: The linguistic monkey , Frankfurt am Main 1982 (translated together with Anselm Maler and Maria Antonia Alonso-Maler)
  • Octavio Paz: Connections - Separations , Frankfurt am Main 1984 (translated together with Elke Wehr )
  • Octavio Paz: Vrindavan and other poems from the east , Frankfurt am Main 1994 (translated together with Fritz Vogelgsang)
  • Octavio Paz: Dialogue , Frankfurt am Main 1984 (translated together with Elke Wehr)
  • Pedro Salinas : Poems, Frankfurt 1990
  • Danielle Sarréra : Arsenic Blossoms , Munich 1978
  • Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein : No heart that has loved more . Frankfurt 1971

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reference in the catalog of the German National Library.
  2. Johann Thun: The circle around the yearbook “Spokes” as a mediator of Surrealism in Germany. In: Karina Schuller, Isabel Fischer (Eds.): "The Surrealism in Germany (?)". Interdisciplinary Studies . Scientific publications of the WWU Münster, Münster 2017, ISBN 3-8405-0149-0 .
  3. Afterword again in "Dschungel", supplement to jungle world , 12, 2018, pp. 18-23