Southern Weinviertel

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The southern Weinviertel is a small region in the city triangle Vienna - Brno - Pressburg about 20 km northeast of the Vienna city limits.

It extends over the territory of the municipalities of Auersthal , Bad Pirawarth , Ebenthal , Gaweinstal , Groß-Schweinbarth , Hohenruppersdorf , Matzen-Raggendorf , Prottes , Schönkirchen-Reyersdorf , Spannberg , Sulz im Weinviertel , Velm-Götzendorf and Zistersdorf, belonging to the districts of Mistelbach and Gänserndorf .

The region is accessed by the S-Bahn , the Nord Autobahn and the Marchfeld expressway .


In Vienna's “ bacon belt ”, especially in the well-developed municipalities, forecasts predict a sometimes strong increase in population and thus an ever increasing use of space . From 2010 to 2012, the municipalities of the southern Weinviertel region decided to coordinate their development plans in the area of ​​spatial planning. In order to be able to react to these challenges in a timely manner, it was necessary to develop a forward-looking strategy, the development and implementation of which is supported by the Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Department of the Lower Austrian State Government .

The project is supported and administered by the regional development association Südliches Weinviertel, founded in 2003.

The most important projects (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Framework concept on the Südliches Weinviertel website , accessed on March 28, 2016
  2. ^ The association on the Südliches Weinviertel website , accessed on March 28, 2016