Samuel Cuénoud

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Samuel Cuénoud (born January 18, 1838 in Lausanne , † September 3, 1912 there , entitled to live in Lausanne) was a Swiss politician ( FDP ).


Cuénoud graduated as a construction engineer and was from 1957 to 1875 mathematics professor at the École moyenne (later École industrial ) and the Lausanne Academy . He was then director of the cantonal hospital from 1875 to 1882 and later worked for the Union vaudoise du crédit .

As president of the FDP Lausanne he was from 1859 to 1882 in the municipal council of Lausanne and from 1882 to 1897 city ​​president . Urban development advanced strongly during this time. He played a key role in transforming the Lausanne Academy into a university in 1890. From 1882 to 1905 he was a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Vaud and in 1884 was a member of the Constitutional Council. The people of Vaud elected him to the National Council in 1882 , but left in 1884.

Cuénoud was also a member and president of numerous non-profit associations .

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