So it was SO 36

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Original title So it was SO 36
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1984
length 90 minutes
Director Manfred O. Jelinski, Jörg Buttgereit (co-directors)
production Marcel Vitesse
camera Michael Becker, Uwe Bohrer, Detlef Skibbe, Verena Wolff
cut Manfred O. Jelinski

So was SO 36 or So was SO 36 - An Evening of Nostalgia is a German documentary by filmmakers Manfred O. Jelinski and Jörg Buttgereit about the music club and venue SO36 from 1980 to 1984. In addition to a scenic framework and interviews with contemporary witnesses , there are concert excerpts from musicians, bands and artists from the Berlin underground of the early 80s such as u. a. Concrete Combo , The Einstürzenden Neubauten , The Deadly Doris , The Real Heino and Malaria! to see.

The film was on October 6, 1984 at Berlin's Front Theater premiered . It then celebrated its festival premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1985 as part of the International Forum of Young Films program section . So was SO 36 appeared in 1996 as a purchase video on VHS.


Between a humorous, black-and-white framework, which partly consists of old film recordings, interviews with contemporary witnesses such as the Turkish-born operators of SO36 , visitors and musicians such as Piers Headley or the radio journalist Peter Radszuhn and concert recordings are interspersed. Among other things, anecdotes, impressions and concert experiences from the SO36 will be reproduced in the discussions. The statements of contemporary witnesses are occasionally commented ironically or amusingly by inserting text.

In addition, there are many live performances by artists, bands and musicians from the Berlin avant-garde , post-punk and punk areas and the genius dilletantes who were at the time some of the forerunners of the popular NDW . During live recordings , the camera is always close to the action, directly in front of the stage or in the middle of the screaming, jostling, pogo- dancing and occasionally beer cans-throwing audience.

Some of the groups and artists featured in the film have gained national and international fame today and were still in their early days. You can see the early Einstürzende Neubauten or the punk band Soilent Grün , whose members Bela B and Farin Urlaub later founded Die Ärzte , or how Hussi Kutlucan was active as a director and actor. Or the author, artist and musician Wolfgang Müller with his group Die Tödliche Doris and the author, director and film critic Jörg Buttgereit (co-director of So war das SO 36 ) on stage with friends in a parody of the American band Kiss .

Production and Background

Manfred O. Jelinski had started on his own initiative in 1980 to film the punk and new wave concerts on Super 8 at SO36 . Some time later, the filmmaker Jörg Buttgereit joined the Super 8 long-term project. After So was the SO 36 was presented on October 6, 1984 in the Berlin Front Cinema , Jelinski and Buttgereit then showed a first variant of the film in 1985 at the Forum of Young Films at the Berlinale . In 1996 the work was released as a VHS purchase video with a running time of around 90 minutes.


The press reviews on the film were very positive.

The Tagesspiegel sees the film as an “interesting” and “entertaining piece of music history”. And the Berlin city magazine tip thinks the film is “worth seeing” and writes about it: “The only documentary about the Kreuzherg punk and underground scene. A mixture of document and real satire: ... 50 ways to get to the concert for free, filmed with SUPER 8 - infrared cameras, KISS parodies and the biggest West Berlin beer can battles, easy listening with the true Heino, Rockpalast presenter Albrecht Metzger sits pensive in the allotment garden and the emaciated Blixa Bargeld yells: 'Eat my meat!' "

The Berliner Morgenpost also praised the film and called it “a loving documentary” and went on to write “weird like the SO 36 itself. 'If you wanted to know what new groups were up to, you had to go to the ESSO,' recalls one Music critic. "

The Berlinale observes the following: “The graininess of the highly sensitive material in the pogo tumble, flying beer cans in the colorful stage fog, smoke, sweat and condensation on the walls. The cameras close to the action, in the midst of the dancing, screaming and pressing spectators or on the stage next to drums, guitar and black leather boots. "

And the daily newspaper is mainly devoted to the performances of some musicians, “There the torn Blixa cash grumbles, FM Einheit knocks steel plates soft, and at ZIGGY XY Dr. MOTTE on the bass. Even the waver look cute: Johnny from SYSTEM wears round glasses and sings about tourists at Ku'dumm as if he were at Clash ... "and states that" the effect of the recordings is amazing "and" a ready-made made of authentic material " be.

In its review of the film, the youth magazine Bravo goes into the band Die Ärzte . Jan Vetter (Farin Urlaub) and Dirk Felsenheimer (Bela B.) are behind SOYLENT GRÜN. The 90 minute video SO WAR DAS SO 36 is probably the only documentary about this time by the later DOCTORS. "

useful information

  • Another title of the film is So War Das essosexundreissig .
  • The cover of the purchase video for the film reads released from 30 years .
  • During the filming in SO36, Uwe Bohrer, one of the cameramen, was shot out of the face by a young man with an almost full beer can.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on So was SO 36 on the Berlinale website
  2. So was the SO 36 at Discogs (English).
  3. a b Berlinzulage - film series for the exhibition. In:
  4. a b c d e f That was SO 36 - An evening of nostalgia. In: Filmwerkschau.