Solar eclipse of October 7, 2135

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Solar eclipse of October 7, 2135
Type Total
area Africa , Europe , Asia
Total: Europe , Asia Minor , Middle East , Indonesia
Saros cycle 136 (44 of 71)
Gamma value 0.4884
Greatest eclipse
Duration 4 minutes 50 seconds
place Oman
location 20 ° 18 ′  N , 57 ° 36 ′  E Coordinates: 20 ° 18 ′  N , 57 ° 36 ′  E
time October 7, 2135 09:00:03   UT
size 1.0603

The total solar eclipse of October 7, 2135 takes place mostly over Europe , Africa and Asia as well as the Indian Ocean . It is the Exeligmos successor to the solar eclipse of September 3, 2081 , the central zone of which crosses southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The maximum of the eclipse is in Oman about 50 km north of the city of Duqm ; the duration of totality there is 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

The darkness belongs to the Saros cycle 136.

For the first time since the solar eclipse on June 6, 1406 , northwestern Germany is crossed again by the umbra of the moon. After just under 7 years, the eclipse of May 25, 2142 , the lunar shadow crossed northwest Germany again.

This eclipse is one of a series of eight central eclipses in the German-speaking area within only 76 years (2075–2151).


The eclipse begins over the North Atlantic with sunrise. The umbra reaches the mainland for the first time in Scotland . It crosses Great Britain and also sweeps the northernmost part of England before reaching the North Sea . With the Netherlands and Germany , the umbra also reaches mainland Europe. This moves in a south-easterly direction over Germany (where a maximum total duration of about 3 minutes is reached) then parallel to the Czech - Polish border via Slovenia , the extreme east of Hungary , or the extreme west of the Ukraine via Romania to the Black Sea . The moon's shadow reaches Asia and crosses Turkey , the far east of Syria , Iraq and adjacent parts of Iran , Kuwait and then reaches the Persian Gulf . In the Arabian Peninsula , the states of Qatar , United Arab Emirates , Saudi Arabia and Oman are touched by the umbra of the moon before the path of totality reaches the Indian Ocean . The northernmost parts of the Maldives are covered by the umbra of the moon, before the Indonesian island state is reached in the evening . Here, in addition to several smaller islands, Sumatra is first swept over and then Borneo is reached, where the darkness ends at sunset. A small part of Malaysia can barely experience this darkness.

For this eclipse, there are clearly local differences in the calculation of the concrete course of the totality zone due to the significantly different assumptions of the Delta T (NASA: 209.6s, Calsky: 89.1s) of 120.5s.

Places in the totality zone

The following places are very safely within the totality zone: Glasgow , Edinburgh , Groningen , Essen , Bremen , Hamburg (only southern districts), Hanover , Hildesheim , Halle , Magdeburg , Leipzig , Potsdam , Görlitz , Breslau , Kattowitz , Diyarbakır , Baghdad , Basra , Kuwait , Doha , Pekanbaru , Batan .

Visibility in German-speaking countries

Outside the totality zone, the darkness is visible as a very deep partial darkness.


  1. The eight eclipses between 2075 and 2151 are: The annular solar eclipse of July 13, 2075 , the total solar eclipse of September 3, 2081 , the annular solar eclipse of February 27, 2082 , the annular solar eclipse of July 23, 2093 , the total solar eclipse of October 7, 2135, the total solar eclipse of May 25, 2142 , the annular solar eclipse of March 12, 2146, and the total solar eclipse of June 14, 2151 . The solar eclipse of September 23, 2090 ends just outside the German-speaking area and therefore does not count.

Individual evidence

  1. NASA: Besselian Elements for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2135 October 07
  2. CalSky: Local course of the solar eclipse - Friday, October 7, 2135 (possibly select location and click on solar eclipse )

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