Master list of the forest masters of Gelnhausen

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Coat of arms of the forest master of Gelnhausen

Humbracht and the Forstmeisterische family tradition begin with Lukas and his son Hans Forstmeister von Gelnhausen the direct and secure line of the forest masters von Gelnhausen in the 14th century. This tribe was divided into two main tribes right from the start: The descendants of Anselm Forstmeister von Gelnhausen died out in the 15th century. The lineage of his brother Hector continued to flourish and Gerhard Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, bailiff in Otzberg, emerged from it. Here the family is again divided into two younger lines, that of Philipp Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, which soon expired, and that of Martin Forstmeister von Gelnhausen. He was the progenitor of two main lines, based on his sons Caspar and Balthasar Forstmeister von Gelnhausen. The Casparian line is initially Catholic and later became Protestant. The Balthasar line was first Protestant and later Catholic. This is where Karl Friedrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen comes from .

In the 19th and 20th centuries, as a result of an assumption by Heinrich Reimer, the hypothesis came about that a Dietz Mulich von Aufenau was the progenitor of the forester von Gelnhausen. Walter Möller followed this assumption in his family tables of West German noble families. This master list from Möller contains mix-ups with the master chefs from Gelnhausen. Because the lineage to Dietz Mulich von Aufenau was a theoretical working hypothesis, the following genealogy begins with NN (Lukas) Forstmeister von Gelnhausen.

Older genealogy without connection

Forest master master list according to Möller (1936)


  1. Heinrich, mentioned 1239–1252
    1. Heinrich the Elder (also: Heine, Heilmannus), mentioned 1272–1302
      1. Heilmann the Younger, mentioned 1301–1302
        1. Heinrich, forester of Gelnhausen , Burgmann of the Palatinate Gelnhausen ; † 1354 without descendants
        2. ? Friedrich, forest master of Gelnhausen, mentioned 1343–1354, in 1354 enfeoffed by King Charles IV with the castle fief that became vacant through the death of his brother , 1356 forest master of the Büdinger Forest ; † before 1360 ⚭ Agnes von Bellersheim
          1. Johann, 1360 Burgmann of the Palatinate Gelnhausen and forester of Gelnhausen, mentioned 1360–1393 ⚭ Stytzele, without descendants
  2. Erpho (II.) Forester von Gelnhausen, Ritter , mentioned 1264–1267
    1. Family of the Erphe von Gelnhausen

Tribe list

Humbracht sometimes only mentions family names based on his sources (ancestral samples, coats of arms on grave monuments). The first names in brackets reflect the family tradition. As a result, there are slight uncertainties with first names. The derivation by family name is unaffected.

Older genealogy according to Humbracht

  • NN (Lukas) forester von Gelnhausen, 1300
    • NN (Hans) forester von Gelnhausen; ⚭ Anna von Bellersheim, daughter of Friedrich von Bellersheim and the NN Krieg von Altheim
      • Anselm Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, ancestor of a line that died out in the 15th century
      • NN (Hector) forester von Gelnhausen, 1362; ⚭ Magdalena von Hutten zu Stoltzenberg, daughter of Ludwig von Hutten
        • NN (Lukas or Henne) forester von Gelnhausen, documented 1405–1438; ⚭ Elisabeth von Fechenbach , daughter of Conrad von Fechenbach and Anna von Rosenberg
          • ? Anna, first documented mention 1432–1455; ⚭ I. Hen Fußchin von Ortenberg ; ⚭ II. Eberhard Swende von Weinheim
          • Gerhard Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, first documented mention 1429–1466, electoral Palatinate bailiff in Otzberg 1437–1444, 1465 Reichsforstmeister in Büdinger Wald; ⚭ Agnes Kreiß von Lindenfels († 1449?), Daughter of Bernhard Kreiß von Lindenfels and Guta Wolf von Spanheim
            • Wilhelm, 1466 Reichsforstmeister in the Büdinger Forest, mayor of Gelnhausen; ⚭ Elisabeth (Liese) von Trohe.
              • Johann
            • Philipp († September 25, 1512), documented from 1466, Vogt of Heidelberg , buried in Weinheim an der Bergstrasse; ⚭ Elisabeth (Lisa) von Frankenstein .
              • Johann (Hans) († before 1544), at Waldeck Castle , Kurpfälz. Chamberlain, first documented mention 1492–1530; ⚭ 1530 Guta (Jutta) from Carbene
              • Gerhard Forstmeister von Gelnhausen († September 5, 1509), documented from 1497; ⚭ Maria von Langen
              • Dorothea († August 10, 1517), first documented mention from 1486; ⚭ Ulrich Ulner von Dieburg († November 7, 1515), buried in Weinheim an der Bergstrasse
              • Margarethe; ⚭ Gelrich von Nackheim
            • Dorothea, clergyman
            • Agnes (1448 - February 18, 1518); ⚭ Wigand von Dienheim († December 17, 1521)
            • Margarethe († 1473); ⚭ Johann (Hans) von Hutten zu Stolzenberg († 1504) on Salmünster and Hausen.
            • Martin Forstmeister von Gelnhausen († 1474),…; ⚭ Agnes von Cleen , daughter of Reinhard and Juliana von Carben.

Balthazar line

  • Balthasar Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, mentioned 1463–1503, Reichsforstmeister in Büdinger Wald (sold), district judge and bailiff in the open court, from 1484 burgrave of the Palatinate Gelnhausen; ⚭ I. Else Krieg von Altheim , daughter of Rudolph Krieg von Altheim and NN von Sickingen , widow of Heilmann von Bellersheim and mother of Margarethe von Bellersheim, wife of her brother-in-law Caspar; ⚭ II. Anna von Rüdigheim , mentioned 1500
    • Martin
    • Jacob
    • Werner († Mainz 1542), Knight of the Teutonic Order, Landkomtur of Koblenz and Cologne
    • Baltzer
    • Stephan, 1537
    • Agnes; ⚭ (marriage contract) March 8, 1494 Georg von Bicken, Herr zum Hayn (at Hainchen Castle ).
    • Magdalena
    • Friedrich; ⚭ Anna von Spale, daughter of the NN von Spale and the NN Weiss von Feuerbach
      • Hector; ⚭ Maria Jacobe Groschlag von Dieburg, daughter of Heinrich Groschlag von Dieburg and Katharina von Obentraut
        • Maria Eva; ⚭ Johann Eberhard von Carben, son of Wilhelm von Carben and Lucia Brendel von Homburg
        • Luke; ⚭ Maria Catharina von Fechenbach, daughter of Philip Jörg von Fechenbach and Elisabeth Brendel von Homburg
          • Philipp Reichard; ⚭ Anna Elisabeth von Lautern, daughter of Wilhelm von Lautern and the NN von Guntzenroth
            • Catharina; ⚭ Ernst Conrad Forest Master von Gelnhausen (1605 / 6–1639?), Documented in 1611, Ganerbe in 1634 and master builder at Lindheim Castle , see Casparian Line
            • Johann Friedrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen († 1681/82); ⚭ Margarethe Clara Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, daughter of Lucas Heinrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen and Ursula Catharina von Franckenstein
              • Johann Philipp Friedrich (posthumously) (* Gelnhausen Castle  ??. September 1682; † Hausen Castle October 6, 1740), 1695–1699 alumnus of the papal seminary in Fulda, Kurmainz. Chamberlain and Real Privy Councilor, Kurmainz. Oberamtmann in Hausen, Salmünster, Orb, Aufenau, Neudorf, Joßgrund and Burgjoss, 1706 Burgmann, later director and oldest regimental master builder of the Reichsburg Gelnhausen, Mittelrh. Council of knights; ⚭ Salmünster February 2, 1717 Anna Elisabeth Margarethe von Schleifras (* May 10, 1704, † .. March 1770), niece of Adalbert von Schleifras
                • Maria Magdalena Elisabeth (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster May 30, 1719; † January 30, 1722)
                • Franz Ludwig Joseph (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster September 8, 1721; † Kinzighausen Castle April 3, 1763), 1738 stud. jur. in Fulda, 1740 Kurpfälz. Captain of the Swiss Guard, 1741 Kurpfälz. Chamberlain of Mannheim, 1745 Kurköln. Chamberlain, 1751 Burgmann in Gelnhausen, director and master builder of Gelnhausen Castle; ⚭ I. August 14, 1746 Marie Adolphine Freiin von Reuschenberg (* March 16, 1719; † Cologne July 20, 1752), canoness in Susteren (resigned August 1, 1746), daughter of Jobst Edmund Freiherr von Reuschenberg and Maria Clara Freiin von Viermund; ⚭ II. Gehaus January 12, 1757 Marie Magdalene Freiin von Boyneburg-Lengsfeld
                  • Carl Franz Ferdinand Christian Joseph (* July 8, 1747; † 1787), on Kinzighausen, Aufenau, Neuendorf [= Neudorf], Steinach and Neuernburg, Kurmainz. Chamberlain, Court Councilor and Judge, Burgmann in Gelnhausen; ⚭ June 1, 1775 Caroline Franziska Theresia Freiin von Steinen (1747–1806), canoness in Münsterbilsen (resigned May 30, 1775)
                    • 2 daughters: † young
                • Maximiliane Juliane Philippine (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster February 2, 1722; † April 25, 1742), canoness in Hohenfeld (resigned); ⚭ Salmünster 1741 Franz Lothar Freiherr von Mairhofen († 1794), on Aulenbach , Burgmann in Hobach (Heubach?), Kurmainz. Treasurer, councilor and senior bailiff in Klingenberg am Main
                • Damian Wilhelm Forstmeister von Gelnhausen (* Schloss Hausen January 10th ?? ~ Salmünster January 13th 1723; † Paderborn June 5th, 1802, □ Cathedral cloister), Kurmainz. Privy councilor, canon in Fritzlar, canon in Paderborn and Minden
                • Christoph Franz Ludwig Melchior (* Hausen Castle, ~ Salmünster April 11, 1725; † Hausen Castle July 20, 1725)
                • Adolf Adalbert Benedikt (* Hausen Castle, ~ Salmünster July 2, 1726; † Hausen Castle May 25, 1730)
                • Maria Anna Clara Elisabeth Wilhelmine (* Hausen Castle, ~ Salmünster June 6, 1727; † Hausen Castle April 10, 1728)
                • Maria Ludowika (Louise) Karoline Christine Ursula (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster October 23, 1728; † 1775), 1740 canon in Schwarzrheindorf (resigned); ⚭ Heldenbergen July 28, 1744 Johann Konstantin von Hattstein (* Fulda August 7, 1719, † October 5, 1767), Kurtrier. Chamberlain, Burgmann, senior builder and director of the imperial castle Gelnhausen, 1744 Hofrat in Fulda
                • Karl Friedrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster 7 April 1731; † Schloss Altshausen January 1, 1814), Kurköln. Minister of State and Conference, Oberhofmeister, Lieutenant General, 1803–1806 last Landkomtur of the Teutonic Order - Balleien Koblenz and Swabia-Alsace-Burgundy
                • Magdalena Elisabeth Josepha (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster November 1, 1733; † Schloss Rösberg ? 1766), 1740 canon in Gerresheim (resigned), applied in 1750 for a preamble to the women's monastery in Neuenheerse; ⚭ Rösberg March 19, 1762 Clemens August Freiherr von Weichs (* Cologne June 26, 1732; † June 9, 1809), Kurköln. Minister of State
                • Hugo Philipp Franz Marian (* Schloss Hausen, ~ Salmünster February 9, 1736; † 1797), Kurköln. Chamberlain and Lieutenant Colonel of the Life Guard
              • ?Maria; ⚭ NN from Saalfeld
              • Anna Philippine († 1717); ⚭ February 2, 1699 Damian Hartard von Hattstein (1676–1751), First Lieutenant, Privy Councilor, Chief Stable Master, Commander of the Life Guard and Landobrist in Fulda

Casparian line

  • Caspar Forstmeister von Gelnhausen († June 10, 1496), mentioned from 1463; ⚭ Margarethe von Bellersheim; † October 25, 1528, daughter of Heilmann von Bellersheim and Else Krieg von Altheim, who as the wife of her husband's brother, Balthasar, also became her sister-in-law
    • Sebastian (Bastian) († June 27, 1533), documented from 1496, 1522 bailiff in Amöneburg, 1528 bailiff in Babenhausen; ⚭? Guta Rau von Holzhausen
    • Rudolf († 1542), 1526 canon of St. Alban in Mainz, chronicler (copy book of Rudolf Forstmeister von Gelnhausen) and publicist (Responsoria Moguntina)
    • Anna, mentioned 1496–1528 ⚭ Philipp Löw von Steinfurt
    • Achatz (Achatius) († before 1547), mentioned 1496–1545; ⚭ Klara von Rüdigheim, daughter of Bernhard von Rüdigheim and Anna von Düdelsheim
      • Lukas († 1569), documented from 1551 (underage); ⚭ Margarethe von Mörle called Boehm
      • Johann (Hans) († 1572), mentioned from 1550 (underage); ⚭ Apollonia Groschlag von Dieburg, daughter of Heinrich Groschlag von Dieburg and Katharina von Obentraut
        • Sebastian, first documented mention 1572–1604; ⚭ Anna Maria von Lautern
        • Lukas († April 2, 1614), Burgrave of Gelnhausen; ⚭ I. 1586 Kunigunde von Schwalbach , documented mention 1591–1593; ⚭ II. February 10, 1598 Anna Maria von Rosenbach (* March 28, 1567; † 1614), daughter of Dietrich von Rosenbach and Walburga von Karsbach
          • 6 sons, 1 daughter † without offspring
          • Ernst Konrad (1605 / 6–1639?), First documented mention 1611, 1634 Ganerbe and master builder at Lindheim Castle; ⚭ Katharina Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, daughter of Philipp Reichard Forstmeister von Gelnhausen, see Balthasar line
            • Anna Margarethe; ⚭ Eberhard von Hoengen called Wassenberg
            • Lucas Heinrich (1608–1657), 1655 Burgrave of Gelnhausen, Hochfstl. fuld. Council, Oberschultheiß and Vizedom in Fulda; ⚭ Ursula Katharina von Franckenstein (* Franckenstein Castle 1606, †…), sister of Johann Karl von Franckenstein .
              • Philipp Bendedikt Forest Master of Gelnhausen (1650–1716), German and Grand Master, Land Commander of the Teutonic Order in Franconia
              • ? Anna Margarethe (* around 1638 † July 26, 1721), nun, master of the Altenberg monastery
              • Anna Ursula; ⚭ Heinrich Philipp Jakob von Heddersdorff , 1666 Kurmainz. Lieutenant Colonel, Fstbfl. würzburg. Oberamtmann for (Wald-) Aschach
              • Margarethe Clara; ⚭ Johann Friedrich Forester von Gelnhausen, see Balthasar line
              • Anna Sophie; ⚭ Johann (Hans) Christoph von Rotenhan
              • Johann Philipp Joachim (February 27, 1648; † Kinzighausen Castle April 14, 1681, □ Aufenau), 1659/60 Papal Seminary in Fulda, 1660 Domicellar, 1664/65 attendance of the logic class in Fulda, 1662 Canon in Bamberg and 1674 Canon in Würzburg (resigned), sells his patronage rights to the sons of Johann Heinrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen on March 3, 1680; ⚭ (around 1674) Anna Amalia Gremp von Freudenstein (* Wächtersbach August 22, 1654; † after 1681), daughter of Ludwig Gremp von Freudenstein and Margarethe Magdalena Hund von Wenkheim
                • Anna Katharina († 1725); ⚭ Johann Wilhelm von Radenhausen, Burgmann and Kurmainz. Bailiff in Amöneburg, Fstl. fuld. Chamberlain, councilor and bailiff in Borckhausen
                • Wilhelm Friedrich Siegmund, 1697 stud. jur. in Tübingen, temporarily guardian of the six children of the deceased Kgl. prussia. Legation Councilor August Friedrich Petersen von Greiffenberg; ⚭ Sybilla Franziska Magdalena von Praunheim , niece of Johanna Eleonore Petersen
                • Philipp Franz († 1738), at Lauterbach farm (1718), Lfgfl. hess.-gutmst. Chamberlain and chief miner of the mountain freedom Thalitter , Hochfstl. hess.-cassel. Council, Gfl. schaumburg. Advocatus fisci and Land Commissioner in Rinteln on the Weser; ⚭ I. Johannette Fabrice von Westerfeld (dead in 1719); ⚭ II. 1719/20 Charlotte von Westernhagen († 1761)
                  • Amalie Philippine (1705-1706)
                  • Sophie Philippine Wilhelmine (1707-1738); ⚭ 1726 Johann Philipp von Westernhagen (1702–1783)
                  • Anna Sophie Friederike (1716–1744); ⚭ 1739 Johann Adolf Schmidt (1709–1747), founder and owner of the deer pharmacy in Korbach, son of Eberhard Schmidt and Anna Maria Varnhagen
                    • Theodor Schmidt (* Korbach October 26, 1739; † ibid. 1741)
                    • Dorothea Eleonore Philippine Schmidt (* Korbach October 26, 1739; † ibid. 1739), twin sister of the previous one
                    • Franz Adolf Gottfried Schmidt (* Korbach October 16, 1740; † Trier or Ulm around 1811), 1766 Hzgl. Zweibrück. Bereiter, 1768 Second Hzgl. Zweibrück. Stallmeister, 1769 Hzgl. Zweibrück. Stable master, 1786 Hzgl. Zweibrück. Council, police cash register and hospital master; without descendants, his sister was the sole heir:
                    • Marie Christiane Schmidt (* Korbach April 29, 1743; † Trier after 1811); ⚭ I. Johann Gottfried Speirmann (* Twiste June 10, 1722; † Korbach April 19, 1769), government advocate and city secretary in Arolsen, 1759–1769 vice rector at the grammar school in Korbach; ⚭ II. Korbach February 26, 1773 Carl Franz Halberstadt († lost on a trip to America before 1792), 1768 stud. jur. in Göttingen, registered in Marburg in 1770, secretary and legal scholar. Parents of the educationalist Wilhelmine Halberstadt
                  • Karoline Wilhelmine (1720–1795), cat breeder at Lauterbach farm, known as "the cat fever", waived the Lauterbach estate in favor of her sister Luise Katharina in exchange for a seat and needle money
                  • Luise Katharina (1724–1793), universal heir, sold Hof Lauterbach to her brother-in-law in 1787, Ldgfl. hess. Lieutenant Wilhelm Ernst Eigenbrodt († 1806), who had previously administered the estate; ⚭ 1768 Reinhard Daniel Eigenbrodt (1729–1799), notary, land commissioner and senior judge
                  • Franz Wilhelm (⚔ Bergen-op-Zoom 1747)
                  • Johann Philipp (⚔ Bergen-op-Zoom 1747), cadet
                  • Friedrich Reinhard († 1744 at the Darmstädter Hof)
                  • Ernestine Beate (1728–1821), lady-in-waiting of the Duchess of Braunschweig, last of her tribe ; ⚭ 1754 Hans Adam von Schwartzkoppen (1715–1760), Hzgl. brown-black Chief captain
                  • Henriette († 1814); ⚭ Moritz Freiherr von Imhoff (1730–1800), Majorate Lord von Hohenstein

Younger family

Hypothesis according to Reimer and Möller (1936)

NN Mulich von Aufenau ⚭ NN von Karsbach .

  1. Bertold (Tolde) († September 23, 1380), documented in 1357, canon of the St. Peter and Alexander monastery in Aschaffenburg .
  2. Dietrich (Ditzel), Knight, in records from 1357 to 1397, since May 12, 1360 forester of the forest Büdinger, 1376 bailiff to Wächtersbach ; ⚭ INN; ⚭ II. Grede kitchen master (from Fulda ), mentioned 1394–1436, widow of Henne Eschbach . Children, first marriage:
    1. Volprecht († before 1429), mentioned 1385-1420.
      1. Martin († 1461), mentioned from 1422, 1438 Vice Cathedral at St. Peter and Alexander Abbey in Aschaffenburg.
        1. Balthasar Forstmeister von Gelnhausen , mentioned 1463–1503, district judge and bailiff in the open court, from 1484 burgrave of the Palatinate Gelnhausen, sells the forester's office ⚭ I. Else Krieg von Altheim , daughter of Rudolph Krieg von Altheim and N. von Sickingen , widow of Heilmann von Bellersheim and mother of Margarethe von Bellersheim, wife of her brother-in-law Caspar; ⚭ II. Anna von Rüdigheim , mentioned 1500.
          1. Jakob (from his first marriage), documented in 1489, Burgmann of Friedberg Castle .
          2. Martin (from his first marriage) († August 2, 1537), documented from 1491, Burgmann of Friedberg Castle.
          3. Werner (from his second marriage), documented mention 1537–1542, Commander of the Teutonic Order in Koblenz .
          4. Friedrich (from second marriage) († before 1524), documented in 1504; ⚭ Anna von Spale ( Spoli ), first documented mention 1524.
            1. Hector († 1565), first documented mention from 1539; ⚭ Marie Jacobe Groschlag von Dieburg , daughter of Heinrich Groschlag von Dieburg and Katarina von Obentraut .
              1. Philipp, first documented mention 1569.
              2. Luke († February 26, 1599); ⚭ Maria Katharina von Fechenbach .
                1. Descendants see line II: 1814 with Karl Friedrich Forstmeister von Gelnhausen in the male line extinguished.
              3. Maria Eva ⚭ Johann Eberhard von Carben .
          5. Stephan, mentioned 1521-1537; † before 1539 ⚭ Elsbeth von Thüngen .
          6. Agnes ⚭ Georg von Bicken .
        2. Elisabeth ⚭ Philipp von Hohenstein .
        3. Caspar, mentioned from 1463; † June 10, 1496 ⚭ Margarethe von Bellersheim; † October 25, 1528, daughter of Heilmann von Bellersheim and Else Krieg von Altheim, who as the wife of her husband's brother, Balthasar, also became her sister-in-law.
          1. Cecilie, mentioned 1496–1528 ⚭ Ludwig Löw von Steinfurth .
          2. Anna († before 1528), first documented mention 1496; ⚭ Georg von Hohenstein called the devil .
          3. Else († before 1528), mentioned from 1496; ⚭ Hermann von Carben.
          4. Sebastian († June 27, 1533), mentioned from 1496, bailiff of Amöneburg ⚭ Guta Rau zu Holzhausen .
            1. several children who died before the father.
            2. Daughter, died shortly after the father.
          5. Rudolf († 1542), documented from 1496, clergyman at St. Alban in Mainz.
          6. Margarethe († before 1528), documented as of 1496, nun in the Patershausen monastery .
          7. Achatius († before 1547), mentioned 1496–1545; ⚭ Klara von Rödelheim , daughter of Bernhard von Rödelheim and Anna von Düdelsheim .
            1. Katharina, still a minor in 1551 .
            2. Hans († 1572), mentioned from 1550 (underage); ⚭ Apollonia Groschlag von Dieburg, daughter of Heinrich Groschlag von Dieburg and Katharina von Obentraut.
              1. Philipp, first documented mention 1572.
              2. Philipp Heinrich, first documented mention 1572.
              3. Lukas († April 2, 1614), documented from 1572; ⚭ I. Kunigund von Schwalbach , daughter of Reinhard von Schwalbach and Felicitas von Helmstatt ; ⚭ II. Anna Maria von Rosenbach , daughter of Dietrich von Rosenbach and Walpurga von Carspach
              4. Sebastian, first documented mention 1572–1604; ⚭ Anna Maria von Lautern .
            3. Lukas († 1569), documented from 1551 (underage); ⚭ Margarethe von Mörle called Böhm .
        4. Diether, documented in 1497, dean of the St. Alban Abbey near Mainz .
        5. ? Friedrich, first documented mention in 1467.
      2. Volprecht, first documented mention 1429–1437.
      3. Friedrich († before 1458), first documented mention 1429–1454; ⚭ Luckel von Wasen , first documented mention 1430–1436, daughter of Philipp von Wasen.
    2. Heinrich, first documented mention 1433–1436.
    3. Friedrich, first documented mention 1400–1433.
      1. ? Wilhelm (cousin of Martin), documented 1425–1467 ⚭ Liese von Trohr zu Langstorff , documented 1456–1490.
    4. Henne, first documented mention 1405–1438; ⚭ NN from Fechenbach
  3. Henne, Förster, first documented mention 1357–1377.
  4. Heinrich (Heintze), first documented mention 1357–1366.
  5. Hermann (Hartmann), first documented mention 1357–1411.
    1. Contze († before 1411).
    2. Erasmus, first documented mention 1411-1425.


  • Jürgen Ackermann: Reich debit administration for the Freiherren Forstmeister von Gelnhausen. In: Journal of the Association for Hessian History and Regional Studies 109 (2004), pp. 95–114.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Euler : The ancestors of Emmy Merck. In: Merck'sche Familien-Zeitschrift, Volume 22, Darmstadt 1966
  • Damian Hartard von Hattstein : The Highness of the German Empire Nobility, Bamberg 1751.
  • Dietrich Höroldt: The documents of the archives of Burg Rösberg (inventories of non-state archives, volume 26), Cologne 1981.
  • Johann Maximilian von Humbracht : The highest adornment of Germany and the excellence of the German nobility, Frankfurt am Main 1707, plate 149 (forester v. Gelnhausen)
  • Walther Möller: Family tables of West German noble families in the Middle Ages, Darmstadt 1936 [= Dreiss, Manfred (Ed.): Library of Classical Works of Genealogy, Volume 2, Part 3, Unchanged Reprint, Neustadt an der Aisch 1996], Plate 113 (Forstmeister v. Gelnhausen), pp. 257-258.
  • Johann Octavian Salver: Samples of the high German Empire nobility or collections of old monuments, Würzburg 1775
  • Martin Schäfer: Documents of the Forstmeister family from Gelnhausen. In: Heimat-Jahrbuch des Kreis Gelnhausen (1965), pp. 119–125.
  • Martin Schäfer: The family forester von Gelnhausen in particular as the Reichsforstmeister of the Büdinger Forest. In Hessische Familienkunde 1962, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 99-106.
  • J. Siebmacher's Large and General Wappenbuch, Nuremberg 1878, p. 130 (plate 174).
  • Alfred Wendehorst: The diocese of Würzburg: The Benedictine abbey and the aristocratic secular canon monastery St. Burkard in Würzburg, Berlin 2001

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Heinrich Reimer: Hanauer Urkundenbuch, Volume I-IV, pp. 1891ff.
  2. Walther Möller: Family tables of West German noble families in the Middle Ages, Darmstadt 1936 [= Dreiss, Manfred (ed.): Library of Classical Works of Genealogy, Volume 2, Part 3, Unchanged Reprint, Neustadt an der Aisch 1996], Plate 113 (Forstmeister v . Gelnhausen), pp. 257-258.
  3. See Johann Samuel Publication: Allgemeine encyclopädie der wwissenschaften und Künste in alphabetical order, Leipzig 1853, p. 71.
  4. See Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, B 14, 152; Heinig 1983: 26
  5. Hackstein 1751: 535
  6. Cf. Hattstein 1751: 483
  7. Cf. Biedermann 1747: 89; Humbracht 1707: 169; Aries 1786: 536; Wolfing 2010: 326
  8. a b Hattstein 1740: 478.
  9. Cf. Ronner 1999: 338
  10. State Main Archive Koblenz, Certificate 1103
  11. See Salver 1775: 542
  12. See Bischoff 1971: 63; Mielke 1977: 363
  13. Mielke 1977: 361f.
  14. Cf. Biedermann 1748: 169.
  15. See Salver 1775: 628; Wendehorst 2001: 309f.
  16. Cf. Hattstein 1751: 418
  17. a b Euler 1966: 25