Stefan Tabacznik

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Stefan Tabacznik (born September 5, 1948 in Winterthur ) is a Swiss radio and TV presenter, journalist , publicist and cook .


Father Jakob Tabacznik dipl. Arch. ETH / SIA comes from Włocławek , Poland, where Stefan's grandfather Ludwik had a faience factory. Jakob Tabacznik came to Switzerland as a sapeur or modern genius officer of the Second Polish Rifle Division, which was part of the French army . He shaped the cityscape of Winterthur with his buildings. In 1956 he and his family became citizens of Winterthur. Mother Margrit-Tabacznik-Meier dipl. Pharmacist ( ETH Zurich ) comes from Winterthur.

Stefan Tabacznik studied sociology and journalism at the University of Zurich , and international relations in Geneva, Boston and Paris (license ès sciences politiques mention international). And in Basel and Bruges European Integration (Master of Advanced European Sciences MAES). His master's thesis was entitled “On the way to a new European security architecture”, in which Tabacznik criticized the lack of meaningful relations between the EU and Russia. During his journalism studies in Zurich, he did various internships in Hamburg , at Zeit, Spiegel, Stern and St. Pauli Nachrichten (his mentor at the time: Helmut Rosenberg ).

Tabacznik came to journalism as a young high school student. In 1967 he reported from Israel about the Six Day War (he happened to be there). Conflicts and crises became his trademark. He was a journalist in the Lebanon War , the Iraq War , the Balkan Wars in Bosnia and Kosovo and he was in New York during nine eleven (terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001).

Stefan Tabacznik is a journalist BR (Swiss professional register). He worked for the newspapers Arbeiter-Zeitung, Volksrecht , Tages-Anzeiger , Basler Zeitung and Badener Tagblatt . For the Badener Tagblatt publisher Otto Wanner, he founded the LiZ Limmat newspaper in Dietikon in 1972 . In 1987 this merged with the Limmattaler Tagblatt, which was taken over by the Badener Tagblatt. Tabacznik reported on the Munich attack at the 1972 Olympic Games for the LiZ Limmat newspaper.

Stefan Tabacznik also worked for the American news agency Associated Press AP Switzerland in 1982 and briefly sat on its advisory board.

As a special correspondent, Tabacznik reported from Jerusalem, Warsaw, Paris, Washington and New York, among others. He is fluent in German, French, Italian, English and some Spanish and Polish.

In Switzerland, Tabacznik was the first domestic correspondent for Swiss television in Basel. During this time, for example, the coverage of the Sandoz catastrophe in Schweizerhalle in 1986, which received international attention and which terrified the population. Back then, Stefan Tabacznik dived for the Swiss Tagesschau in the contaminated Rhine and filmed. This was only possible after special medical checks and because he was able to prove more than 4000 dives as a PADI Master Instructor.

Tabacznik worked for Swiss radio and television for over 40 years . He moderated programs such as the Tagesschau and on the radio “Rendez-Vous am Mittag”, “Regionaljournal Zürich” and the “Nachtclub”. He hosted the first broadcast on “Regionaljournal Zürich” on November 23, 1978. He was involved in the development of Radio SRF 3 and in 1981 and 1982 directed the first test programs for DRS 3 and Couleur 3 at the Fera (Swiss radio and television exhibition in Zurich) . As a reporter, Stefan Tabacznik designed over 4000 articles. The Swiss Federal Archives contain over 3300 entries by and about Stefan Tabacznik.

Stefan Tabacznik spent six months on a sabbatical at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta , GA. He was responsible for various articles for CNN .

In the Swiss Army , Stefan Tabacznik was the commander of the mobile radio company in Info Regiment 1. After his experience as a correspondent in the Kosovo war in 1999, the Swiss Army ( Swissint Swiss Army International Command) sent him to Kosovo for 14 months as part of Swisscoy . There he worked as a press officer for NATO and KFOR (Kosovo Force) in 1999/2000 . Thanks to his connections to Info Regiment 1 of the Swiss Army, he founded and directed the only Swiss soldier broadcaster abroad: KFOR Radio Casablanca. The program consisted of in-house productions, re-broadcasting from Swiss SRG radio stations and a collaboration with Radio Andernach , the permanent German troop radio . KFOR Radio Casablanca was of great importance for southern Kosovo, as there were hardly any sources of information for the population after the 2000 war. The transmitter covered practically the entire area of ​​the Multinational Brigade South MNB-S of KFOR.

After retiring from Schweizer Fernsehen ( SRG / SSR Schweizerische Radio und Fernsehgesellschaft) in 2013, Tabacznik trained as a chef. He completed his apprenticeship as a cook and obtained various diplomas (qualified rotisseur and saucier , qualified pastry chef , qualified gardemanger , qualified entreprise etc.) at the WIFI University of Applied Sciences in Innsbruck . Stefan Tabacznik is the oldest qualified meat sommelier in Switzerland. He is a member of the executive committee of the international club of qualified meat sommeliers and a certified AMA grill trainer. At the same time, he completed internships with various Swiss star chefs with GaultMillau points between 17 and 19. ( André Jaeger , Othmar Schlegel , Wolfgang and Christian Kuchler , Seppi and Roger Kalberer, etc.). In 2015 he founded the catering and sturgeon cook company “cooking & beyond”.

Web links

  • Swiss Federal Archives on Stefan Tabacznik
  • in the online catalog of the Swiss libraries
  • On Memobase (core product of Memoriav, the association for the preservation of Switzerland's audiovisual cultural property)
  • Play SRF (publicly accessible online archive from Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG)

Individual evidence

  1. TABACZNIK - Definition and synonyms of tabacznik in the Polish dictionary. Retrieved February 16, 2020 (English, Polish).
  2. Heinz Bächinger, Urs Widmer: Jakob Tabacznik, architect. In: winterthur-glossar. winterthur-glossary, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  3. Historia włocławskich zakładów. In: Online history dictionary about Włocławek. © 2013-2020, accessed February 16, 2020 (Polish).
  4. Bartłomiej Grzanka: Faience. In: History of ceramic technology in Wlocwlawek. Wlocwlawek Ceramics Museum, accessed on February 16, 2020 (Polish).
  5. Team 2. Polish Rifle Division. In: Online archive Poland Museum Castle Rapperswil. Poland Museum / Museum Polskie, Rapperswil Castle, Postfach 1251 CH-8640 RapperswilSchweiz, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  6. Silvio Keller: 12500 Poles found their rescue in Switzerland. In: Online newspaper Infosperber. Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Independent Information, SSUI, Jurablickstrasse 69, CH-3095 Spiegel b. Bern, June 19, 2015, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  7. ^ Swiss Army Film Service: French and Polish troops cross the border. In: Contemporary film documentation (CH-BAR file # E5361-01 # 2006/171 # 284). Swiss Federal Archives (Federal Authority of the Swiss Confederation), July 20, 1940, accessed on February 19, 2020 .
  8. Heinz Bächinger, Urs Widmer: Tabacznik Jakob 1915-2011, Architect - Winterthur Glossary. In: Winterthur Glossary online. Winterthur Glossary, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  9. Heinz Bächinger, Urs Widmer: Story of Jakob Tabacznik. In: winterthur-glossar. winterthur glossary, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  10. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  11. List of alumni of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - wiki wiki. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  12. ^ European Institute University of Basel. In: online pages. Europe Institute of the University of Basel, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  13. Panorama: The St. Pauli News. In: Die Welt Online. Axel Springer Verlag, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  14. Helene Heise: Sex and Politics: The "St. Pauli News". In: NDR online with reference to Zapp. Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDR, August 20, 2008, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  15. ^ Newsroom : Helmut Rosenberg died. In: DER SPIEGEL | Online news. Spiegel Verlag, Hamburg, December 16, 1985, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  16. Stefan Tabacznik: refugees in Kukes, Albania. In: Tagesschau main edition (Tabacznik in the video at 45 seconds). Schweizer Fernsehen / Memobase, April 23, 1999, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  17. Emanuel Ammon: Stefan Tabacznik in Albania File: 10299-4-5.jpg - photo document. In: Collection Emanuel Ammon. Aura (Copyright Ammon / Aura), April 24, 1999, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  18. Stefan Tabacznik: Still Missing 5500 in New York-TV. In: Tagesschau. Swiss Radio and Television SRF, September 20, 2001, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  19. ^ Secretariat Imprint: trusted journalist - Trusted Journalists. In: Imprint - Les journalistes suisses - Central Secretariat, Hans-Fries 2, Postfach, 1701 Freiburg, Switzerland, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German, French, Italian, English).
  20. Patrick Zehnder: Wanner, Otto. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland, online. Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of Switzerland, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  21. ^ History of the AZ media. In: azmedien online. Verlag Aargauer Zeitung, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  22. Sebastian Mantei: Black September - The Olympic assassination attempt of 1972. In: Deutschlandfunk online. Deutschlandfunk Kultur, September 21, 2018, accessed on February 17, 2020 (German).
  23. Thomas Häusermann: AP Switzerland is 25 years old. In: advertising week online. Galledia Fachmedien AG, May 26, 2006, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  24. Rainer Stadler: Swiss AP closes the office | NZZ. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Online. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich, January 29, 2010, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  25. Stefan Tabacznik: live link to Stefan Tabacznik in Washington - TV. In: News broadcast 10 to 10th Swiss Radio and Television SRF, March 26, 2003, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  26. a b Stefan Tabacznik et alteri: Time travel: Schweizerhalle (4/31) - TV. In: myschool on the chemical catastrophe. Swiss Radio and Television SRF, August 31, 2015, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  27. SRF Stefan Tabacznik: Play SRF posts by Stefan Tabacznik. In: Play SRF. SRF Swiss Radio and Television, accessed on February 12, 2020 .
  28. ^ SRG Deutschschweiz: 40 years of directing - first there was the cacophony. SRG, accessed on February 11, 2020 .
  29. Marcel Siegenthaler / Studer Revox Print: 54th international radio and television exhibition Fera in Zurich. In: Studer Revox Print - in-house newspaper / Studer Revox, September 1982, S. Stefan Tabacznik on page 5 ff , accessed on February 11, 2020 .
  30. ^ SRF Swiss Radio and Television / Memoriav: Contributions by Stefan Tabacznik. In: Memobase. Memoriav Association for the Preservation of Switzerland's Audiovisual Cultural Property, accessed on February 11, 2020 (de / fr / it).
  31. Stefan Tabacznik et alteri: online access to the Federal Archives. In: Swiss Federal Archives. Confoederatio Helvetica - The federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German, French, Italian, English).
  32. bbu: Final report for the media military | NZZ. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 19, 2004, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  33. Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport: Final report by the Federal Council staff, Press and radio communication department. In: Archive press releases. Confoederatio Helvetica - The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation, November 19, 2004, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  34. SWISSINT Competence Center: Promoting Peace. In: SWISSINT - Peacebuilding by the Swiss Armed Forces. The Swiss federal authorities, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German, French, Italian, English).
  35. Carl Just: Standing at attention for peace . In: Ringier (ed.): Sunday view . 9th April. 2000 page 27.Ringier, Zurich April 9, 2000, p. 27 .
  36. ^ SWI, a branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation: Everything about Swisscoy. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  37. Lt. Sveinung Larsen: Major Stefan Tabacznik, one of the familiar voices on Radio Casablanca. In: KFOR Chronicle. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, March 13, 2007, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  38. ^ Press service of the Swiss Federal Council: Swiss soldiers radio in operation. Confoederatio Helvetica - The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation, July 12, 2000, accessed on February 19, 2020 (German, French, Italian).
  39. Radio Grischa broadcasts from Kosovo on August 1st. In: Klein-Report online. Media service of the Swiss communications industry, July 27, 2009, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  40. ^ Ruedi Wild, Head of Technology Radio, Info Regiment 1: KFOR Radio Casablanca, after 20 years. In: firstcontingent blog Ruedi Wild. Ruedi Wild, October 20, 2019, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  41. By Tom Wyss: “Tagesschau” legend is retiring after 40 years of television: Tabacznik goes underground. February 22, 2013, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  42. Stefan Tabacznik: Stefan Tabacznik - Gallery diplomas. Stefan Tabacznik, accessed on February 18, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  43. ^ Members. In: International Club of Meat Sommeliers. Retrieved on February 16, 2020 (German).
  44. Intro | AMA - AgrarMarkt Austria. In: AMA - Online. Agrarmarkt Austria Dresdner Strasse 70 1200 Vienna, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  45. Stefan Tabacznik is a certified grill trainer. In: AMA Online. Agrarmarkt Austria Dresdner Strasse 70 1200 Vienna, accessed on February 17, 2020 .
  46. Daniel Böniger: “The cooking profession is sexy today” - conversation with Othmar Schlegel . In: TA-Media Verlag Zurich (Ed.): Tages-Anzeiger Online Zurich . December 31, 2016, ISSN  1422-9994 ( [accessed February 17, 2020]).
  47. By Tom Wyss: Stefan Tabacznik: From TV star to star chef. In: look online. Ringier, Zofingen, October 14, 2012, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  48. GaultMillau restaurant: Schäfli Wigoltingen TG Christian Kuchler. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  49. Bettina Ullmann: The kitchen is the center of the action. In: Coop newspaper. Coop Cooperative, Basel, November 11, 2013, accessed on February 16, 2020 .
  50. Bettina Ullmann: The kitchen is the center of the action. In: Coop Newspaper E-Paper No. 46/2013. Coop Genossenschaft, PO Box CH-4002 Basel, November 12, 2013, p. 14 ff , accessed on February 18, 2020 .
  51. cooking & beyond
  52. Stefan Tabacznik et alteri: online access to the Federal Archives. In: Federal Archives of the Swiss Confederation. The federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation, accessed on February 18, 2020 (German, French, Italian, English).
  53. swissbib: Search Results - Stefan Tabacznik. In: Online catalog of Swiss libraries. Swiss libraries, accessed on February 16, 2020 (German, French, Italian).