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With Tantaliden (or Pelopidse or Atreidae ) in which you referred to Greek mythology, the family of Tantalus (or Pelops or Atreus ) to which especially Agamemnon , Iphigenia and Orestes belong.

When Tantalus had sinned against the gods , he put a curse on his house - the Tantalid Curse or Atrid Curse.


Essential members of the family are (the indentations mean a parent-child relationship in the vertical, siblings consequently have the same flight in the vertical):

  1. Tantalos married to Dione (or Euryanassa )
    1. Niobe , married to Amphion , her descendants are the Niobids
      1. 7 sons ( killed by Apollo ), 7 daughters ( killed by Artemis )
      2. Amyklas
      3. Chloris , married to Neleus
        1. 11 sons
        2. Pero , married to Bias
        3. Nestor married to Anaxibia
          1. Antilochus
        4. Hyrmine , married to Phorbas
          1. Augeias
            1. Eurytus
          2. Triops
          3. Astydameia (II), married to Kaukon
            1. Leprous
          4. Actor , married to Molione
            1. Eurytos (II) , married to Tiraiphone
              1. Thalpios
            2. Kteatos , married to Theronike
              1. Amphimakos
            3. Polymela, beloved of Peleus
    2. Broteas
      1. Tantalus (II), married to Clytemnestra
        1. 1 son
    3. Daskylos , son of Tantalus
      1. Lycus
        1. Daskylos , son of Lycus
      2. Priolas
    4. Pelops , married to 1st Hippodameia and 2nd Axioche (Astyoche)
      1. Atreus , married to 1st Kleola and 2nd Aërope
        1. Pleisthenes (II) (with 1.)
        2. Agamemnon , married 1st to Clytemnestra ; 2. Kassandra was his slave, 3. Chryseis his mistress
          1. Iphigenia
          2. Orestes (with 1st), married to 1st Hermione and 2nd Erigone
            1. Tisamenos (with 1.)
              1. Comet
              2. Daimes
              3. Sparton
              4. Tellis
              5. Leontomenes
            2. Penthilos (with 2.)
              1. grass
              2. Archelaus
          3. Elektra , married to Pylades
            1. Medon
            2. Strophios (II)
          4. Chrysothemis
          5. Teledamos (with 2.)
          6. Pelops (II) (with 2.)
          7. Chryses (II) (with 3.)
        3. Menelaus (with 2nd), married to 1st Helena and 2nd lover of Pieris
          1. Hermione (with 1st), married to Orestes
          2. Pleisthenes (IV) (with 1.)
          3. Meraphios (with 1.)
          4. Aithiolas (with 1.)
          5. Nikostratos (with 2.)
          6. Megapenthes (with 2.)
        4. Anaxibia (with 2nd), married to King Strophios of Phocis
          1. Pylades , married to Elektra
      2. Thyestes , 1st married to Naiade and 2nd lover of Aërope
        1. Kallileon (with 1.)
        2. Aglaos (with 1.)
        3. Archomaos (with 1.)
        4. Pelopeia (with 2nd), "Beloved" by Thyestes
          1. Aigisthus , lover of Clytemnestra
            1. Aletes
            2. Erigone , married to Orestes
            3. Helena (III)
        5. Pleisthenes (III) (with 2.)
        6. Tantalos (III) (with 2.)
      3. Pittheus
        1. Aithra, 1st married to Aigeus and 2nd lover of Poseidon
          1. Theseus , married to 1st Phaidra and lover of 2nd Antiope and 3rd Perigune
            1. Akamas (with 1st), married to Laodike
              1. Munitos
            2. Demophon (with 1st), married to Phyllis
            3. Hippolytos (with 2.)
            4. Melanippos (with 3rd)
              1. Ioxos
      4. Alkathoos , married to Euaichme
        1. Perioboia, married to Telamon
        2. Automedusa, married to Iphikles
        3. Iphinoe
        4. Ischepolis
        5. Kallipolis
      5. Pleisthenes (I)
      6. Hippalkus
      7. Kopreus
      8. Epidaurus
      9. Slides
      10. Kynosuros
      11. Argeios
      12. Hippasus
      13. Corinthians
      14. Helinos
      15. Antibia
      16. Nikippe , married to Stenelos
        1. Alkyons (I)
        2. Iphis
          1. Euadne
          2. Eteocles
        3. Eurystheus
          1. Perimedes
          2. mentor
          3. Eurybios
          4. Iphimedon
          5. Alexandros
          6. Eurypylos
      17. Eurydice
      18. Lysidice , married to Mestor
        1. Hippothoe , mistress of Poseidon
          1. Taphios
            1. Pterelaus
      19. Astydameia, married to Alcaios
        1. Amphitryon , married to Alkmene
          1. Iphikles , married to Automedusa
            1. Iolaos , married to Megara
            2. Iope (not from Automedusa)
          2. son
            1. Keyx
              1. Hippasus
              2. Hylas
              3. Themistonoe, married to Kyknos
      20. Skiron
        1. Endeis, married to Aiakos
          1. Telamon , married to 1st Periboia and 2nd Hesione
            1. Ajax the Great (from 1st), Tekmessa was his slave and lover
              1. Eurysakes
                1. Philaeus
            2. Trambelos (from 2.)
            3. Teukros (from 2.)
          2. Peleus , 1st married to Polymela and 2nd lover of Thetis
            1. Achilles (2nd), lover of 1st Helena and 2nd Deidameia
              1. Neoptolemus (from 2nd), Andromache was his slave
                1. Pielos
                2. Pergamos
      21. Archippe
      22. Chrysippos (of 2)
Genealogy of the Agamemnon


See also