Crime scene: A gmahde Wiesn

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title A gmahde Wiesn
Country of production Germany
original language German
Bavarian radio
length 87 minutes
classification Episode 674 ( List )
First broadcast September 23, 2007 on Das Erste
Director Martin Enlen
script Friedrich Ani
production Oliver Berben
music Dieter Schleip
camera Philipp Timme
cut Ulla Möllinger

A gmahde Wiesn ( standard German A mowed meadow , coll. For things that are easy to get or to reach) is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The report produced by Bayerischer Rundfunk under the direction of Martin Enlen was first broadcast on September 23, 2007 in the first program of ARD .

The Munich commissioners Batic and Leitmayr determine in a game of intrigue about the allocation of space rights to the showmen and hosts of the Oktoberfest .


Ivo Batic and his colleague Franz Leitmayr are called to a murder case. The lawyer and city councilor Hubert Serner was found shot in his garden pond by his cleaning lady, Diana Aljescu. As a member of the economic committee , the Bavarian-Baroque city council played a key role in the issuing of licenses for the Oktoberfest in Munich. It can therefore be assumed that Serner fell victim to the act of revenge by a rejected competitor for the licensing rights at the "Wiesn". The first clues lead to Renee Zoll, who runs an amusement ride with her brother Fridolin and whose license for the upcoming Oktoberfest was not renewed, which would mean financial ruin for the siblings. According to her statement, Serner stood up for Johanna Buck so that she could get her serving license again this year. Another suspect is the landlord Xaver Neureuther and his son Timo, who have been fighting for a place for a long time.

Ivo Batic takes a liking to the attractive Evelin Buck. They arrange to meet and Franz Leitmayr grievously reproaches his colleague for getting involved with a suspect in an ongoing murder case. The matter becomes explosive when the investigators learn that the Buck family owns a pistol and that Serner is Evelin Buck's biological father. When Batic meets Evelin in a hotel, a masked man breaks into the hotel room and shoots the inspector several times. He then wakes up again in the hospital and Leitmayr quickly manages to find the culprit: Fridolin Zoll. During the interrogation, he stated that he only wanted to scare Johanna Buck's daughter and shot around blindly, he did not want to hurt anyone. He would also have been at Serner's to threaten him, he would also have shot him, but since a woman was with him, he went away after the shot.

So it turns out that Serner's cleaning lady, Diana Aljescu, pushed the victim into the pool out of disappointed love and disagreements about her payment, where he then drowned.


“A gmahde Wiesn” means colloquially in Bavarian “a project that cannot go wrong” or “a surefire thing”. The "Wiesn" is also synonymous with the Oktoberfest. In this episode, the actor Olaf Kell is also active as an assistant director.



"Lots of figures about the economic power Wiesn, coarse-hearted Bavarian bonmots and the proven trinity of the Munich inspectors made this 'Tatort' episode worth seeing. Even if it drifted a little into the smear compartment with a romantic inspector and a lot of Bavarian music in the background. "

- Kathrin Buchner : Star

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of A gmahde Wiesn on September 23, 2007 was seen by 6.61 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 19.6% for Das Erste .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kathrin Buchner: The beer whisperer. Stern, September 24, 2007, archived from the original on September 6, 2013 ; accessed on December 6, 2018 .
  2. A gmahde Wiesn. Crime scene fund, accessed on September 19, 2016 .