Crime scene: Borowski and the girl in the moor

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Borowski and the girl in the moor
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 688 ( List )
First broadcast February 17, 2008
Director Claudia Garde
script Sascha Arango
production Kerstin Ramcke
music Jörg Lemberg
camera Carsten Thiele
cut Ingo Ehrlich

Borowski and the girl in the bog is a television film from the crime series Tatort and was first broadcast on February 17, 2008 on Das Erste . It is the 688th episode and the 10th case of the Kiel investigator Klaus Borowski . The film was produced by Studio Hamburg Produktion Kiel GmbH on behalf of NDR for ARD .


A young, dark-haired woman puts on a blonde wig and enters a department store. At the same time you can hear a man talking to his bank on the phone and desperately asking for a conversation. Through a pane he sees a young woman taking cosmetics with her. When he searches her bag shortly afterwards, he finds nothing. Belinda Strick, that's the name of the young woman, has hidden a bag of stolen goods in the parking lot. All of a sudden the department store detective Klaus Raven stands behind her. She implores him to let her go and provokes him that half of the store belongs to her father anyway, and also asks him about his daughter, who goes to the Hainfeld boarding school with her. When Raven tries to take her down a long corridor to his office, she says he's as good as fired. She hits herself in the face, rips open her top and starts screaming. Raven covers her mouth, just wants to shut her up. Suddenly she's dead. He takes her to the warehouse with the Christmas items. It's 5 p.m. Late at night he loads her on his shoulder to take her away.

The police received a complaint: Belinda Strick, 17 years old, has disappeared. Her father, a manufacturer Strick, believes she was kidnapped. He speaks to the police psychologist Frieda Jung and chief detective Klaus Borowski and says that he is married to a second marriage and that his daughter has problems accepting his wife as a new member of the family. Of course he would be willing to pay a ransom . He practically begs the superintendent to bring his daughter back for him. She must live because everything else is completely unbearable for him. Frieda Jung says that everything indicates that Belinda ran away. Borowski drives the distance that Belinda probably rode by bike in his boss's car because his car is broken. Impressed by the many buttons in the car, he tries everything like a little boy. Since it is extremely foggy, he thinks he has hit a dog, gets out and pats through marshy area. When he hears a growl, he draws his pistol and says that it is a wolf after all . Klaus Raven, the department store detective, is on the same route. He intends to sink Belinda in the moor. Belinda's bag is in the back seat, when her cell phone rings, he pauses briefly to turn it off. Shortly afterwards he is stopped by Borowski, who asks him to take him with him because his boss's car has locked. The inspector asks him to drive him to the Hainfeld boarding school and mentions that a girl has disappeared there. Raven then tells him that his daughter Maria is also attending this boarding school.

Borowski and the police psychologist Frieda Jung have different views on Belinda. Borowski believes that she is dead. Frieda says how he wanted to know. The information from the director of the institution, Dr. North, about Belinda is very negative. Belinda was extremely unpopular with her classmates, whom she stole and spied on. She did not stop at their diaries either and used the information she had read against them. Frieda Jung comes to the conclusion: a spoiled only child. Maria Raven is also interviewed. She says that if Belinda stole, nobody punished her, if she wanted money, she got it when she was gone, everyone would appear and look for her and if she showed up again tomorrow, everyone would be happy and she would be would also get the coveted role of "Lola" in the school event again. While Maria's mother Iris is having paid sex, Klaus Raven tries to sink the luggage container with Belinda into the moor, but he keeps coming to the surface. Later, Maria receives 300 euros from her mother for riding lessons. When she asks her mother to promise her that Belinda won't come back, she only replies: "She won't come back, you play Lola!" The police investigation shows that Belinda's cell phone was switched on for a short time. Klaus Raven has meanwhile read the very negative diary entries about his family in Belinda's diary. He hides the book and puts Belinda's cell phone in a parcel box and throws it into a mailbox. At home he is again confronted with the demands of his wife. Klaus Raven doesn't understand that his wife Iris really wants to make something better out of Maria. He thinks the parents of the other girls are successful doctors, manufacturers, big earners, millionaires, and they just couldn't keep up.

Since no ransom demands have been received so far, Borowski doubts that Belinda was kidnapped. He visits Klaus Raven in the department store, who shows him his place of work. When Belinda's cell phone was located in Ankara some time later , the commissioner and his superior disagreed on how to proceed in this case. Borowski is convinced that someone sent the cell phone on a journey to find a long, wrong lead. Borowski goes to the department store again and, together with Raven, looks at the images recorded over the past three days. Borowski notices that one of the mannequins is missing a wig. When the school performance of the play The Blue Angel is canceled, Maria is completely beside herself and can hardly be reassured, she rages and screams and curses the missing Belinda. Borowski sees the wolf on the way back from boarding school, gets out and remembers Klaus Raven, who had taken him with him and that his trunk or the back of the car was covered with a tarpaulin. Again he looks for Raven, with whom he actually gets along well, in the department store, where the detective says that the stolen things were probably transported outside through the toilet ventilation. They replay the case. When Raven asks if he suspects him and why he should have done something like that, Borowski only replies that he does not know. It was probably not on purpose. Klaus Raven remains calm and doesn't show anything. Shortly afterwards, Borowski makes Raven believe that they found Belinda's body.

When Raven comes home that evening, he sees wood lying on the floor in front of the fireplace, goes into the woodshed and finds that Belinda's diary, which he had stuck between the logs, has disappeared. His wife and daughter have retired to the bedroom. Both react extremely anxious and tense, packed suitcases and bags are standing around. Raven completely loses control when he realizes that his wife and daughter want to leave him. He rips lingerie out of his wife's closet and yells at Maria if she wants to know how her mother earned the money so that she could attend the expensive boarding school. There is a brief fight between Raven and his wife, with Raven shouting over and over, “Why? Why? ”They kiss desperately, but then Raven raises his ax and kills Iris. Maria is completely dissolved from pain and fear. Borowski and Frieda Jung drive up. The inspector goes into the house and calls Raven's name. Suddenly he is hit with an ax in front of the skull and Raven pulls him into the bedroom, where his slain wife is lying. Borowski asks about Maria. Raven doesn't even hear him and accuses Borowski of having his family on his conscience and that he should finally be satisfied. Then he points the gun at Borowski, it jams, through the window Raven hits a fatal shot fired by a SEC officer . Borowski finds Maria in a closet. The young girl is totally in shock. It almost cost Borowski his life.

On the way back, Borowski lets the car stop at the moor and gets out. He remembers Raven's words that Belinda will not be found. Borowski sees the wolf again, he has a drink as he slowly moves away, Borowski looks over the large moorland - it gurgles and the container with Belinda comes to the surface again.


Borowski and the girl in the moor was filmed from August 30 to October 1, 2007 in Kiel and the surrounding area, including at the Louisenlund boarding school in Güby .


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Borowski and the girl in the moor on February 17, 2008 was seen by 7.38 million viewers in Germany and thus achieved a market share of 20.4% for Das Erste .

Reviews found that the director Claudia Garde Arangos (screenwriter) “sometimes implemented deliberately bizarre ideas consistently. Alone the scene in which Milberg, who [could] also be a great deadly serious comedian, gamely tries out the various buttons in the car, [is] a gem of its own. "

The television magazine Gong gave the highest rating of six points = top performance.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Borowski and the girl in the moor at Tatort-Fundus Chronologie
  2. ^ Film review for Tatort: ​​Borowski and the girl in the moor at Retrieved February 27, 2013.
  3. See TV magazine Gong No. 8 of February 15, 2013, p. 74