Jörg Lemberg

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Jörg Lemberg (born July 24, 1968 in Bremen ) is a German film composer .


As a teenager, Jörg Lemberg a. a. Lessons from Hannes Clauss and performed his own compositions as a pupil. He later studied music with a major in percussion at the Folkwang University in Essen and film composition at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy in Ludwigsburg with Oscar winners Cong Su and Matthias Raue . Since then he has written and produced the music for over 90 feature films (as of 2018). He works in Stuttgart and Berlin.


In 1998 Lemberg received a scholarship from the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy . In 1998 he received first place in the composition competition of the New Academy Braunschweig , and one year later the Rolf Hans Müller Prize of the SWR . In 2001 she was nominated for the German Television Prize and for the first prize at the Bonn Film Music Biennale. The film Suzhou River won first prizes at the Paris Film Festival and the Rotterdam International Film Festival . Set to music of Lviv Siegfried Lenz film version The lightship was for the 2009 Grimme Award nominations. In 2014 his music for "Tatort: ​​Franziska" was nominated for the German Academy for Television Prize.



TV films and series


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