Crime scene: Borowski and a matter of pure taste

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Borowski and a matter of pure taste
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 777 ( List )
First broadcast October 24, 2010 on Das Erste
Director Florian Froschmayer
script Kai Hafemeister
Thorsten Wettcke
Christoph Silber
production Kerstin Ramcke
music Jörg Magnus Arrow
camera Carsten Thiele
cut Cornelie Strecker

Borowski and a question of pure taste is a television film from the crime series Tatort and was first shown on October 24, 2010 on Das Erste . It is the 15th episode with the Kiel investigator Klaus Borowski .


Fifteen-year-old Florian Hölzel collapses and dies on the volleyball court after enjoying an energy drink . Borowski is now investigating the manufacturer, the Kallberg dairy. She put the product on the market. It was obviously provided with too high a concentration of a food coloring , which normally would only have made you feel unwell. For Florian, however, who was allergic , it was fatal.

Borowski first speaks with the boss of the Kallberg dairy, who immediately initiates a recall . She has no explanation for the incident, as sabotage would have been noticed at the latest during the final inspection. The protocols about it are in order, nevertheless she immediately gives notice to the responsible Michael Krüger. Borowski quickly notices that Liane Kallberg has a tight regime in order to secure profits for the company at all costs. Your father and senior boss Alfons Kallberg is absolutely not happy with that. He would be only too happy to run the dairy as it did before, "where nobody died from his milk". A further inspection of the company revealed that the company had recently been broken into, which could be an indication of an act of sabotage. There are also weekly tours through the company, where someone could have tampered with the system. Since the bottle was not damaged, it can be ruled out that someone subsequently injected something.

On the way back, Borowski suddenly had to brake and a vehicle hit him. The driver, Sarah Brandt, offers to repair the damage immediately and to lend him another car. She is Paul Kallberg's neighbor and from her Borowski learns that Paul should actually take over the dairy one day. Since he wanted to run the company conventionally and ecologically, but not his sister, there was a dispute and he withdrew from the company. Borowski immediately sets off. Paul Kallberg states that as an organic farmer, it was about animals and he is not alone in this. His niece, Melinda, an animal-loving teenage girl , also rebels against her mother's corporate and family management. Especially since she is friends with the environmental activist Kai Mauvier, who has been campaigning against the dairy and its product "Vitanale" for a long time. The fact that Mauvier is in possession of the food coloring that caused the dramatic death leaves Borowski puzzled. Mauvier also took part in one of the tours in the dairy, as recorded by one of the video cameras.

Suddenly a blackmailer reports and Liane Kallberg is willing to pay the required amount unconditionally. In order to have a mobile operations center , Borowski asks Sarah Brandt whether he could use her homestead for it. The location is ideal because the place where the money is handed over is in view. She agrees and the surveillance is prepared. After waiting for hours, Paul Kallberg is arrested. However, he claims to have only hunted wild boar and so it turns out that the ransom note was from Melinda and that she intended to use the money to make herself independent from her mother.

Borowski is puzzled when he reads in the press that the Kallberg dairy has been sold to a large Swiss company. They are now in the process of celebrating the sale appropriately. Very drunk, Alfons Kallberg goes into the barn, toasts the cows and says: “Out of storage. So we outsource! ”And he lets the animals out of the stable. Still holding the champagne bottle, he drives her to his son's organic farm. He is not very enthusiastic, but takes in the animals and sits down with his father for a little chat.

Even before the sale, Liane Kallberg gave an interview on TV, what is now being broadcast and what Borowski is watching. He doubts whether the scandal was not even conducive to sales. Andreas Hölzel also sees this program and makes a decision. He brings Melinda Kallberg under his control and infuses her with the exact milk additive that his son had drunk. When Liane Kallberg sees Hölzel with her daughter, she desperately calls Borowski to help her. This is currently at Paul Kallberg's, where he unexpectedly also met his father. The son tells the father that he has manipulated the energy drink. Alfons Kallberg admits and says that he wanted to prevent the upcoming sale, whereby the scandal should help him. He couldn't have guessed that the boy would die. When Borowski received the call for help from Liane Kallberg, he drove to the farm with her father. Borowski tries to talk to Hölzel, but he continues to infuse the daughter with the energy milk. Only when Alfons Kallberg arrives and admits to him that he is to blame for the death of his son does he let go of the girl.


The film was produced by Studio Hamburg and Norddeutscher Rundfunk under the working titles Energy that tastes and Borowski and the energy that tastes . The subject of the film deals with a food scandal, with which the three scriptwriters wanted to make a contribution to the ARD theme week “Food is Life”.

In this crime scene Sibel Kekilli appears as Sarah Brandt for the first time. She had been suggested by Milberg for the role of Sarah Brandt, who is still conceived here as a marginal figure, but is to replace Frieda Jung in the future, who was played by Maren Eggert and who quit in episode 761 ( Tango for Borowski ). Sarah Brandt gets to know Commissioner Borowski in a very unconventional way - in a car accident.


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Borowski and a question of pure taste on October 24, 2010 was seen by a total of 8.51 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 22.4 percent for Das Erste .


Rainer Tittelbach from judges this crime scene in Kiel: “The direction tries to save the crude crime story by making the whole thing really steamy. Everything in this film by Florian Froschmayer is ultimately too loud: the disputes between the protagonists, the psychological pain of the father who clearly has to be the ticking time bomb, the business-minded coolness of the Kallberg boss. Even good book ideas are staged broken: 'We're outsourcing,' shouts the drunken old Kallenberg, releasing the cows of his closed business. In addition, it booms and hammers that it is no longer beautiful. Even at the showdown, Froschmayer takes every imaginable means of artificial tension creation out of the box. "

Katharina Miklis at says: "This NDR" crime scene "is not bloody, but a bit tough, and the plot construction between family drama, lobbyism and organic guerrillas looks a bit folded together like glue. The only flavor enhancer is Sibel Kekilli, who already gives a foretaste of the extent to which her role as Sarah Brandt could offer the grumpy, somewhat stuck Borowski a lot of negative and dust off the Kiel "Tatort". "

At , Ulrike Klode states critically, "Yes, it is understandable that the ARD theme week 'Food is Life' runs through the entire program, including the Tatort episode 'Borowski and a question of pure taste' occurs. But please, does it have to be so intrusive ?! A crime thriller should offer exciting entertainment and not an educational program. [...] The story could well have turned into an acceptable crime thriller that occasionally deals with the way food is sometimes pepped up beyond recognition. But unfortunately someone meant it way too well. "

The critics of the TV magazine TV-Spielfilm judge as follows: "A bit overloaded, but original and malicious."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Working title and audience rating at, accessed on March 4, 2014.
  2. Film review on, accessed on March 4, 2014.
  3. Sibel Kekilli will play in the future "Tatort" in Kiel , on Welt online , accessed on March 4, 2014.
  4. ^ Rainer Tittelbach film review on, accessed on March 4, 2014.
  5. Katharina Miklis Sibel Kekilli's "Tatort" debut: Not bloody, but tough on, accessed on March 4, 2014.
  6. Ulrike Klode Borowski and a thriller that wants too much on, accessed on March 4, 2014.
  7. Short review on, accessed on March 4, 2014.