Tom Flammang

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Tom Flammang (born January 12, 1978 in Esch-sur-Alzette ) is a Luxembourg sports director and former cyclist .

Athletic career

He won his first victory in August 1994. He was a member of the sports section of the Luxembourg Army and immediately afterwards began his professional career in 2000 with the French cycling team Cofidis . After the success did not materialize, he did not get a contract for the 2004 season and withdrew from the professional business. He immediately became a Luxembourg cyclo-cross champion . A year later he won a stage in the Flèche du Sud . In 2006, Flammang drove one more season for the German Continental Team Sparkasse , but has since concentrated on cross-country races.


In 2014 he became the sporting director of the Leopard Development Team .

Achievements - Cross


  • LuxembourgLuxembourg Luxembourgish champion

Successes - road


  • LuxembourgLuxembourg Luxembourgish champion





Individual evidence

  1. ^ Henri Bressler, Fernand Thill: The history of Luxembourg cycling . tape 2 . Editions Schortgens, Esch-sur-Alzette 2011, ISBN 978-2-87953-115-1 , p. 38 .

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