Vieira do Minho

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Vieira do Minho
coat of arms map
Coat of arms of Vieira do Minho
Vieira do Minho (Portugal)
Vieira do Minho
Basic data
Region : Norte
Sub-region : Ave
District : Braga
Concelho : Vieira do Minho
Coordinates : 41 ° 38 ′  N , 8 ° 9 ′  W Coordinates: 41 ° 38 ′  N , 8 ° 9 ′  W
Residents: 2239 (as of June 30, 2011)
Surface: 7.19 km² (as of January 1, 2010)
Population density : 311 inhabitants per km²
Postal code : 4850-521
Mayor : Alexandre Manuel Costa Marques
Address of the municipal administration: Junta de Freguesia de Vieira do Minho
Centro Comercial Alto Minho, 1º
4850-521 Vieira do Minho
Vieira do Minho county
flag map
Flag of Vieira do Minho Location of the district of Vieira do Minho
Residents: 13.001 (as of June 30, 2011)
Surface: 216.44 km² (as of January 1, 2010)
Population density : 60 inhabitants per km²
Number of municipalities : 16
Administration address: Câmara Municipal de Vieira do Minho
Praça Guilherme de Abreu
4850-527 Vieira do Minho
President of the Câmara Municipal: António Cardoso Barbosa ( PSD )

Vieira do Minho is a small town ( Vila ) in northern Portugal with 2239 inhabitants (as of June 30, 2011).


Numerous finds prove a prehistoric settlement, including mámoas , menhirs , rock paintings and metal objects. Here was a settlement of the Castro culture when the Romans occupied the area from the 2nd century BC. Conquered. The Roman road from Bracara Augusta (today Braga ) via Chaves to Asturica Augusta (today Astorga , Spain) ran here. The Suebi conquered the area in the early 5th century, which was conquered by the Moors from 711 onwards . In the course of the following Reconquista , a castle was built on the original Castro settlement.

Thanks to its strategic location, the area was also the scene of troop marches during the Napoleonic invasions , on March 15, 1809 and then on May 17, 1809 , when the French General Soult and his army crossed the Mirzela bridge.

The independent municipality of Vieira do Minho was newly created in 1933 by assignments of territory by the municipalities of Mosteiro and Cantelães.


The circle

Vieira do Minho is the seat of a district of the same name ( concelho ) in the Braga district . On June 30, 2011, the district had 13,001 inhabitants on an area of ​​216.4 km².

The neighboring districts are (starting in the north clockwise) Terras de Bouro , Montalegre , Cabeceiras de Basto , Fafe , Póvoa de Lanhoso and Amares .

With the regional reform in September 2013 , several municipalities were merged into new municipalities, so that the number of municipalities decreased from 21 to 16.

The Vieira do Minho district is made up of the following parishes ( freguesias ):

The City Hall ( Câmara Municipal ) of Vieira do Minho
Vieira do Minho county
local community Population
Density of
population / km²
Anissó e Soutelo 392 8.15 48 031122
Anjos e Vilar do Chão 589 24.99 24 031123
Caniçada e Soengas 603 8.99 67 031124
Cantelães 828 11.54 72 031105
Eira Vedra 702 5.59 126 031107
Guilhofrei 961 11.23 86 031108
Louredo 436 7.61 57 031109
Mosteiro 774 10.82 72 031110
Parada do Bouro 469 7.71 61 031111
Pinheiro 447 10.27 44 031112
Rossas 1,673 31.57 53 031113
Ruivães e Campos 923 44.03 21st 031125
Salamonde 387 8.37 46 031115
Tabuaças 919 9.68 95 031118
Ventosa e Cova 659 8.70 76 031126
Vieira do Minho 2,239 7.19 312 031120
Vieira do Minho county 13.001 216.44 60 0311

Population development

Population in Vieira do Minho County (1801–2011)
1801 1849 1900 1930 1960 1981 1991 2001 2011
3953 13,465 14,904 15,382 18,920 17,931 15,775 14,724 12,858

Municipal holiday

  • Monday after the first Saturday of October

Town twinning

  • MozambiqueMozambique Monapo , Mozambique
Cipriano Ribeiro Freire

sons and daughters of the town

  • António José Antunes Sobrinho (1814–1888), entrepreneur who had made his fortune in Brazil, raised to the nobility in 1885
  • Bernardo António Antunes (1833–1905), entrepreneur and philanthropist who had become wealthy in Brazil, raised to the nobility in 1883
  • Cipriano Ribeiro Freire (1749–1824), noble diplomat, first ambassador to Portugal in the USA, member of the government council that remained in Lisbon after the royal family fled to Rio de Janeiro in 1808
  • Severino Pereira (* 1957), sculptor, best known for his glass work
  • Manuel Monteiro (* 1962), lawyer and conservative politician, former chairman of the CDS-PP party , from which he resigned in 2003
  • Romeu Ribeiro (* 1989), football player
  • Yuri Ribeiro (born 1997), football player

Web links

Commons : Vieira do Minho  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. - indicator resident population by place of residence and sex; Decennial in the database of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística
  2. a b Overview of code assignments from Freguesias on
  3. a b - indicator resident population by place of residence and sex; Decennial in the database of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística
  4. (under Cronologia ), accessed on February 23, 2014
  5. , accessed on February 23, 2014
  6. history page Vieiro do Minho on the website of the city administration (port.), Accessed on February 23, 2014
  7. ^ Publication of the administrative reorganization in the Diário da República gazette of January 28, 2013, accessed on March 16, 2014
  8. , accessed on February 23, 2014