State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg

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Building of the State Statistical Office in Stuttgart

The State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg is a higher state authority and is part of the state's finance ministry . It collects, collects and analyzes statistical data and information on the economy, society and the environment.

The information offered by the State Statistical Office creates an essential prerequisite for realistically assessing our current social situation, assessing future developments, planning appropriately, managing economically and effectively and controlling decisions.

The State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg performs these tasks of an information service authority together with the other State Statistical Offices, the municipal statistical offices, the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Office of the European Union ( Eurostat ). As an institution for official statistics, they are committed to the strict principles of neutrality , objectivity , scientific independence, confidentiality of individual data , data protection and legality .

The State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg is the central statistics service provider for the State of Baden-Württemberg and is responsible for compiling statistics. This is usually done by order of the federal government or the European Union and according to legal requirements.


According to the State Statistics Act of Baden-Wuerttemberg (§1 LStatG), the official statistics of the state (state and local statistics ) in the federally structured overall system of official statistics have the task of, according to the information needs of the federal government, states, municipalities and municipal associations, society, economy, Science and research continuously collect, collect, process, display and analyze data on mass phenomena. It obtains the statistical information by applying scientific knowledge and using appropriate methods and information technologies ; The principles of neutrality, objectivity, scientific independence and statistical confidentiality apply to them .


According to Section 3 of the State Statistics Act, the State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg has the following tasks

1. to collect and process EC, federal and state statistics and to compile, evaluate, present and publish statistical results,

2. to prepare and develop state statistics methodologically and technically and to participate in the preparation and further development of EC and federal statistics,

3. to operate the state information system (LIS-BW) and to further develop it in terms of content and technology,

4. to present and publish national accounts and other overall systems of statistical data for national purposes,

5. to carry out scientific analyzes , forecasts and model calculations on the basis of statistical data in cooperation with the Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the other federal states or in consultation with the competent highest federal state authority and the Ministry of Finance,

6. upon request particular the Commission of the European Communities, chief federal or supreme state authorities in the agreement executed with the Ministry of Finance research contracts, reports to perform to create and other work of a statistical nature,

7. to advise and support the authorities and courts of the state, the municipalities, districts, administrative communities, the Stuttgart Region Association and the neighborhood associations as well as other legal entities under public law under the supervision of the state in statistical matters,

8. to participate in the preparation of legal and administrative regulations that affect federal or state statistics,

9. to perform other tasks assigned by law or by the competent supreme state authority in agreement with the Ministry of Finance.

State information system Baden-Württemberg LIS-BW

On the basis of the State Statistics Act (§17), the State Statistical Office runs a state information system (LIS-BW). This has the task of providing data and evaluation methods for the purposes of planning, decision-making and decision-making control in the public sector and making them accessible for general use.

The content of the LIS-BW are copies of data from government agencies. The inclusion of data from other bodies in the LIS-BW and the transfer of data from other systems is permitted. The LIS-BW may only contain personal data if it is generally accessible. When selecting the data and evaluation methods for LIS-BW, the state government is advised by the state committee for information. The state committee for information consists of five representatives each from the state parliament and five from the state government. The Minister of Finance chairs the meeting.

FaFo Family Research Baden-Württemberg

The interdisciplinary FaFo-BW has existed since mid-1982. It was founded by the social scientist and President of the State Statistical Office, Max Wingen (1930–2005). The fields of activity of FaFo-BW are: demographic analyzes, family structures, family sociology , gender roles , socio-economic structures of families, families and the world of work, child care, women, family and social policy monitoring.

The research results of the FaFo-BW contribute to informing politicians and the public about the concerns of families. In addition, the FaFo-BW advises local, state and federal institutions on questions relevant to family and family policy.

History of the State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg and its predecessors

Statistical-Topographical Bureau of the Kingdom of Württemberg

In the Kingdom of Württemberg , a Statistical Topographical Bureau of the Kingdom of Württemberg , the earliest predecessor of the State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg, was founded in 1821 .

Grand Ducal Statistical Bureau Baden

1852 Foundation of a Grand Ducal Statistical Bureau within the portfolio of the Ministry of the Interior. Until the office was founded, statistical tasks - for example for the Zollverein - were carried out by the Baden ministries on their own. In 1855 the first issue of the “Contributions to the statistics of the internal administration of the Grand Duchy of Baden” appears. It contains the administrative structure of Baden and a place directory with population statistics for the year 1852.

1860 The Statistical Bureau is subordinated to the newly established Ministry of Commerce. With this subordination and a full-time official director, the Baden statistics are being developed from uncoordinated departmental statistics to an overarching and cross-sectional system.

1865 Appointment of the Statistical Bureau as an "independent state agency" with independent activity. From 1868 the “Statistical Yearbook for the Grand Duchy of Baden” appears, then in 1869 the “Statistical Messages about the Grand Duchy of Baden” appear at irregular intervals.

Württemberg State Statistical Office

The Württemberg State Statistical Office had been an authority of the free People's State of Württemberg since the end of the First World War (until the end of the Nazi dictatorship). The State Office was the legal successor to the Statistical-Topographical Bureau of the Kingdom of Württemberg.

On September 18, 1928, the Ministry of Finance of the State of Württemberg issued an ordinance on the official regulations of the State Statistical Office, according to which the office has the tasks

  1. To collect, process and publish information about all state and social phenomena that may be of importance for administration and science
  2. to participate in the Reich Statistics to the extent determined by law and practice, as well as the processing of the results of the Reich Statistics
  3. the execution of national statistics, d. H. all surveys to be carried out in particular for Württemberg that are ordered by the responsible ministry or that the State Statistical Office itself deems appropriate, and
  4. operate the geographical, statistical and historical description of the country.

The following tasks are assigned to the State Statistical Office: the topographical and geological survey of the country and the production, continuation and reproduction of corresponding maps, observation and research of the meteorological and geophysical conditions of the country by the state weather station.

During the Weimar Republic , the Württemberg State Statistical Office had the most extensive area of ​​responsibility.

In 1935 the meteorological department was outsourced. This was due to the development of aviation. On April 6, 1934, the Reich government issued the “Ordinance on the Reich Weather Service ”; thereafter the tasks of weather observation belonged to the business area of ​​the Reich Minister of Aviation, Hermann Göring . Further outsourcing was carried out in 1936 with the topographical department and the formation of a topographical office in the division of the Württemberg Ministry of the Interior and in 1939 with the outsourcing of the geological department of the Württemberg statistical state office and integration into the "Reichsstelle für Bodenforschung".

Due to the war, the Württemberg State Statistical Office had to move to its temporary office in Bad Wildbad in the northern Black Forest in 1943 . In 1944 the library holdings and data material were relocated to Wachenburg Castle in what was then the district of Horb and in 1945 to Ellwangen (Jagst) in East Württemberg .

In 1945 the Württemberg State Statistical Office was dissolved.

Baden State Statistical Office

1897 Provincial ordinance by Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden and renaming of the office to "Baden Statistical Office". The office and the state statistics are being reorganized , given the same status as the Baden central authorities and subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior.

1945 Dissolution of the Baden Statistical Office.

Württemberg State Statistical Office in Tübingen

In 1946 the French statistical office in Tübingen became the statistical office for the state of Württemberg-Hohenzollern . This office also oversees the Bavarian district of Lindau, which is the only Bavarian district that does not belong to the American but to the French zone of occupation.

Bureau de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economique auprès du Gouvernement Militaire de Bade

In autumn 1945 the French occupation administration set up a statistical office in Freiburg. The main task of the office is the collection of industrial statistical data.

German State Statistical Office for Baden - French occupied territory

In 1946, the Baden Ministry of the Interior set up a statistical office, whose activities were coordinated with the Bureau de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economique auprès du Gouvernement Militaire de Bade.

Office de statistique de Constance

The statistical central office of the French military administration is located in Konstanz. This office prepares the data material transmitted by the statistical offices of the state or the statistical offices of the French occupying power with a Hollerith system on the results of the French occupation zone. In addition, special surveys such as the “tool-machine count” from 1946 are carried out. These are used for the logistical planning of the multiple French dismantling operations, especially in the industrial lanes of the Swabian Albtrauf.

Baden State Statistical Office

In 1947, the Bureau de Statistiques et d'Etudes Economique auprès du Gouvernement Militaire de Bade and the State Statistical Office for Baden were merged to become the Baden State Statistical Office. In 1952, after the state of Baden-Württemberg was founded, the office was incorporated into the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office.

State Statistical Office in Karlsruhe

The State Statistical Office in Karlsruhe only existed for a few months in the immediate post-war period up to June 1946. The survey and evaluation program is essentially designed by the Stuttgart Statistical Office in coordination with the American occupation administration.

State Statistical Office in Stuttgart

At the end of 1945 a provisional organizational structure for the statistical service was set up in Stuttgart, to which the staff relocated to Bad Wildbad and the library holdings relocated to Wachendorf Castle would return.

State Statistical Office Württemberg-Baden

1946 Merger of the regional statistical offices in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. The office was added to the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office in 1952 when Baden-Württemberg was founded.

State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg

1952 In a transition law , the State Statistical Office remains in the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance. The previously independent offices in Tübingen and Freiburg will be subordinate to the offices in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.

1953 With the founding of the new federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Wuerttemberg announced a state statistical office based in Stuttgart. The offices in Karlsruhe, Freiburg and Tübingen will be retained as branch offices for a transitional period. The dissolution of these branch offices was finally completed in 1955.

1953 The geological department of the state statistical office is spun off from the office and the state geological office of Baden-Württemberg is established in Freiburg.

1969 As part of the regional and administrative reforms, the state government commissioned a concept for a state information system and a regional database.

1991 In Baden-Württemberg, too, official statistics are given a state law basis, the State Statistics Act (LStatG). This repeals the legal bases of September 18, 1928 for the Württemberg part of the state and July 8, 1897 for the Baden part of the state, which were valid until then .

Authority management

Statistical-Topographical Bureau of the Kingdom of Württemberg

Württemberg State Statistical Office

  • 1914–1922: In continuation of his function in the royal statistical office, Karl von Haffner became the first president of the - now republican - Württemberg statistical office.
  • 1922–1930: Hermann Julius Losch was a senior employee of the Württemberg statistical offices from 1893 to 1930, from 1922 he took over as president of the Württemberg statistical state office. As early as 1904, Losch visited the Bureau of the Census in Washington and got to know Hollerith's punch card method. For the 1910 census, based on detailed profitability studies , and with the approval of the Ministry of Finance , Losch was able to conclude a contract with the Deutsche Hollerithgesellschaft (later IBM). The Württemberg State Statistical Office thus introduced machine data processing in Württemberg. For organizational and socio-political reasons, machine data processing was discontinued after the First World War. During the First World War, Losch was a member of the Economic War Committee and then chairman of the State Prize Office. Losch was one of the first statisticians to deal with national accounts and national product calculations. He has written over 40 publications, in particular on “National wealth, national income and their distribution”. He was the first statistician to study the pendulum hike , which gave Losch its scientific name. In 1927, Losch agreed with the Swabian Alb Association that it would purchase at least 25,000 hiking maps on a scale of 1: 50,000 every year, which guaranteed the quick publication of the hiking maps despite the tight budget.
  • 1930–1933: Otto Müller was the nominal successor to Losch. In fact, the office is led by Otto Trüdinger (1866–1949), a student of v. Rumelin . Trüdinger joined the statistical service as early as 1893. From 1915 to 1923 he was first second and then first chairman of the state award office. The successful further development of agricultural statistics goes back to Trüdinger.
  • 1933–1938: Karl Hermann Seeger (1873–1950), who had been the permanent delegate of the Württemberg Ministry of Finance at the Württemberg State Statistical Office since 1929, took over the management of the office in 1933. During his tenure, the departments of meteorology, topography and geology were separated from the statistical office. He succeeded in maintaining the scientific working methods of the Württemberg statistics. In 1938 Seeger retired . From 1939 to 1943 he was reactivated for the statistical service.
  • 1938–1945: Josef Griesmeier (1891–1969) began his service as a statistician in the Württemberg Statistical Office in 1929 . From 1938 to 1945 he was director of the office. In 1946 he lost his functions as part of a denazification process . He was an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and on the board and later an honorary member of the German Statistical Society . From 1936 Griesmeier taught statistics at the University of Tübingen , which appointed him honorary professor in 1941. After the Second World War he was a lecturer at the TH Stuttgart . Griesmeier's main research areas were the connections between economic and social development, migration movements since the liberation of the peasants , urbanization, commuting and voting behavior.

State Statistical Office Württemberg-Hohenzollern in Tübingen

From 1947 to 1949 Ellynor Eichert headed the State Statistical Office of Württemberg-Hohenzollern. Eichert came to Tübingen through the school service and the Office de statistique de Constance . Then Carl Kessner (1892–1964) took over the management of the office until its dissolution in 1953. From 1927 to 1945 Kessner was head of the statistical office of the city of Stuttgart.

Grand Ducal Statistical Bureau in Baden

From 1852 to 1863 Rudolf Dietz headed the Statistical Bureau in the Ministry of the Interior of the Grand Duchy of Baden. In 1860, Dietz joined the bureau in the area of ​​responsibility of the Baden Ministry of Commerce. The first Baden community directory with the results of the customs union census (population census) of 1852 was published under Dietz. From 1863 to 1894 the philologist Friedrich Hardeck (1826-1894) headed the bureau. In 1865 he became head of the newly created and independent "State Office for Statistics". In 1866 he was appointed Legation Councilor at the “Ministry of the Grand Ducal House and Foreign Affairs”, but he retained the management of the Statistical Bureau. Hardeck was made an honorary member of the International Institute because of his commitment to the Reich Statistics. Under Hardeck, the statistical results were widely distributed in various series of publications (including statistical reports for the Grand Duchy of Baden , statistical yearbook , community encyclopedia). Gustav Lange (1855–1925) headed the bureau from 1894 to 1897. He successfully campaigned for the Baden government to give the Statistical Bureau the higher status of a central authority and a state office. A sovereign ordinance gave the office a new form of organization and additional competencies. In 1897 Lange (1855–1925) took over the management of the newly created Baden Statistical Office. In 1908, the publications aimed at administration and science were presented as simple and popular as possible. Lange pushed the participation of official statistics at trade fairs and exhibitions as well as the use of graphic representations such as maps and diagrams. In 1920 the management of the office was transferred to the agricultural scientist Moriz Hecht (1869–1952). During the First World War he was also head of the War Usury Office , which he headed until 1921. In addition, Hecht was a lecturer in practical economics at the TH Karlsruhe. Hecht countered the austerity measures at the time with a successful sponsorship policy. Hecht was particularly committed to the Baden regional statistics. From 1933 until the end of the war in 1945, the former police chief of Karlsruhe Paul Hauser (1880–1969) headed the office. Under his leadership, the Office had to discontinue the previously successful publication policy, as statistics were increasingly treated as classified information.

State Statistical Office for Baden - French occupation area and later Baden State Statistical Office

In 1946, the French occupation administration formed its own statistical office for its own administrative territory, which Victor Wolters was appointed to manage until the office was dissolved in 1953.

State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg

In the American occupation zone, the Catholic social scientist and statistician Paul Jostock (1895–1965) headed the state statistical offices of Württemberg in Stuttgart and North Baden in Karlsruhe from 1945. From 1953 he was President of the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office, which was merged with the regional offices in Freiburg and Tübingen. Jostock entered the service of the German Reich Statistical Office in 1927, where he acquired a great academic reputation for developing the German national income and wealth statistics. He dealt critically with socialism, capitalism and collectivism and drafted concepts for social reforms based on the subsidiarity principle of Catholic social teaching. Ministerialrat Griesmeier was Jostock's permanent representative. From 1962 to 1967 the economist and former member of the state and Bundestag State Councilor Friedrich Werber (1901-1981) held the office. Among advertisers, the Württemberg tradition of describing the state and increased public relations work, in particular through the monographic description of the 72 city and rural districts of Baden-Württemberg at the time, became more important. On September 1, 1964, the responsible country description department was subordinated to the State Archives Directorate. From 1968 to 1980 the economist and historian Klaus Szameitat (1914–1985) headed the office. The focus of his work was the further development of the official statistics, as well as the prognosis and analysis activities and in particular the national accounts of the federal states and the management of the working group of the same name (AK-VGR dL). Under Szameitat, the establishment of a statistical regional database (RDB) and the state information system Baden-Württemberg (LIS-BW) began. Szameitat entered the service of the Reich Statistical Office in 1938, moved to the Bavarian Statistical Office in 1945 after the Reich Office was dissolved, and to the Federal Statistical Office in 1948, where he was department president for the “General Organization of Statistics and the general foreign statistics "was responsible. In 1961 Szameitat was elected a member of the International Statistical Institute. From 1980 to 1992 the economist and social scientist Max Wingen (1930–2005) headed the office. Before that, he was head of department in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs for social policy, fundamental questions of family policy, family research and questions of population policy. In 1991 he returned to the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as Ministerial Director and Head of the Social Welfare Department . Wingen's main focus was family studies and demography. To this end, he founded the family science research center FaFo in the State Statistical Office. He wrote numerous analyzes on the socioeconomics of the family, on family burdens and on family performance equalization, on the compatibility of the world of work and family, as well as basic theoretical works of family science. Wingen worked as an honorary professor at the Ruhr University in Bochum and as an honorary professor for population science and family policy at the University of Konstanz. From 1992 to 2001 the agricultural and economic scientist was State Secretary i. e. R. Eberhard Leibing (* 1940) Head of Office. In 2001 Leibing was appointed director of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. Leibing intensified customer orientation through professional marketing and the establishment of its own department for information services. Through cost and performance accounting , he gave the office an economic orientation. He was committed to maintaining the principle of subsidiarity in relation to the EU and federal statistics and for the statistics to be independent of political influences. Leibing stepped up forecasting activities for Baden-Württemberg and introduced its own economic monitoring system for the state. Under his leadership, the new federal states will be integrated into the national accounts. From 2002 to 2007 the lawyer Gisela Meister-Scheufelen (* 1956) headed the State Statistical Office; in 2007 she was appointed Ministerial Director of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance. As the former head of the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Trade Office and former State Secretary for Economics and Technology in the Berlin Senate, she deepened relationships with business and its associations. A particular focus of her work was the problematization of politics and society for demographic change. Under Meister-Scheufelen's leadership, the product range of the State Statistical Office was adapted to the new communication technologies and habits and expanded considerably. Meister-Scheufelen played a special role in the development and implementation of a master plan for German official statistics. The focus was on relieving the burden on reporting agents and the introduction of electronic reporting channels. Her particular commitment was to maintain the federal system of German official statistics. In 2007 Carmina Brenner (* 1957) took over the management of the office. Until she took office, Brenner was a member of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

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