Walter Huder

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Walter Huder , also Walther Huder , (born December 30, 1921 in Mladé Buky , Czechoslovakia ; † June 20, 2002 in Berlin ) was a doctor of German studies , Slavic studies , cultural historian , philosopher , essayist and long-time director of the archive of the Academy of Arts in Berlin (West). With his collection of many estates from German and emigrated artists, Huder is one of the founders of German exile research and research into German-language exile literature .


Huder came from a republican-minded family whose origins can be derived from Austrians , Czechs and people of Jewish origin . His father was a mill and sawmill owner who had another son and four daughters. He attended a Jesuit grammar school, where he began to deal with Hegel , Marx and Nietzsche .

Studies and World War II

He then began studying philosophy , psychology and archeology at the Charles University in Prague . With the Munich Agreement and the occupation of the so-called remaining Czech Republic by Hitler's Wehrmacht in 1938/39, his life was steered in completely new directions. In 1940 he went first to France , then to the Soviet Union , where he stayed for around 10 years. There he worked in mining and road construction. In 1944, he participated on the part of the Red Army at the Slovak National Uprising . Severely wounded, he was taken to a military hospital in the Crimea .

Postgraduate studies

In 1949 Huder wanted to continue his studies in Heidelberg , which had been interrupted in Prague, but as a stateless person he was refused. He then went to Berlin and enrolled at the newly founded Free University of Berlin for German , Slavonic , art history and philosophy . At the end of his studies, which he completed with a doctorate in 1956 , he prepared a lecture on Georg Kaiser's expressionist epoch drama Die Bürger von Calais , which led to Huder later tracking down Kaiser’s estate and publishing his works. In 1957, Huder was able to open the Georg Kaiser Archive at the Academy of Arts in West Berlin and the following year he arranged the memorial exhibition on the poet's life and work. It was the basis for the now extensive collection of the Academy of the Arts.

Head of the Archives of the Academy of Arts

In 1959, Huder was able to take over the archive management of the Berlin Academy of the Arts. He began "with the restoration of German literary consciousness" ( Günther Rühle ) and over the years collected over 160 bequests in the fields of literature , fine arts , architecture , music , performing arts , film and media art . Again and again, Huder presented himself as the initiator of great exhibitions such as B. to Ödön von Horváth , Lion Feuchtwanger , Erwin Piscator or to the theater in exile , to the burning of books and many more on before. After almost 30 years of successful tenure as archive and library director, he was ingloriously retired at the end of 1986, although immediately before that he succeeded in acquiring the estate of Erich Mühsam and Peter Weiss for the academy.


Huders work has been recognized with numerous awards, also in the field of his numerous publications on literature and the theater in the 20th century . His numerous lectures were among the great moments of many symposia . To this day, Huders seminars are considered legendary as professor of theater studies at the Free University of Berlin.


In his second marriage, Huder was married to Irmtraud Huder. After many years of serious illness, Huder died in Berlin in 2002 and was buried on July 5, 2002 in the cemetery of his unforgettable home in Mladé Buky , a small town in the Bohemian Giant Mountains .

Awards / honors (selection)

Works (excerpt)

  • The dialectic in poetry by Rainer Maria Rilkes , Berlin: University manuscript of the Free University of Berlin, Philosophical Faculty, 1956 (dissertation of May 7, 1956).
  • kain: drama / Gottfried Kapp , Dülmen (Westphalia), Verlag Laumann 1964 (with a critical analysis of Kapp's complete works).
  • Together with Georg Zivier : 300 Years of the Jewish Community in Berlin , Berlin, Press and Information Office of the State of Berlin 1971.
  • Inflation as a way of life: Ödön von Horváth's criticism of philistinism , Gütersloh, Kulturamt Gütersloh 1972 (a cross-section through the complete works).
  • Heinrich von Kleist: 1777–1811 , Munich, Goethe-Institut 1979 (an exhibition of the Goethe-Institut).
  • Christoph Niess and his work portrait , 1981.
  • From Rilke to Cocteau. 33 texts on literature and theater in the 20th century , Berlin, edition q 1992, ISBN 3-928024-62-0 .


  • The citizens of Calais : Stage play in 3 acts by Georg Kaiser (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder). Stuttgart, Reclams Universal Library No. 8223, 1958.
  • Der Silbersee , attached work: Der Soldat Tanaka , dramas by Georg Kaiser (edited and annotated by Walter Huder, epilogue: Klaus KÄNDER), Stuttgart, Reclams Universalbibliothek No. 9105/09, 1962.
  • The raft of the Medusa by Georg Kaiser (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder). Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1963.
  • From morning to midnight: piece in 2 parts by Georg Kaiser (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder). Stuttgart: Reclams Universal Library No. 8937, 1965; New editions: 1967, 1969, 1970.
  • Pieces, stories, essays, poems by Georg Kaiser, Cologne, Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1966; also Book Guild Gutenberg 1967.
  • Right and left: Sports fairy tale by Ödön von Horváth (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder). Berlin: Berlin hand press, 1969.
  • Georg Kaiser Works: Pieces 1895–1917 , Vol. 1. Berlin: Propylypen Verlag, 1971. ISBN 3-549-05750-4 and ISBN 3-549-05760-1 .
  • Georg Kaiser Works: Pieces 1918–1927 , Vol. 2. Berlin: Propylaen Verlag 1971. ISBN 3-549-05751-2 and ISBN 3-549-15761-4 .
  • Georg Kaiser Works: Pieces 1928–1943 , Vol. 3. Berlin: Propylaen Verlag 1970.
  • Theodor Fontane and the Prussian Academy of the Arts: A dossier of letters and documents from 1876 (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder), Berlin, Propylaen Verlag 1971.
  • A prisoner: poems - Alfred Wolkenstein (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder). Berlin: Propylaeen Verlag 1972.
  • Bronzes: Hans Hauffe (with notes on a foreword, edited by Walter Huder), Berlin, Rump Verlag 1974.
  • Drawings and watercolors: Alfred Linke (edited and with an afterword by Walter Huder), Berlin, Verlag Hoffmann, 1975.
  • Together with Friedrich Knilli : Lion Feuchtwanger: "... for reason against stupidity and violence , Berlin, Publica Verlags-Gesellschaft 1985, ISBN 3-89087-017-1 .
  • Together with Karl Riha : New York - George Grosz (epilogue: Karl Riha), Siegen: Machwerk-Verlag 1985, ISBN 3-922524-21-4 .


  • Klaus Siebenhaar & Hermann Haarmann (ed.): Price of Reason: Literature and Art between Enlightenment, Resistance and Adaptation. Festschrift for the 60th birthday of Walter Huder , Berlin & Vienna, Medusa Verlag 1982.
  • Werner Mittenzwei : researcher, archivist, intermediary - Walter Huder (afterword); in: Walter: Huder: From Rilke to Cocteau. 33 texts on literature in the 20th century , Berlin, edition q 1992, pp. 418–428, ISBN 3-928024-62-0 .
  • Ekkehard Schwerk: It made the academy rich: it was only worth eleven lines for the academy in its 300th anniversary catalog , in: Der Tagesspiegel, No. 15.849, Berlin, December 30, 1996.
  • Günther Rühle: Kaiserjäger - collector in his element: Walter Huder on the eightieth , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Frankfurt am Main, December 29, 2001.
  • Hermann Haarmann & Klaus Siebenhaar (ed.): The asylums of art. Festschrift for the 80th birthday of Walter Huder , Berlin, Verlag Bostelmann & Siebenhaar 2002, ISBN 3-934189-84-9 (with contributions by Günter Grass, Walter Jens, Rolf Hochhuth, Werner Mittenzwei).
  • Hans Jörgen Gerlach : “What is man in Berlin?” Obituary for Walter Huder , in: “Zwischenwelt. Journal for the Culture of Exile and Resistance ”, 19th vol., No. 3, Vienna, December 2002, pp. 12-14. ISSN  1606-4321


  • “One wants to put a mental fog over the intellectual legacy of those who were expelled in 1933 ...” - Conversation with Walter Huder , in: Illustrierte Stadtzeitung zitty , Berlin, No. 3, 1987, pp. 14-16. ISSN  0179-9606
  • Arnold Seul & Anne Worst: marked cards in application poker? Appointment procedure of the new AdK archive director highly disreputable , in: Illustrierte Stadtzeitung zitty, Berlin, No. 12, 1987, pp. 8-12.


The extensive legacies that Huder amassed (archive, collection, library, 20 running meters, 603 volumes) can be found in the archive holdings of the Akademie der Künste (Berlin) , Robert-Koch-Platz 10.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Armin Stolper: "Professor Huder tells a story" , Neues Deutschland , January 12, 2002, p. 20