Werner Kalinka

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Werner Kalinka in front of the State House (2011)

Werner Erich Kalinka (born February 17, 1952 in Fiefbergen ) is a German journalist and politician ( CDU ). He is a member of the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament .

Life and work

Kalinka, the son of a craftsman, first attended secondary school and then switched to the Wellingdorf grammar school in Kiel . After graduating from high school in 1972, Kalinka did his military service with the Federal Border Guard until 1974 . He took a law - studies on, but has moderated in journalism and worked as a journalist for the daily newspaper Die Welt and for the publisher Gruner + Jahr and Heinrich Bauer Verlag operates.

Werner Kalinka lives in Dobersdorf , where he also works as a community representative. He is Protestant , married and has a son. The politician Anke Eymer is his sister.

Kalinka is convinced that the death of the then Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein , Uwe Barschel, was murder and wrote two books and numerous articles on the subject. In September 2010 he suggested a DNA analysis of the Barschel evidence .

Political party

Kalinka was initially involved in the Junge Union (JU) and was its state chairman in Schleswig-Holstein from 1973 to 1980 .

From 1978 to 1988 and again from 1999 to 2005 Kalinka was chairman of the CDU district association in Plön . In 2014 Kalinka was elected CDU district chairman in Plön for the third time and was confirmed in office in 2016 and 2018.

Since 2002 he has also been regional chairman of the CDA Schleswig-Holstein. On March 14, 2015, he was elected for a 7th term of office with 97% at the CDA annual congress.

Member of the district council

Kalinka was a member of the district council of the Plön district from 1974 to 1987 and from 1998 to 2008 . Since 2013 he has been a member of the district council again. From 2003 to 2008 he was district president of the Plön district, from 2013 to 2018 deputy district administrator and from 2015 to 2018 chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the district council. Between 2013 and 2018 he was deputy chairman of the supervisory board of the Plön district transport company . He has been a member of the Preetz Clinic's Supervisory Board since 2013. After the district election in 2018 , he ran for district president, but was not elected in four ballots despite the CDU's right to propose. Kalinka has been chairman of the main committee since June 2018 .

Landtag mandate

Werner Kalinka in December 2018 in the state house

On May 20, 1977, he replaced Herbert Gerisch , who had left the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein, to which he was a member until 1983. When he entered the state parliament , Werner Kalinka was the youngest member of the state parliament at the age of 25, which he remained until 2009. From 2000 to 2005 he was again a member of the state parliament and during this time spokesman for social and health policy for the CDU parliamentary group and from 2000 to 2002 deputy chairman of the social committee.

On April 28, 2005 he moved again, this time for the resigned member of parliament Klaus Schlie , to the state parliament. From 2005 to 2009 he was chairman of the home and legal committee.

For the early state election on September 27, 2009 , the state CDU put him on the hopeless 26th place on the state list . Werner Kalinka prevailed with 35.7 percent of the first votes against the SPD candidate Anette Langner , who received 33.3 percent of the first votes. This is the first time in 26 years that the constituency of Plön-Nord has been won directly by a CDU candidate. From October 2009, Kalinka was chairman of the parliamentary group inside and law of the CDU parliamentary group, and also a member of the judges' selection committee and the G-10 commission.

In the state election on May 6, 2012 , Werner Kalinka received 35.6 percent of the first votes, but was defeated by SPD candidate Anette Langner , who received 39.9 percent of the first votes.

In the state election on May 7, 2017 , he was directly elected with 39.9 percent in the constituency of Plön-Nord . In the 19th electoral term, Kalinka became chairman of the social committee, spokesman for data protection and family and senior policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group.

Kalinka has been a member of the state parliament's data protection committee since June 2018, and as its chairman until June 2020.


  • Together with Manfred Schell: Stasi and no end - The people and facts , 1991
  • Case B. - Death That Can't Be Murder , 1992
  • Barschel victim , 1993
  • Destiny GDR - Twenty portraits of victims and perpetrators , Ullstein, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-548-36654-6 .

Web links

Commons : Werner Kalinka  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kalinka, Werner. In: State Parliament Information System Schleswig-Holstein. Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament, accessed on May 25, 2020 .
  2. a b CDU state parliamentary group: Member of the CDU state parliament group for Werner Kalinka. Retrieved November 24, 2017 .
  3. "The CASE B. - A death that must not be murder" and further articles on the 1987 affair. Retrieved on October 20, 2011 .
  4. ↑ The Barschel case is to be rolled out. Die Welt , November 22, 2010, accessed October 3, 2011 .
  5. Trouble about Barschel evidence again. NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin , October 6, 2011, archived from the original on October 16, 2011 ; Retrieved October 20, 2011 .
  6. Report on the district party conference 2018. CDU in the Plön district, accessed on September 5, 2018 (German).
  7. Change of power at the CDU in the Plön district. (No longer available online.) Probsteier Herold , April 15, 2014, archived from the original on July 25, 2014 ; Retrieved July 16, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.probsteier-herold.de
  8. Michael Kuhr (mik): Schönberg: Great support for Werner Kalinka. In: Ostholsteiner Anzeiger (shz). Retrieved on March 23, 2016 (German).
  9. ^ Kalinka: The work of the CDA Schleswig-Holstein is sustainable. Christian Democratic Workforce , March 16, 2015, accessed March 16, 2015 .
  10. http://wahlen.kreis-ploen.de/kw2013/index.html Election results of the 2013 district election in the Plön district
  11. ^ The members of the new district council. In: Kieler Nachrichten / KN-Online. Retrieved September 5, 2018 (German).
  12. Result of the district election 2018. District Plön, accessed on September 5, 2018 .
  13. http://www.kreis-ploen.de/Ppolitik-Verwaltung/Landrätin Homepage of the Plön district - District Administrator
  14. ^ CDU district association Plön: Thomas Hansen deputy district administrator. Retrieved on July 11, 2018 (German).
  15. Werner Kalinka new chairman of the CDU district parliamentary group in Plön. Ostholsteiner Anzeiger , March 12, 2015, accessed on March 12, 2015 .
  16. ^ CDU district association Plön: Plön CDU district parliamentary group has been constituted. Retrieved on July 11, 2018 (German).
  17. https://www.kreis-ploe.de/session/buergerinfo/kp0040.php?__kgrnr=22 Citizen information system of the Plön district: Supervisory Board of the VKP
  18. https://www.kreis-ploe.de/session/buergerinfo/kp0040.php?__kgrnr=59 Citizen information system of the Plön district: Health and care facilities of the Plön district non-profit GmbH
  19. ↑ District president election in Plön: Kalinka fails four times. June 12, 2018, accessed August 19, 2020 .
  20. ^ Citizen information system of the Plön district: Committee | Main committee. Retrieved July 11, 2018 .
  21. ^ The 19th state parliament in the mirror of statistics. (No longer available online.) Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament, archived from the original on August 14, 2017 ; accessed on August 14, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.landtag.ltsh.de
  22. Composition of the data protection committee. Retrieved August 6, 2020 .