Wichard Lange

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Wichard Lange, Portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm Graupenstein , 1873, oil on canvas, Museum for Hamburg History

Friedrich Wichard Lange (born May 20, 1826 in Krampfer ; † January 10, 1884 in Hamburg in the Isebek Canal ) was a German educator , headmaster of his own school, editor and member of the Hamburg citizenship .



The son of the sheep master Joachim Lange on the Möllendorfschen manor in Krampfer Friedrich Wichard Lange was an inquisitive pupil and quickly became the favorite of his cantor Möhring at elementary school , who provided Langes thirst for knowledge with additional food through borrowed books. It was through him that the landlord became aware of the talented boy, who not only let him play with his children, but also let him and his children be taught by a private tutor. The desire to become a teacher grew stronger and stronger. He was drawn to the preparation institute in Pritzwalk , where he was accepted. In 1844 he set off for Berlin , where he took part in the teachers' seminar led by Adolph Diesterweg for three years . At the same time, he also attended academic lectures as a listener on the advice of Diesterweg. Diesterweg, who became his spiritual father, assigned the young Wichard Lange several private lessons in Berlin families and, after completing the seminar in 1847, elected him to be the teaching institution's assistant teacher. It was also Diesterweg's intention to give him an apprenticeship at the seminary, but Diesterweg's days in the Prussian civil service as head of the teacher’s seminar were numbered for political reasons. Diesterweg recommended him to leave Prussia and advised him to go to Hamburg, where the school system was still in private hands. Diesterweg himself tried to find a job for him.


On Diesterweg's recommendation, he received a teaching position at Alexander Detmar's high school . From Easter 1848 he worked as a teacher in Hamburg. At the instigation and with financial support of the Hamburg factory owner Heinrich Traun and his wife Bertha , who chose him from the many applicants, he went on a study trip to England , Belgium and the Rhineland in 1849 to gain experience for a school that Mr. and Mrs. Traun for the children of the workers at HC Meyer jr. , in which they were involved, planned. Lange had to give up his intention to visit Paris because of the prevailing cholera . When he returned home, he learned that his patrons had given up on the old plan and invited Friedrich Froebel to Hamburg to help establish an institution for the pre-school age. Disappointed, he returned to his old job at Alexander Detmer's school and initially fought against Froebel's ideas in the discussions about the project to which he was invited. At one of these meetings he met Alwine Middendorff, the daughter of Fröbel's colleague Wilhelm Middendorff , who ran the first kindergarten in Hamburg set up by Mrs. Doris Lütkens , and through her soon became better acquainted with Friedrich Froebel. He changed his mind and became a supporter of Froebel and Alwine's groom.

In 1850 he obtained his doctorate and at Easter 1851 received a license to run a boys' school. As a result, the preparations for the timely opening of an own higher private school in Hamburg began. During the Easter holidays took place in Keilhau his marriage to Alwine place and the opening of the school took place also rapidly thereafter, on April 29, 1851. The Dr. Wichard Lange School , which he ran in the spirit of Pestalozzi and Diesterweg, was successful. It was located at Heuberg 11 and 12 in the Hamburg-Altstadt district and, from 1866, at Hohe Bleichen 38.

Long, restless activity over the years was not limited to his school. He participated in the club life of the Hamburg teaching world as a member of the school science education association, in which his thorough, instructive and stimulating lectures were always popular. He often had his say in the Hamburger Schulblatt , the medium of the above-mentioned association, for example in No. 354 in 1864, in which he wrote an obituary for his friend Karl Schmidt . He also wrote for Die Gartenlaube , for example in 1882 he wrote an article on the centenary birthday of Friedrich Froebel or in 1865 on Diesterweg's seventy-fifth birthday, Vom Marschall Vorwärts among the teachers. For the birthday party of someone who has been disciplined . As a speaker, he also showed great skill in form and expression as a writer. The reputation that he gained led to his election to the Hamburg parliament , of which he was a member from 1859 to 1865 and again from 1874 until his death in 1884. After Adolph Diesterweg's death (1866), he also took over the management of the Rheinische Blätter for Education and Teaching ( Frankfurt am Main , Moritz Diesterweg ) , which he founded in 1827 and thus obtained a medium through which he could also publish his own articles. Marie Loeper-Housselle contacted him and became a contributor to the magazine. Lange also took care of the second edition of Friedrich Fröbel's educational writings, as well as the new edition of the books of his late friend Karl Schmidt: History of Education and Teaching (several editions), and History of Pedagogy (four volumes).

Long was also a Freemason . He was the master of the chair of the Johannisloge Zum Pelikan i. Or. Hamburg, member of the Provincial Lodge of Lower Saxony . On March 16, 1871, Friedrich Wilhelm Graupenstein made him an honorary member of the Hamburger Johannisloge Zur golden Kugel , after he had made him an honorary member of the Lodge Zum Pelikan . In 1873 he was also portrayed by Graupenstein. The oil painting is now part of the painting collection of the Museum of Hamburg History .

End of life

Wichard Lange's end of life was tragic and aroused great concern. On December 4, 1882, he lost his faithful, caring wife who, according to her own confession and according to the statements of his friends, was his good angel and guardian spirit. The widower expressed his deep grief in an article in the Rheinische Blätter in 1883 (page 99 ff.). He did not find peace of mind and balance of spirit after this harrowing loss. In addition, there was a false accusation against his school, allegedly in which irregularities should have occurred in the final examination. This not only affected Lange, but also the entire examination board, and especially against the school council . The denunciation was not sent to the next higher authority in Hamburg, which was superior to the school system, but to the Reich Chancellery , because Lange himself was a member of the Hamburg authority. A careful review began. In the end, that was all too much for Lange. He decided to commit suicide. The reason was probably excessive sadness and disappointment, perhaps even disgust for the anonymous informers , who opposed him . On January 10, 1884, he drowned himself in the ice-cold water of the Isebek Canal , which was not far from his apartment, which was located at 26 Hoheluftchausse .

An hour after his body was found, the prosecution was rejected from Berlin. In the end of the long letter it says: "A careful investigation of the accusations with witness interrogation of the students and teachers, employed by two members of the high school authorities , who were politically and religiously contrary to Lange, has shown that absolutely none for these accusations actual justification existed. "

The denunciator turned out to be a former employee of Lange's school, with whom he had differences in the previous year and immediately dismissed Michaelis when he was paid a full half-year salary.

A great deal of sympathy for this sad end of the life of the popular and respected man spread. According to the daily newspapers, a larger series of mourners than Wichard Lange's had not been seen in Hamburg for a long time.


Wichard Lange and his wife Alwina had several children whom he left behind. A son of his, who was also called Wichard, later ran the school. The daughter Martha married the shipbuilding engineer Eugen Robert Pohl. Their son Robert Wichard Pohl , his grandson, became an excellent physicist , their grandson, his great-grandson, Robert Otto Pohl also became a physicist.

Fonts (selection)

  • To understand Friedrich Froebel’s . Hoffmann and Campe , Hamburg 1850 ( digitized version )
  • An answer to the essay "Long Talk - Short Sense" in "The Presence of Elementary School, No. 1" by Dr. Georgens . Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1857
  • Buds, flowers and fruits of educational endeavor: educational suggestions , Hamburg, Hoffmann and Campe , 1860 ( digitized version )
  • Ten years from my educational practice - a review by Dr. Wichard Lange , Hamburg, Hoffmann and Campe , 1861 ( digitized )
  • Marginal glosses on the educational movements of the present , Halle, Schmidt , 1864
  • The fundamental principles of today's educational theory and practice. Speech given at the seventeenth general German teachers' meeting in Cassel , Köthen , P. Schettler , 1869
  • Foreword in History of the St. Johannis Lodge to the Pelican in Hamburg: Manuscript for Brothers by Friedrich Wilhelm Graupenstein , Hamburg, 1871
  • The German national elementary school . C. Boysen. Hamburg 1872 ( digitized version )
  • Military and school: a serious word . C. Boysen. Hamburg 1877
  • German education in Italy: Draft of a speech which was given in the assembly hall of the Johanneum in Hamburg on January 20, 1878, in order to recommend the efforts of Mrs. Julie Schwabe . C. Boysen. Hamburg 1878
  • The general educational significance of Friedrich Froebel: Reference to his 100th birthday: an angry speech . C. Boysen. Hamburg 1881

Published publications (selection)

  • Wilhelm Middendorff on the kindergartens Reviewed, supplemented and partially improved by Dr. Wichard Lange, Hamburg, Hoffmann and Campe , 1851
  • Friedrich Froebel's collected educational writings. First department: Friedrich Fröbel in his development as a person and a pedagogue . Volume 1: From Froebel's life and first striving. Autobiography and smaller writings, Berlin, published by Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin . Adolph Enslin, 1862 ( archive.org )
  • Friedrich Froebel's collected educational writings. Second department: Friedrich Froebel as the founder of the kindergartens. The pedagogy of the kindergarten. Friedrich Froebel's thoughts on play and the children's play objects , Berlin 1862
  • Friedrich Froebel's collected educational writings. First department: Friedrich Fröbel in his development as a person and a pedagogue . Volume 2: Friedrich Froebel's ideas on human education and essays with various contents, Berlin 1863
  • Mother and mother songs . Poetry and Pictures. A family book by Friedrich Froebel . Berlin 1866
  • Karl Schmidt: History of Pedagogy (several editions). Paul Schettler's publishing house, Koethen. Volume 1 - Volume 2 - Volume 3 - Volume 4
  • Karl Schmidt: History of education and instruction . 2nd edition 1871, 3rd edition 1876, 4th edition 1883. Paul Schettler's Verlag, Köthen; Text archive - Internet Archive


Web links

Commons : Wichard Lange  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sander:  Lange, Wichard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 51, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, pp. 578-581.
  2. Article about Wichert Lange in the Allgemeine Deutsche Lehrerzeitung , No. 13 from 1884, digitized at the library for research on the history of education
  3. ^ Entry in the archive database of the library for research on the history of education
  4. In the death register (available at ancetry.de ) Elisabeth Carlonie Auguste Alwine . In Lange's German biography also Alwina
  5. Hamburg address books digitized in the Hamburg State and University Library
  6. ^ R. Hoche:  Schmidt, Karl . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 31, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1890, p. 770.
  7. On the centenary of Friedrich Froebel’s birthday . In: The Gazebo . Issue 1, 1882, pp. 4–9 ( full text [ Wikisource ]).
  8. From Marshal Forward Among the Teachers. For the birthday party of someone who has been disciplined . In: The Gazebo . Issue 43, 1865, pp. 682 ( full text [ Wikisource ]).
  9. Sander:  Lange, Wichard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 51, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, pp. 578-581.
  10. ^ Entry on Marie Loeper-Housselle in Lexicon of German Women in Feather at Zeno.org
  11. Wichard Lange . freimaurer-wiki.de
  12. Honorary memberships of Graupenstein in the box to the Pelikan and Langes in the box to the golden ball . In: Die Bauhütte: Organ for the general interests of Freemasonry , Volume 14, 1871, pp. 127–129 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive )
  13. ^ Picture by Wichard Lange, painted by Friedrich Wilhelm Graupenstein, on the Hamburg Personalities website , in which the Museum of Hamburg History is a patron
  14. Article about Wichert Lange in the Allgemeine Deutsche Lehrerzeitung , No. 13 from 1884, digitized at the library for research on the history of education
  15. ^ Lange, F. Wichard in the Hamburg address book of 1884
  16. Article about Wichert Lange in the Allgemeine Deutsche Lehrerzeitung , No. 13 from 1884, digitized at the library for research on the history of education
  17. Article about Wichert Lange in the Allgemeine Deutsche Lehrerzeitung , No. 13 from 1884, digitized at the library for research on the history of education
  18. Sander:  Lange, Wichard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 51, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, pp. 578-581.
  19. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  20. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  21. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  22. ^ Literary review of the history of the St. Johannis Lodge at the Pelikan in Hamburg: Handwriting for Brothers . In: Die Bauhütte: Organ for the general interests of Freemasonry , Volume 14, 1871, pp. 177 and 178
  23. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  24. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  25. ^ Entry of the book at WorldCat
  26. ^ Entry on the website of the German National Library