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City of Rudolstadt
Coordinates: 50 ° 42 ′ 50 ″  N , 11 ° 14 ′ 57 ″  E
Height : 338 m
Incorporation : October 1, 1993
Postal code : 07407
Area code : 03672

Keilhau is a district of Rudolstadt in Thuringia , which is located in a side valley of the central Saale .


The Keilhau educational institution on the Thuringian Forest. ( The Gazebo 1867, page 581)

The small community of Keilhau is located in a left side valley of the middle Saale , about 6 km west of Rudolstadt. The NSG Dissau and Steinberg with one of the largest yew occurrences in Thuringia extends south and south-east of the village .


The place was settled around 800 , at the time of Charlemagne , by the Sorbs . At that time the country was still divided into so-called Gaue, in which the ruling count was elected by the wealthy nobility. Keilhau was probably in the Längwitzgau . From the 11th century onwards, the districts only existed in geographic form. Independent counts appeared. The rulers of Keilhau were the Counts of Schwarzburg and Kevernburg (near Arnstadt). The question of who founded the place has not been conclusively clarified. Some signs, e.g. B. the division of the field corridor corresponds on the one hand to the procedure in Thuringia , on the other hand the village complex is typically Slavic as a round . The name of the nearby NSG Dissau and Steinberg also gives an indication of the Slavic settlement : tis or dis is the Slavic expression for yew , which is particularly common in this area.

The place name, for which no final meaning has been found, again has a German character. An explanation for this could be seen in the simultaneous settlement by German landlords and Slavic field workers and servants. The direct foundation of the town can have happened around the year 900 . The first mention of Keilhaus can be found in a document from Archbishop Anno of Cologne from the year 1074, which deals with the donation of various villages and interest to the Abbey of Saalfeld / Saale . In the Middle Ages there were 12 family farms in Keilhau and the history of the church can be traced back to before 1200. The site retained its medieval appearance until the Reformation . The oldest overview of the existing farms dates from 1581 and provides information about their owners and size.

Froebel look

At the time of Friedrich Fröbel's (1782–1852) arrival in Keilhau in 1817, the village - according to tradition - must have been in a very deplorable condition:

“Keilhau gave the impression of a decrepit village that had gone through difficult times. The village lanes, like the country lanes, were very neglected. In the middle of the main path the village puddle shone, which usually had more mud than water. When it rained, some of the manure flowed out of all courtyards, and newts or spotted salamanders wriggled out of the old cellar walls. "

In 1817 the place changed dramatically, as Froebel moved the General German Educational Institute Froebel from Griesheim here, where Count Leopold von Kalckreuth studied from 1863 to 1866 . The Free Fröbel School in Keilhau is currently located here, the only school in the world that was founded directly by Friedrich Fröbel and Wilhelm Middendorff and that still works according to their pedagogical principles.

The Fröbelblick viewpoint was built in honor of Fröbel . The monument created by the sculptor Hans Zeissig consists of a cube, cylinder and ball and is reminiscent of the three basic game elements or gifts. Froebel, the "father" of the German kindergarten, is said to have coined the name kindergarten at this location : "Down there in the valley everything is like a garden ..." .

Until 1918 the place belonged to the sovereignty of the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt .

On July 1, 1950, the previously independent municipality of Eichfeld was incorporated.

On October 1, 1993, the previously independent community was incorporated into the then district town of Rudolstadt.



  • Christian Ed. Langethal : Keilhau in its beginnings. Memories of the institution's oldest pupil. Friedr. Frommann, Jena, 1867.
  • AE: The school on the forest A peace work from the liberation wars . In: The Gazebo . Issue 37, 1867, pp. 580-583 ( full text [ Wikisource ]).

Web links

Commons : Keilhau  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Playing gift
  2. Municipalities in 1994 and their changes since January 1st, 1948 in the new federal states . Federal Office of Statistics. Metzler-Poeschel publishing house, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 .