Viktor Vladimirovich Reverdatto

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Viktor Vladimirovich Rewerdatto ( Russian Виктор Владимирович Ревердатто ; born June 5 . Jul / 17th June  1891 greg. In Kharkov ; † 14. March 1969 in Tomsk ) was a Russian geobotanist and university teachers . Its botanical author's abbreviation is "Reverd.".


Rewerdatto's grave

Rewerdattos father Vladimir Andreyevich Rewerdatto (1865-1920) was born in France, who from the northern Italian political emigrant family came Reverditto, according to a university degree in 1892 at the entrance to the Russian state service Russian citizenship assumed Court Chairman in Novonikolajevsk, Rajon Echirit-Bulagatski was and in the Russian civil war in the prison of the Cheka to typhoid died. Rewerdatto's noble mother Jelisaweta Fjodorovna Timofejewa (1863-1941) was a teacher. Rewerdatto took on Russian citizenship when he came of age in 1913.

Rewerdatto attended secondary school in Tomsk with graduation in 1908 and began studying in the chemical department of the Tomsk Technological Institute in 1911 . During his studies he was active in the group of young botanists at the Herbarium of Tomsk University (TGU), which also included Boris Konstantinowitsch Schischkin and Lidija Palladijewna Sergijewskaja . Porfiri Nikititsch Krylow held Rewerdatto in high esteem and had him carry out an expedition to the Arctic on the Yenisei .

After the October Revolution , Rewerdatto taught at the Department of Botany at the TGU from 1919 . In 1925 he became professor , dean and prorector of the TGU. In 1935 he received his doctorate in biological sciences . He organized the first chair for geobotany in Siberia at the TGU . He carried out the soil and botanical studies of the land funds for the organization of state farms . 1924-1937 he undertook expedition work in Khakassia . In 1927 he was succeeded Krylow's director of the Siberian Botanical Garden of the TGU. In 1935 he became director of the new Biological Research Institute at the TGU, which examined biological resources in western and central Siberia. He created a vegetation map of southern Siberia .

From September 9, 1937 to August 21, 1939, Rewerdatto was held by the NKVD of Novosibirsk Oblast . During the German-Soviet war he headed the chair for pharmacognosy at the Tomsk Medical Institute and founded a scientific school for the study of medicinal plants in Siberia.

Rewerdatto's brothers Boris and Juri were White Army officers in the Russian Civil War. Boris Rewerdatto was shot dead during the Great Terror in 1938 and rehabilitated in 1958. Yuri Rewerdatto suffered from bone tuberculosis and died in 1921 in Nikolsk-Ussurijski by suicide .

Plant species named after Redatto (selection)

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Фоминых С. Ф .: Ревердатто Виктор Владимирович . In: Томск от А до Я: Краткая энциклопедия города . Изд-во НТЛ, Tomsk 2004, ISBN 5-89503-211-7 , p. 288-289 .
  2. a b c Блинова, К. Ф. и др .: Ботанико-фармакогностический словарь: Справ. пособие . Высш. шк., Moscow 1990, ISBN 5-06-000085-0 , pp. 270 ( [1] accessed June 21, 2019).
  3. a b c d Global Plants: Reverdatto, Viktor Vladimirovich (accessed June 21, 2019).
  4. Добро пожаловать… на кладбище, или Кладбищенский апгрейд по-томски (accessed June 21, 2019).