Williamson Simpson Oldham

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Williamson Simpson Oldham (born July 19, 1813 in Franklin County , Tennessee , † May 8, 1868 in Houston , Texas ) was an American lawyer and politician . He was also a member of the Episcopal Church and a Freemason .

Oldham was a member of the Arkansas General Assembly in 1838 . In 1842 he was elected a judge on the Arkansas Supreme Court . In the next few years he ran unsuccessfully, first in 1846 for a seat in the US House of Representatives and in 1848 for a seat in the US Senate , both times for the US state of Arkansas. He then moved to Texas, where he ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the House of Representatives in 1853 and again for a seat in the US House of Representatives in 1859. In 1861 he represented Texas at its Secession Convention and then in the Provisional Confederate Congress . He was then elected Senator of the Confederate States ( 1st and 2nd Confederate Congress ).

Williamson Simpson Oldham died of typhus in Houston in 1868 and was then buried there in Episcopal Cemetery . In 1938 he was reburied in the Brookside Memorial Park in Houston. The Oldham County in Texas and Oldham County in Kentucky was named after him.

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