Wilsberg: Stallion Parade

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Episode in the Wilsberg series
Original title Stallion Parade
Country of production Germany
original language German
Eyeworks Fiction & Film on behalf of ZDF
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 40 ( List )
First broadcast October 16, 2013 on ZDFneo
Director Michael Schneider
script Jürgen Kehrer
production Sabine de Mardt ,
Anton Moho
music Carsten Rocker
camera Andreas Zickgraf
cut Jörg Kroschel

Stallion Parade is the 40th episode in the Wilsberg television series . It was first broadcast on October 16, 2013 on ZDFneo . The film was shown on ZDF three days later . Directed by Michael Schneider , the screenplay was written by Jürgen Kehrer .


Nikola Füsting is the owner of a stud where she keeps the stallion “Stolz von Bielefeld”. This horse alone brings in so much money for the farm with donated sperm for breeding purposes that the farm can support itself. She asks her lawyer Alex Holtkamp to bring a sample of her stallion's valuable semen to the Warendorf State Stud . But Alex is attacked by masked criminals on the way and the cool box with the freight, which costs up to 170,000 euros, is stolen. Thereupon Georg Wilsberg is asked for help by Miriam Osthues from the agricultural insurance company, because she suspects insurance fraud.

Anke Füsting was murdered six months ago. Her ex-husband, Richard Breiderhoff, is charged with killing her. Nikola Füsting, the sister of the dead, is represented by Alex as a joint plaintiff in court. Karsten Breiderhoff, meanwhile, believes in his brother's innocence and takes unconventional paths to free Richard. He contacted Commissioner Anna Springer via the Internet. What begins as a romance as a blind date ends in the detective's kidnapping. Karsten uses Commissioner Springer, who is locked in a cellar, to force Wilsberg to prove his brother's innocence.

Shortly afterwards, Nikola Füsting's horse dies after falling victim to a horse-slicer. Wilsberg suspects a connection between the murder of Anke Füsting, the sperm robbery and the death of the horse. But when he starts the investigation on the Füstings' farm, he annoys the owner. Wilsberg learns from the stable girl Vanessa that the stallion who was killed suffered from equine viral arteritis , an incurable viral disease. This confirms Wilsberg's suspicion that the attack and the death of the horse could not have been right.

During rehearsals for a stallion parade in Warendorf, Nikola Füsting is confronted by Alex on her farm. Due to the viral disease, the animal's sperm could no longer be sold for breeding. The horse was thus worthless for the farm and the stud was facing serious financial problems. Due to the violent death of the animal, the insurance would secure the future of the farm with a payment in the millions. Nikola Füsting admits to having sold semen from another horse than the semen of her stallion "Stolz von Bielefeld". Nikola Füsting arranged the attack on Alex so that this fraud would not be noticed and the sum insured could be collected. When Nikola finally feels convicted, her stable boys attack Alex.

Meanwhile, Wilsberg and Ekki went to look for Commissioner Springer, who they suspect in one of the closed stables. In a cellar they find the inspector who is being held prisoner there. You can overwhelm Karsten Breiderhoff and free Anna Springer. The superintendent arrests her hostage-taker, while her rescuers rush to help Alex. Alex falls out of an upstairs barn door while fleeing from the stable boy, but a haystack slows her fall. In the meantime, the alerted police have arrived at the yard and arrest Karsten Breiderhoff. Meanwhile, Wilsberg can persuade Nikola Füsting to give up.

Alex succeeds in proving in court that Richard Breiderhoff did not kill his ex-wife. Anke Füsting had an affair with the police officer Thomas Luttermann, with whom she met repeatedly in a country inn a few kilometers from the stud. After their argument and separation from Richard, she went to see the police officer to urge him to leave his wife for her. But the suspicion that Luttermann murdered Anke Füsting turns out to be unfounded when Alex learns from Nikola that Richard Breiderhoff intentionally infected the stud's breeding stallion in order to harm the farm. Anke did not want to be involved in the fraud with the sale of incorrectly labeled sperm and threatened to make the breeding stallion's disease public. Nikola Füsting then murdered her sister Anke in order to secure the future of the jointly run stud.

After this turning point in the investigation, the arrest warrant against Richard Breiderhoff is lifted. Wilsberg visits Commissioner Springer in her private apartment in the evening. This is where the first kiss takes place between the two of them.


Shooting at the Solder antiquarian bookshop with Leonard Lansink , Ina Paule Klink and Beate Prahl

The film was shot in Münster and Cologne . Filming began on August 14, 2012 along with the filming of the episode Against the Current . In Münster, the film was shot at various locations between October 14 and 21, 2012, including the Solder antiquarian bookshop on Frauenstrasse, in front of the penal institution and on various manors in and around Münster.

In Münster-Albachten , a 30-second scene of the stallion's semen delivery was recorded on August 21, 2012 in the deck hall of the Holkenbrink stallion station , with Wilhelm Holkenbrink performing as an extra . The rest of the scenes that take place in the courtyard were filmed on a manor near Cologne.

The interior shots of the episode Stallion Parade were shot in Cologne and the court scenes at the beginning of October 2012 at the Düsseldorf Regional and District Court on Oberbilker Markt .

On August 16, 2012, recordings were made in the Factory Hotel, where Leonard Lansink claims to have stayed during the filming since his wife from Münster moved to live with him in Berlin . The end of the filming was originally planned for October 15, 2012, and the film was finally shot until October 20, 2012.

Ina Paule Klink rode while filming, while Leonard Lansink decided not to do so after a riding accident ten years ago.

Before it was broadcast on television, three screenings of the episode Stallion Parade were presented on October 14, 2013 in the Cineplex Münster by Filmservice Münster.Land of the municipal press office together with ZDF, the Münster film theater companies and the production company Eyeworks Fiction & Film in the presence of screenwriter Jürgen Kehrer , the filmmakers and actors including Leonard Lansink, Roland Jankowsky, Oliver Korittke, Alexandra von Schwerin and Julia Kelz. A total of 1500 spectators were present.

The two Münster crime thrillers Wilsberg and the crime scene around the investigator duo Thiel and Boerne , who are active in Münster, have never been broadcast within 24 hours, as was the case with the Stallion Parade and The Chinese Princess on October 19, 2013 and the following day.

The running gag "Bielefeld" refers in this episode to the name of the stallion "Stolz von Bielefeld". Every year between the end of September and the beginning of October, four stallion parades take place at the North Rhine-Westphalian State Stud Warendorf , where around 100 stallions can be seen in various graphs.

In the scene in which Miriam Osthues visits Wilsberg in the antiquarian bookstore, there is talk of seed theft and tennis players, which is an allusion to the term coined by Boris Becker at the turn of the millennium, which then became a household word .

Alexandra von Schwerin was already seen in the 16th episode of Call Girls in 2006 , but took on a different role there. Patrick von Blume already played doctor games in a different role in the 27th episode .

Carsten Rocker was responsible for the music , who already contributed the film music to the episodes Tote Hose (2009), Hazard in Default (2010) and Oh du tödliche… (2011). Furthermore, the title is from Alex car radio shortly before the robbery at her Like a Virgin by Madonna from 1984 to hear. In the end credits run A Real Mother for Ya from the year 1977 by Johnny Guitar Watson .


Audience ratings

5.63 million viewers saw the episode Stallion Parade when it was broadcast on ZDF , which corresponds to a market share of 18.5 percent. The episode only had to admit defeat to the Tagesschau , which reached 6.16 million viewers.


"Krimischmalkost aus Münster" shows the episode according to the judgment of Tilmann P. Gangloff . The episode has to be “measured against many far more successful crime novels” in the television series, but does not reach the usual level of the series, the consequences of which are usually “never just exciting or just funny”. "The gag game fields are foreseeable, the crime case manageable, Overbeck again just the idiot", but "an average Wilsberg is still worth seeing". The production appears "more economical than usual, the staging is downright emphatically inconspicuous", the plot is "clearly structured in terms of content" and, in particular, the "predictability of the individual storylines" is unusually pronounced. On the other hand, “the lighting has a more careful and sophisticated effect, especially in the basement scenes”. "Prominent guest actors" play alongside "Oliver Korittke, who always equips his Ekki with almost superhuman patience" and thus ensures the "most beautiful [...] scenes" of the episode. "On the other hand, some supporting actors shoot far beyond the target." Gangloff awarded three out of six possible points.

The editorial team of TV Spielfilm is of the opinion that the episode is "As usual: calm, but entertaining" and gives a thumbs-up as a rating. The episode “trots to the relaxation goal with a mild comedy”, while Ekki “takes care of smiles [...] at the sexism seminar”. "In a positive sense, the Wilsberg series is free of surprises", has a "solid staff, a case that should not be taken seriously and some strange ideas". Thus was Hengstparade an "entertaining ride on beaten track".

Kai-Oliver Derks from teleschau - the media service judges that Ekki cares "for the cheerful moments in the otherwise very dark, sometimes tragic crime film". His participation in a seminar on the subject of "Sexism in everyday office life" is "a charmingly told side story". “The director Michael Schneider, who is experienced in crime, guides the viewer lightly through the various levels of action and cleverly stages the nice surprises that the script offers,” Derks continues. The episode Stallion Parade offers "good crime thriller entertainment", "even if in the end some resolutions seem a bit stilted".

Harald Suerland from the Westfälische Nachrichten reports that screenwriter Kehrer and his “cute private detective” are “definitely relying on the giggle and cuddle factor of the series” in this episode too. Again, the "clownish appearances of Overberg or the interpersonal escapades of Ekki Talkötter" are part of the episode. "Even plot lines that would cause drama in other crime films have something funny about the Wilsberg family," such as the kidnapping of Commissioner Springer. But despite this comedy "in this Wilsberg episode, crime seriousness and comedy are still somewhat in balance". However, the result was “a bit of a mystery”, Suerland's judgment continues, “which is not bad”.

"For Wilsberg standards, this episode [...] was quite serious and somewhat involved," writes the editorial staff of the Westfälische Nachrichten. It took “some concentration to mentally disentangle the tangle of cases”, but the “secondary theaters of war” - especially Overbeck and his superior - “as well as a number of beautiful Münster pictures” provide “some compensation”. The bottom line is that “we have seen better Wilsbergs”.

“The world of this TV private detective […] is otherwise rather leisurely”, but in this episode “Wilsberg is really busy”, writes the German Press Agency . At the beginning “it is a bit wildly confused”, because Stallion Parade “unfolds four storylines right at the beginning, which do not demand full concentration from the viewer, but which raises the question: Where is this going?” Wilsberg “rises in his 40th case [... ] only slowly. ”“ The strands fit together more and more every minute, ”is the verdict.

The editorial staff of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung is of the opinion, "Kehrer hits a number of hooks in his story and builds subplots that are not always conducive to the flow of the narrative and inhibit the tension curve". “In return, he provides the protagonists with a playground for punch lines,” continues the verdict. “Fans of the long-running crime thriller get their money's worth”, because not only “all expectations of a Wilsberg episode” are met, but at the same time the scriptwriter “doesn't let his characters fool around like at the Münster crime scene”. As an overall rating, the editors awarded four out of six possible points.

Hayke Lanwert from the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung shares the opinion that “the title keeps what it promises”, because “the Münsterland Columbo Leonard Lansink and his troupe play with Münsterland clichés by every trick in the book”. "The Münster-based private detective Georg Wilsberg is never really serious," writes Lanwert and adds to his judgment, "It couldn't be more Münsterland". With “many detours, after errors and confusions”, the case is finally resolved. The result is "all in all, as is usually the case, a pleasantly amusing evening entertainment".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e Westfälische Nachrichten : Wilsberg-Dreh in Münster: Semen theft, murder and an inheritance with obstacles , Münster, August 14, 2012, accessed on August 14, 2012
  2. a b Westfälische Nachrichten : Pretty much best friends: Wilsberg stars Korittke and Lansink get along brilliantly / Two new episodes are currently being shot , Münster, Münster, Martin Kalitschke, August 16, 2012 ( online )
  3. ^ A b Westfälische Nachrichten : Shooting for new episodes: "Wilsberg" is investigating again , Münster, Martin Kalitschke, August 9, 2012
  4. a b c d Westfälische Nachrichten : Crime shoot at the stallion station: Wilsberg camera team was on duty at the Albachtener Hof Holkenbrink yesterday , Münster / surroundings, Münster-Albachten, Marion Fenner, 22 August 2012
  5. Westfälische Nachrichten : Shooting for new episodes: “Wilsberg” is investigating again , Münster, Martin Kalitschke, August 9, 2012
  6. ^ Stallion station Holkenbrink: Wilsberg thriller "Stallion Parade" with Aragorn W , accessed on October 13, 2013
  7. ^ RP online : Am Oberbilker Markt: Shooting of the new "Wilsberg" , Sainab Sandra Omar, October 7, 2012
  8. Westfälische Nachrichten : Two new episodes are to be created in the coming weeks: Wilsberg is shooting in Münster and Greven , May 15, 2012
  9. Westfälische Nachrichten : “Wilsberg” Leonard Lansink in an interview: The celebrity waiter on the fear of cancer and rude cyclists , Carsten Voss, August 31, 2012
  10. Stallion parade at crew united
  11. a b Westfälische Nachrichten : Premiere of the new "Wilsberg" episode in the Cineplex: Star run-up to the stallion parade , Münster, Martin Kalitschke, October 14, 2013
    Westfälische Nachrichten: Star run-up to the stallion parade: New "Wilsberg" episode celebrates in the presence of Lansink and co . at the Cineplex Premiere , Münster, Münster, Martin Kalitschke, October 15, 2013
  12. Westfälische Nachrichten : New ZDF crime series “Stallion Parade”: Wilsberg premiere in the Cineplex , Münster, October 2, 2013
    Westfälische Nachrichten : Wilsberg premiere in the Cineplex: New ZDF crime series “Stallion Parade” , Münster, Münster, October 3, 2013
  13. ^ Münstersche Zeitung : ZDF crime thriller "Stallion Parade": Wilsberg preview runs in the Cineplex , Münster, October 2, 2013
  14. Cineplex Münster : Cinema premiere Wilsberg - Stallion Parade ( Memento from April 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on October 6, 2013
  15. Hello Münster: Getting into trouble - the new “Wilsberg” case celebrates its screen premiere tomorrow , Tips / Dates, issue 81/2013, October 13, 2013, p. 6.
  16. KINO aktuell: Extras review - Wilsberg cinema premiere: Stallion parade in the Cineplex , Cineplex Münster , 17. – 23. October 2013, No. 42, p. 74.
  17. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : New "Wilsberg" celebrates its premiere , title page, Münster, October 15, 2013
  18. a b c d e f Westfälische Nachrichten : Expensive art, expensive horses - this weekend, both cult crime thrillers from Münster , Medien, Münster, Harald Suerland, October 19, 2013
  19. a b c d e f g h i tittelbach.tv : "Wilsberg - Stallion Parade" series
  20. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : Tickets for the Stallion Parade , Service, Warendorf, September 9, 2013
  21. ^ A b c d Westfälische Nachrichten : Wilsberg: Stallion Parade (ZDF) - Something tricky , Media, Johannes Loy, October 21, 2013
    Westfälische Nachrichten : Something tricky - Wilsberg: Stallion Parade (ZDF) , October 20, 2013
  22. a b Meedia : 5 things you need to know about Saturday's odds: “Duel around the world” remains a success , Topstory, Peer Schader, October 20, 2013
  23. a b TV feature film : film review , accessed on October 11, 2013
  24. a b TV feature film : film review (PDF; 4.4 MB), accessed on October 13, 2013
  25. a b c d teleschau - the media service: Wilsberg: Stallion Parade ( memento of March 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), Panorama & Kultur, Kai-Oliver Derks, accessed on October 13, 2013
  26. a b c d Stern : Wilsberg - Stallion Parade ( memento from October 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), dpa , October 18, 2013
  27. a b c d Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung : Already seen: Wilsberg - Stallion Parade , October 18, 2013
  28. a b c d Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung : ZDF: “Wilsberg” keeps viewers busy with horse thriller , Münster, Hayke Lanwert, October 19, 2013

Web links

Commons : Wilsberg: Stallion Parade  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files