Central Eastern Alps (SOIUSA)

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Central Eastern Alps
The Central Eastern Alps (colored orange) according to SOIUSA within the Eastern Alps

The Central Eastern Alps (colored orange) according to SOIUSA within the Eastern Alps

Highest peak Piz Bernina ( 4049  m above sea level )
location Austria , Liechtenstein , Switzerland , Italy , Slovenia and Hungary
part of Eastern Alps
Classification according to SOIUSA : II / A
Coordinates 47 °  N , 13 °  E Coordinates: 47 °  N , 13 °  E

The Central Eastern Alps are one of three sectors of the Eastern Alps in the international standardized orographic division of the Alps (SOIUSA) according to Sergio Marazzi . They are not congruent with the main part of the Alpine Club division of the Eastern Alps (AVE) of the same name , as this divides the Eastern Alps into four instead of three areas.


The border between the Central Eastern Alps and the Northern Eastern Alps runs similar to the AVE from west to east along the line Ill - Alfenz - Arlbergpass - Rosanna - Inn - Sill - Schmirnbach - Tuxer Joch - Tuxbach - Zemmbach - Ziller - Gerlosbach - Gerlospass - Salzach - Wagrainer Ache - Wagrainer Höhe - Enns - Palten - Schoberpass - Liesing - Mur - Mürz - Semmering Pass - Schwarza . However, the AVE counts the Tux Alps and the Kitzbühel Alps among the Central Eastern Alps.

Opposite the Southern Eastern Alps , the border runs along the line Como - Adda - Braulio - Stilfser Joch - Trafoier Bach - Etsch - Eisack - Rienz - Toblacher Sattel - Drau . In contrast, the AVE counts the area south of the Landquart GR - Bormio line to the Western Eastern Alps .

The demarcation to the Western Alps is based on the generally recognized line Como - Mera - Liro - Splügenpass - Hinterrhein - Alpenrhein .


The Central Eastern Alps are divided into six sections.

number Surname
15th Western Rhaetian Alps
16 Eastern Rhaetian Alps
17th Western Tauern Alps
18th Eastern Tauern Alps
19th Styrian-Carinthian Alps
20th Styrian border mountains
