Ötlingen (Weil am Rhein)

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City of Weil am Rhein
Former coat of arms of Ötlingen
Coordinates: 47 ° 37 ′ 21 ″  N , 7 ° 37 ′ 32 ″  E
Height : 363  (315-385)  m
Area : 2.19 km²
Residents : 742  (2015)
Population density : 339 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st December 1971
Postal code : 79576
Area code : 07621

Ötlingen ( alemannisch : Ötlige ) is on the northwest mountain nose of Tüllinger mountain situated district of Weil am Rhein . The formerly independent municipality was incorporated in 1971.


Ötlingen is located on the northwest ridge of the Tüllinger Berg, northeast of Haltingen and south of Binzen and the Kandertal . The settlement on the comparatively small area extends along the village street. A new development area adjoins the town center to the north of Dorfstrasse. The Luisenhof, east of the town center on Kreisstrasse, is also in the Ötlingen district. There is a larger wine-growing area in the southwest. To the south there is a view of the border triangle Germany-France-Switzerland, the knee of the Rhine in Basel and a large part of the Basle Bay with the adjacent part of the upper Alsace .

Ötlingen: View from Tüllinger Berg


The first reliable mention of the place name Ottlinchoven can be found in 1064 in the Vienna Pest Archive . Due to the name assignment, the settlement does not belong to the oldest settlement layer, but to an expansion stage in the Merovingian period . The earliest archaeological finds show that the history of the church goes back to the 8th century .

In the 12th century , the rulership of the Lords of Rötteln also extended to the wine village of Ötlingen. As a liege of the Bishop of Basel, Lütold III bequeathed. von Rötteln the provost of Basel all rights and possessions. In 1306 the margraves of Hachberg-Sausenberg took over the rule. However, the bishops of Basel remained the overlords . This ownership lasted until 1503, when the place came under the rule of the Margraves of Baden and from 1535 after their division to the Margraves of Baden-Durlach .

Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden ("Türkenlouis") temporarily led the battle of Friedlingen on October 14, 1702 from the Ötlinger parsonage , as the majority of the infantry had climbed the Tüllinger Berg via the village.

In 1809 Ötlingen came to the Baden district of Lörrach from the Oberamt Rötteln .

On December 1, 1971, Ötlingen was incorporated into the city of Weil am Rhein.


The population of Ötlingen developed as follows:

Population development of Ötlingen
year Residents
1852 481
1871 532
1880 510
1890 492
1900 456
1910 406
1925 413
year Residents
1933 394
1939 402
1950 494
1956 531
1960 545
1970 546
2015 742


Local council

town hall

An additional agreement to the incorporation contract of 1971 guaranteed Ötlingen its own local constitution and a local council that has numerous decision-making powers in the village. The seat of the council is the town hall of Ötling. The local council is formed from representatives of the Independent Voting Association (UWG) and the group Perspective on Dau (e) r . Helene Brombacher from the UWG has been the mayor since 2009.

coat of arms

The coat of arms of Ötlingen belongs to the so-called speaking coats of arms and shows, due to the agricultural orientation of the place, a vine plant on a yellow background. A grapevine , each with a blue bunch of grapes on a green shield base, twines around a holding stick and two on the right, one leaf on the left.

The coat of arms goes back to the recommendation of the General State Archives in 1902. The leafed grape can be found in the seal of the village as early as around 1840.

Culture, sights and infrastructure

Site and buildings

Half-timbered house in Ötlingen

Large parts of the houses in the village center date from the 16th and 17th centuries . The entire townscape of Ötlingen is listed . The oldest house in town is the Kogerhaus, a half-timbered house from 1571. Other noteworthy houses are the Ottmarsheimer Hof from 1594 and the Gerwig house from 1716.

The Protestant St. Gallus Church is located in the lower part of the village center . The Gothic church was built around the year 800, as archaeological excavation finds show, and was first mentioned in a document in 1275. The rectangular hall church was expanded to the east and north in the 13th century . The bell tower and part of the north wall of the nave with frescoes from the late Middle Ages have been preserved from this construction period. The shape of the church goes back to the years 1410-1420, in which Margrave Rudolf III. von Hachberg-Sausenberg had extensive extensions carried out.

Next to the church is the parsonage from 1410 and behind the church is the tomb of the artist Hermann Daur, who died in Ötlingen in 1925 .

The four-kilometer-long Weinweg hamlet leads through the village and over the western slopes of the vineyard area on Tüllinger Berg . Along the way, panels provide information about the vines and the development of viticulture.

In the Gretherhaus, a half-timbered house with an adjoining forge from 1536, a small open-air museum , the Dorfstube Ötlingen, has been housed since 1990 . It shows a typical rural apartment from the 19th century . The museum is open seasonally on Sundays.


In Ötlingen there is a municipal kindergarten and the Hermann Daur primary school.


Ötlingen can be reached from the west via a country road from Haltingen and from the northeast from the direction of Rümmingen . Almost two kilometers northeast of this country road branches off from a connection over the Lucke Pass in the direction of Tumringen . The junction (4) Kandern of the federal motorway 98 (A 98) is also at this intersection .

A section of the Way of St. James leads from Binzen on the Dorfstraße along the Tüllinger Berg to Weil am Rhein and Switzerland. The Markgräfler Wiiwegli also runs through the center of the village . The 74-kilometer Markgräfler Cycle Path, which leads from Freiburg im Breisgau to Alt-Weil, runs through Ötlingen . The cycle path is marked by a green board with the inscription Mg .


  • Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, Landkreis Lörrach (ed.): Der Landkreis Lörrach , Volume II (Kandern to Zell im Wiesental), Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1994, ISBN 3-7995-1354-X , pp. 802–804
  • Ernst Kreutner: Ortssippenbuch Ötlingen, district Lörrach in Baden . Grafenhausen: Albert Köbele 1972 (= Badische Ortssippenbücher 29), processed period 1650–1970
  • Wolfgang Stopfel: The story of the Incas - as a wall decoration in a former guest house in Weil am Rhein-Ötlingen. In: Das Markgräflerland, issue 1/1991, pp. 56–66 digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • Oliver Uthe: 950 years of Ötlingen - on the history of the wine and ART village: In: Das Markgräflerland, Volume 2017, pp. 92–113

Web links

Commons : Ötlingen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Online tour Weil am Rhein: Ötlingen ( Memento from September 26, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 498 .
  3. ^ Regional information system for Baden-Württemberg (LeoBW): population development of Ötlingen
  4. ^ Badische Zeitung : Ötlingen: Brombacher , June 9, 2009
  5. Harald Huber: Wappenbuch Landkreis Lörrach , ISBN 3-87799-046-0 , page 133.
  6. Der Landkreis Lörrach , Volume II (Kandern to Zell im Wiesental), p. 802.
  7. Dorfstube Ötlingen
  8. ^ Badische Zeitung: Der Markgräfler Radweg , article from July 4, 2012, accessed on July 8, 2019