Emil Abderhalden

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Emil Abderhalden

Emil Abderhalden (born March 9, 1877 in Oberuzwil ; † August 5, 1950 in Zurich ) was a Swiss physiologist and physiological chemist , co-founder of protein biochemistry and president of the Leopoldina .


Emil Abderhalden was the son of an elementary school teacher and studied medicine at the University of Basel from 1895 , where he completed his studies in 1901 with the state examination and in 1902 as a Dr. med. received his doctorate. His doctoral supervisor Gustav von Bunge shaped him both scientifically and socially and, despite scientific differences, placed him in 1902 as an assistant to the later Nobel Prize winner Emil Fischer at the University of Berlin , where Abderhalden completed his habilitation in 1904 under Wilhelm Engelmann .

From 1908 Abderhalden was professor of physiology at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Berlin . In the same year he was entrusted with the management of the physiological institute of the university. From 1911 to 1945 Abderhalden taught physiological chemistry and physiology at the University of Halle . In 1912 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina Scholars' Academy . In 1914 he received the Cothenius Medal of the Leopoldina.

Abderhalden is known to chemists for the development of the drying gun, an apparatus with which a substance can be dried intensively in order to characterize it, e.g. B. by elemental analysis .

During the First World War , Abderhalden came from the Deputy General Command of the Army in Magdeburg to coordinate the transport of the wounded. For this he was awarded the Iron Cross on a white ribbon . In 1915 he was the founder of the Federation to maintain and increase the German people's strength .

Appeal from Abderhalden as part of the Kindertransporte to Switzerland after the First World War

This organization mainly served to secure food during the First World War. Between 1919 and 1923 Abderhalden organized vacation stays in Switzerland for around 100,000 malnourished, partly tuberculous children. During the inflationary period, he had people's kitchens, reading and warming rooms set up for poor people in Halle. Abderhalden created allotment gardens in Halle (Saale) in 1675 . From 1919 Abderhalden was a member of the Prussian state constitutional assembly for the liberal DDP .

In 1932 the Leopoldina Presidium elected him its 20th President. Abderhalden officially held this office until 1950, but was represented from 1945 by his successor Prof. Otto Schlueter . As its president, Abderhalden limited the instrumentalisation of the Leopoldina by National Socialism and was attacked by National Socialist students as early as 1932 because an above-average number of Jewish assistants were employed in his institute.

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , Abderhalden joined the Nazi Teachers 'Union in 1934 , an association affiliated with the NSDAP , and also campaigned publicly for the National Socialists' "new health policy". After he had already called for the sterilization of hereditary diseases during the Weimar Republic, he welcomed the National Socialist law on compulsory sterilization .

On June 23, 1945, when the Americans withdrew, Abderhalden and numerous scientists from the region were forcibly deported to the West in order not to leave their potential to the advancing Soviets (since Abderhalden was entrusted with the management, this forced evacuation is known in the literature as the Abderhalden Transport ). He then went to his home country, Switzerland . From 1946 to 1947 he taught as a professor of physiological chemistry at the chair of physiological chemistry at the University of Zurich . Since his family was meanwhile also in Zurich, he turned down an offer to the University of Halle in October 1947, where a year later his student Horst Hanson was appointed as his successor. Abderhalden died in Zurich in 1950 and was buried in the Fluntern cemetery. His tomb has been lifted.

Emil Abderhalden's son Rudolf Abderhalden was also a well-known physiologist. With his wife Margarete, geb. Bart he had four other children.

Scientific work

Abderhalden's fields of work were protein chemistry , nutrition and metabolism .

Abderhalden received his doctorate in 1902 with a thesis on the influence of mountain air on the composition of blood. Its first publication was published in 1897 (Z. Biol. 1897, 12, 191). His habilitation dealt with the "breakdown and structure of protein bodies in the animal organism". Abderhalden dealt among other things with the enzymatic (then fermentative called) cleavage of polypeptides.

He described a cystine storage disease and achieved short-term but deceptive fame with his concept of "defense ferments" (initially "protective ferments"). Abderhalden believed that he could detect an additional enzymatic reaction in antibodies. Evidence was difficult with the analytical methods of the time, which is why Abderhalden stuck to his hypothesis for a long time - even after it had long been refuted. The first critic was the biochemist Leonor Michaelis . A devastating criticism of the use of the “Abderhalden reaction” as a pregnancy test was published in 1915: “… the individual variation of the sera of pregnant and non-pregnant women allow the results of both to overlap so completely that the reaction, even with quantitative techniques, is completely indistinguishable for a positive or negative pregnancy diagnosis proceeds. "

Abderhalden, who was considered a capable teacher, published several textbooks. From 1920 to 1939 his handbook of biological working methods appeared with more than 100 volumes.

At the time of National Socialism he was engaged in research on substitutes (such as a shaving soap without fat, a coffee substitute and animal feed made from fishmeal) that were classified as important to the war effort. For this he was awarded the War Merit Cross 2nd Class in 1944.

Support from the Kaiser Wilhelm Society

The Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG) planned to set up a Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physiology ; Emil Abderhalden was the intended director; the decision to establish it was taken in 1914, but ultimately never materialized. The institute should be located in Berlin-Dahlem . As a result, Abderhalden's research was financially supported by the KWG up to 1944. Formally, the institute was at the Physiological Institute of the University of Halle / Saale, where Abderhalden also worked.

In January 1912, the Prussian minister of culture , August von Trott zu Solz, called in an “advisory committee for the planned biological institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society”. Among other things, the committee recommended the establishment of an institute for general physiology. In March 1914, the KWG Senate decided to found a “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physiology” with Emil Abderhalden as director. The institute was to be set up in conjunction with the KWI for brain research , which was also decided and which Oskar Vogt was to head. Due to the outbreak of the First World War, however, the planning was postponed.

In January 1916 Abderhalden received 6,000 marks for the training of assistants at the future institute. From May 1917 on, Abderhalden received up to 10,000 Marks annually for his research. From June 1919 the annual budget for Abderhalden was increased to 20,000 Marks. In the activity reports for the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, Abderhalden appeared as "Director of the Physiological Institute", up to six assistants were financed from KWG funds. However, Abderhalden was not appointed a "Scientific Member" of the KWG. In mid-1929, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society stopped financing the planned institute from budget funds from 1930 onwards. Abderhalden continued to receive financial support of 11,257 marks annually until 1944. He had canceled several appointments because of the planned institute.


Poor methodology

In 1998 a study appeared in the science journal Nature , which states that large parts of Abderhalden's work, namely the "defense ferments" theory and the "findings" based on it, could never be scientifically proven, but that large parts of the scientific establishment in the German Reich were due to von Abderhalden's reputation would not have dared to criticize these theories, some of which were "backed up" by falsifications , or even make themselves accomplices by manipulating research results. By Abderhalden and his students, experiments that were supposed to prove his theses were repeated until apparently positive results (caused by antibodies and not by the non-existent "defense ferments" - proteases - caused by immunoprecipitation ) showed; the results of the negative tests were discarded. The science historians Michael and Joachim Kaasch, on the other hand, pointed out that there is no evidence of forgery, which is why "other explanatory models, from staying in an experimental circular, which has been repeatedly renewed through methodical 'improvements', to psychological interpretations" would be offered . That speaks in favor of a deliberate fake

The study in Nature claims that biochemist Leonor Michaelis's criticism of Abderhalden's “pregnancy test” marked the end of his scientific career. The fact that Abderhalden Michaelis personally suggested admission to the Leopoldina in 1922, however, speaks against personal influence.

Lack of demarcation from National Socialist racial theory

During his presidency, important "racial hygienists" were admitted to the Leopoldina, as in other academies, but only in part at Abderhalden's suggestion, verifiable in the register files of the Leopoldina. At that time they were scientifically recognized geneticists and anthropologists; the so-called “Race Pope” or “Rassengünther” Hans FK Günther , on the other hand, was not even suggested.

In 1939 Abderhalden published an article on race and heredity from the point of view of the fine structure of blood and cell proteins in the academy publication Nova Acta Leopoldina , in which he asserted, among other things, that the proteins in tissue and blood contained racial characteristics: “It was revealed that the individual races could be clearly distinguished by means of the AR [Abderhalden reaction, based on the so-called defense ferments]. In no single case was there a misdiagnosis regarding the question of whether a certain animal belongs to a certain breed [pig and sheep breeds (and also varieties of genetic test plants) were examined]. "Although nothing is explicitly stated in the treatise about human races, his method was taken up in Nazi race research. This is evidenced by detailed reviews in the journals Erbarzt (by the leading exponent of the National Socialist racial theory von Verschuer ) and in the archive for racial and social biology (with references to the alleged importance of the method for twin research ) up to the actual testing of the method by von Verschuer.

Abderhalden had turned to von Verschuer in 1940 regarding biological twin research , a classic domain of genetics then as now, “whereby Abderhalden asked Verschuer to investigate the failure of the defense fermentation reaction in twins as well. Verschuer declined, however, because it was very difficult to obtain blood samples: This would not be possible without the goodwill of the blood donors, and nobody should be scared off. Twin examinations would have to wait until after the war. "

From 1943 - contrary to Verschuer's statement from 1940 - blood samples from twins and clans from the Auschwitz concentration camp were also used by von Verschuer's employees for the investigation ("The plasma substrates are produced from over 200 people of various races, pairs of twins and some clans." )

In an interim report from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, research half-year October 1, 1943 to March 31, 1944, von Verschuer sums up: “When testing the method, new difficulties emerged which were resolved in agreement with Privy Councilor Abderhalden, Halle have been. Series of rabbits were examined in order to identify suitable animals free of spontaneous enzymes for the experiment. As a member of this research branch, my assistant Dr. med. et Dr. phil. Mengele entered. He is employed as Hauptsturmführer and camp doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp. With the approval of the Reichsführer SS, anthropological investigations are carried out on the various racial groups in this concentration camp and the blood samples are sent to my laboratory for processing. ”There is no evidence that Abderhalden was aware of this report. The method was tested by a laboratory assistant from Otmar von Verschuer in Halle.

Vicarious agent of National Socialist university policy

In 1934 Abderhalden signed the election call for German scientists behind Adolf Hitler in the Völkischer Beobachter . After Abderhalden became aware of an instruction to the cartel of the German academies (to which the Leopoldina did not belong) to expel all Jewish members, he arranged for a presidium resolution to delete all Jewish members also in the Leopoldina, with the reasoning in the board meeting on 23. November 1938: “We shouldn't wait until a corresponding order comes. The members concerned are not notified. ”The deletions were made with pencil in the bulky matriculation books of the archive, the relevant cards were sorted out from the membership files and hidden in a separate file behind a curtain, with more than half of them even without anything on them to be noted for exclusion. These index cards were returned to the membership card on May 9, 1945, one day after Germany's surrender. The deletion or sorting out of the index cards did not, however, affect everyone whose Jewish descent was known; The reasons for the exceptions can only be puzzled. Much earlier, however (1933), Albert Einstein was expelled, presumably because of his resignation from the German academies. While the public was not informed of the events and after 1937 no more membership registers were deliberately published, Abderhalden reported on December 7, 1938 to the Gauleiter in Halle and Minister Rust in Berlin “that our academy only includes personalities who are not Jews [( which, however, was demonstrably not true)…] members of Jewish descent elected in earlier times [have] been eliminated, so that for some time the composition of the membership of our academy has been in full accordance with the requirements of the time. ” Whether this is premature obedience or an assertion of protection is seen differently ( see in more detail Leopoldina , chapter Third Reich and Second World War ). The Jewish members who were affected by their deletion or did not find out anything about the sorting out of their index cards, the journal was still sent to the academy (according to a further decision of the executive committee), so that they could not even suspect what was going on in view of the developments in Germany, especially at the other German academies. Thanks to Abderhalden's clever tactics, the Leopoldina remained the only German academy and scientific society that did not discriminate against its Jewish members in public through exclusion. Six of those excluded perished in concentration camps.


In 1953 a street in Halle (Saale) was named after Abderhalden, which still bears his name today. In November 2010, the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group applied for a renaming in the city council. In October 2013, around 30 professors from the University of Halle-Wittenberg asked for the name to be changed, since in 2015 numerous university institutes were to move to the new "Humanities and Social Sciences Center" (GSZ) located on Emil-Abderhalden-Straße. While the city council postponed its decision until a scientific study on the history of the Leopoldina was published, a summary of it has already been published. The association Zeit-Geschichte (n) e. V. Halle has set up an online forum for public discussion.

The five-year discussion came to an end on November 25, 2015 when the city council of Halle decided with a large majority to keep the street name. In the meantime, the university and the city's cultural committee had spoken out against renaming the street based on research by Rüdiger vom Bruch. The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina held back on this question. On their website under “Members since 1652”, the “Presidium resolution to delete all Jewish members” was published in Abderhalden's short vita, as was the corresponding letter from Abderhalden of December 7, 1938 to the Gauleiter and Minister. According to the current research results of W. Berg, both are regarded as "protective claims instead of anticipatory obedience". (See also the relevant sections on the discussion pages.) Abderhalden had the index cards of the Jewish members concerned sorted out and hidden without invalidating them, which is why this could be tacitly reversed on May 9, 1945. In this sense, it is further argued that the Leopoldina was the only German academy and scientific society that did not discriminate against Jewish members in public due to Abderhalden's "tactical tricks" .

The asteroid (15262) ​​Abderhalden , discovered in 1990 at the Tautenburg State Observatory in Thuringia , was also named after him.

Writings and works

  • (Editor) Handbook of Biochemical Working Methods . Berlin 1910.
  • (Co-editor) Biochemical Hand Lexicon . Berlin 1911–1913.
  • Protective ferments of the animal organism against substances foreign to the body, blood plasma and cells . Berlin 1912.
  • Physiological chemistry textbook . 1914/1915.
  • The preservation of the German people's strength . 1915.
  • Confederation for the preservation and increase of the German people's strength, its purpose, its previous activity and its goals . Knapp, Halle 1916.
  • The right to health and the duty to maintain it, the fundamental condition for the well-being of the person, people, state and nations as a whole . Leipzig 1921.
  • (Editor) Handbook of biological working methods . 107 volumes, Berlin / Vienna 1920–1939.
  • as editor (1925–1938): Ethik (magazine)
  • Thoughts of a biologist on creating a community of nations and lasting peace . Zurich 1947.
  • The inner secretion , Ciba-Zeitschrift, Basel March 1951, pp. 4535-4594.
  • The hormones , Springer 1952.


  • Wieland Berg: An honorable lie: Abderhalden's letter to delete Jewish members of the Leopoldina - hasty obedience or protective claim? In: Sudhoff's archive . Vol. 99 (2015), H. 1, pp. 105-115 ( PDF ).
  • Wieland Berg: Emil Abderhalden and the Jewish members of the Leopoldina - balance sheet of a search for clues. Part 1 in: EKKEHARD New Series 23 (2016), Issue 2, pp. 42–56; Part 2 ibid., Issue 3, pp. 65–75 ( PDF ).
  • Rüdiger vom Bruch : Comments on the history of science classification of the former Leopoldina President Emil Abderhalden . Berlin 2015 ( PDF ).
  • Ute Deichmann , Benno Müller-Hill : The fraud of Abderhalden's enzymes . In: Nature . No. 393 , 1998, pp. 109-111 (English).
  • Mir Taher Fattahi: Emil Abderhalden (1877–1950) . The defensive ferments, a long wrong track or a scientific fraud? ( online - dissertation at the University of Bochum 2006).
  • Peter Friedli:  Abderhalden, Emil. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 1, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1953, ISBN 3-428-00182-6 , p. 5 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Andreas Frewer: Medicine and Morals in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. The magazine "Ethik" under Emil Abderhalden . Campus , Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISBN 978-3-593-36582-4 , p. 192 ( google books ).
  • Jakob Gabathuler: Emil Abderhalden . His life and work. Ed .: Abderhalden Association. Ribaux bookstore, Sankt Gallen 1991, ISBN 3-9520148-0-X .
  • Sybille Gerstengarbe: The Leopoldina and its Jewish members in the Third Reich . In: Yearbook 1993. Leopoldina (series 3) . tape 39 , 1994, pp. 363-410 .
  • Michael Kaasch: From the apprenticeship to the master craftsman years - Emil Abderhalden in the early days of biochemistry in Berlin . In: Negotiations on the History and Theory of Biology . tape 8 , 2002, p. 225-243 .
  • Michael Kaasch: Sensation, error, fraud? - Emil Abderhalden and the history of defense ferments . In: Acta Historica Leopoldina . tape 36 , 2000, pp. 145-210 .
  • Michael Kaasch, Joachim Kaasch: The dispute of the XX. Leopoldina President and Swiss citizen Emil Abderhalden on property and compensation with the Soviet and American occupying powers (1945–1949) . In: Acta Historica Leopoldina . tape 36 , 2000, pp. 329-384 .
  • Michael Kaasch, Joachim Kaasch: Emil Abderhalden: Ethics and morals in the work and activity of a natural scientist, in: Andreas Frewer, Joef. N. Neumann (ed.), History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Frankfurt / New York 2001, pp. 204–246 . ISBN 3-593-36850-1 .
  • Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich . Who was what before and after 1945. 2nd updated edition. Fischer Taschenbuch (number 16048), Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8 .
  • Ulrich Kutschera : Abderhalden's fraud still wins him some supporters . In: Nature . No. 446 , 2007, pp. 136 (English).
  • Lexicon of eminent natural scientists in three volumes . First volume. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag , Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0404-5 .
  • Leonor Michaelis, L. von Lagermarck: The Abderhalden pregnancy diagnosis . In: German Medical Weekly . No. 7 , 1914, pp. 319-326 .
  • Christoph Schweikardt: Abderhalden, Emil. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 2.
  • Donald D. van Slyke, Mariam Vinograd-Villchur, JR Losee: The Abderhalden Reaction . In: Journal of Biological Chemistry . No. 23 , 1915, pp. 377-406 ( JBC PDF full text - English).
  • Reichs Handbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft - The handbook of personalities in words and pictures . 1st volume. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1930, ISBN 3-598-30664-4 (microfiche edition from Sauer, Munich).

Web links

Commons : Emil Abderhalden  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Kaasch: From the apprenticeship to the master craftsman years - Emil Abderhalden in the early days of biochemistry in Berlin . In: Negotiations on the History and Theory of Biology . tape 8 , 2002, p. 225-243 .
  2. ^ A b c Wolfgang U. Eckart, Christoph Gradmann (ed.): Doctors Lexicon: From antiquity to the present . 3. Edition. Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-29584-6 , p. 1 .
  3. ↑ List of members Leopoldina, Emil Abderhalden (with picture)
  4. a b Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Second updated edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 9.
  5. ^ Wolfgang U. Eckart : Medicine and War. Germany 1914-1924 , Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag Paderborn 2014, p. 228. ISBN 978-3-506-75677-0 .
  6. Speech by Prof. Glaesser before the Halle Culture Committee, December 4, 2013 PDF full text
  7. ^ Emil Abderhalden to the rector of the University of Halle, Gustav Frölich, August 24, 1932, University Archives Halle, personal file No. 3826 (Emil Abderhalden)
  8. Michael and Joachim Kaasch: Intelligenztreck towards the west. Emil Abderhalden: “I often think back to Halle with sadness. I left too much behind - especially a lot of my soul ” . scientia halensis 3/1995, Halle 1995, p. 19-21 .
  9. Michael Kaasch, Joachim Kaasch: The dispute of the XX. Leopoldina President and Swiss citizen Emil Abderhalden on property and compensation with the Soviet and American occupying powers (1945–1949) . In: Acta Historica Leopoldina . tape 36 , 2000, pp. 329-384 .
  10. Winfried R. Pötsch, Annelore Fischer and Wolfgang Müller with the assistance of Heinz Cassenbaum: Lexicon of important chemists , VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, 1988, p. 7, ISBN 3-323-00185-0 .
  11. Michael Kaasch: Sensation, error, fraud? - Emil Abderhalden and the history of defense ferments . In: Acta Historica Leopoldina . tape 36 , 2000, pp. 145-210 .
  12. Lexicon of important natural scientists in three volumes . First volume. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag , Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0404-5 .
  13. Donald D. van Slyke, Mariam Vinograd-Villchur, JR Losee: The Abderhalden Reaction . In: Journal of Biological Chemistry . No. 23 , 1915, pp. 377-406 ( JBC PDF full text - English).
  14. ^ Mathias Grote, The Politics of the Handbook, in: History of Knowledge. Research, Resources, and Perspectives, July 31, 2018, online , accessed July 31, 2018
  15. Johannes Weigelt, The University of Halle in War, in: Hallische Nachrichten, January 7, 1941, pp. 1f.
  16. see for the whole section Eckart Henning , Marion Kazemi : Handbook on the history of the institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011 - Data and Sources , Berlin 2016, 2 volumes, 2: Institutes and research centers MZ ( online ), pp. 1277–1280, section on the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physiology. Ute Deichmann and Benno Müller-Hill write: “He was due to becoming director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physiology in 1914, but the First World War intervened. As a kind of compensation, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society financed his research with substantial grants until 1944 ”.
  17. Ute Deichmann, Benno Müller-Hill: The fraud of Abderhalden's enzymes. In: Nature. 393, 1998, p. 109, doi : 10.1038 / 30090 .
  18. ^ Michael Kaasch, Joachim Kaasch: Emil Abderhalden: Ethics and morals in the work and activity of a natural scientist, in: Andreas Frewer, Joef. N. Neumann (ed.), History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Frankfurt / New York 2001, pp. 204–246 . ISBN 3-593-36850-1 . , P. 210.
  19. ^ Michael Kaasch, Joachim Kaasch: Emil Abderhalden: Ethics and morals in the work and activity of a natural scientist, in: Andreas Frewer, Joef. N. Neumann (ed.), History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Frankfurt / New York 2001, pp. 204–246 . ISBN 3-593-36850-1 .
  20. Leopoldina Archive, cf. Note 5 in http://www.zeit-geschichten.de/visuals/28.1.2014%20Berg,%20Notizen%20zu%20Fajen%20vom%2018.%20Januar%202014%20an%20Grashoff.pdf
  21. Ibid.
  22. Emil Abderhalden: Race and heredity from the point of view of the fine structure of blood and cell proteins . Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, Vol. 7, No. 46, Halle 1939, p. 75 .
  23. ^ Andreas Frewer: Medicine and Morals in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. The magazine "Ethik" under Emil Abderhalden . Campus , Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISBN 978-3-593-36582-4 , p. 168 ff . ( Google books ).
  24. Ibid. P. 170.
  25. Ibid. P. 171.
  26. Achim Trunk: Race Research and Biochemistry. A project - and the question of Butenandt's contribution. In: Wolfgang Schieder u. Achim Trunk (Ed.): Adolf Butenandt and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Science, industry and politics in the “Third Reich”. Göttingen 2004, p. 263.
  27. Achim Trunk: Race Research and Biochemistry. A project - and the question of Butenandt's contribution. In: Wolfgang Schieder u. Achim Trunk (Ed.): Adolf Butenandt and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Science, industry and politics in the “Third Reich”. Göttingen 2004, p. 272, from a letter from Verschuers to de Rudde, October 4, 1944.
  28. Achim Trunk: Race Research and Biochemistry. A project - and the question of Butenandt's contribution. In: Wolfgang Schieder u. Achim Trunk (Ed.): Adolf Butenandt and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Science, industry and politics in the “Third Reich”. Göttingen 2004, p. 250.
  29. ^ Andreas Frewer: Medicine and Morals in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. The magazine "Ethik" under Emil Abderhalden . Campus , Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISBN 978-3-593-36582-4 , p. 175 f . ( Google books ).
  30. Ibid. P. 177
  31. Sybille Gerstengarbe and Eduard Seidler: “… fully adapted to the requirements of the time.” The Leopoldina between 1932 and 1945. In: 350 Years of Leopoldina - Claims and Reality, Festschrift of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina 1652–2002, Ed. Benno Parthier and Dietrich von Engelhardt. (Halle 2002), p. 242.
  32. ^ A b c d e Wieland Berg: An honorable lie: Abderhalden's letter on the deletion of Jewish members of the Leopoldina - anticipatory obedience or protection? In: Sudhoff's archive . Vol. 99 (2015), H. 1, pp. 105-115 ( PDF ).
  33. ^ Sybille Gerstengarbe: The Leopoldina and its Jewish members. Acta Historica Leopoldina No. 64, Stuttgart 2014
  34. ^ Benno Parthier: The enigmatic 'deletion' of Albert Einstein's membership in the Leopoldina's register book. A circumstantial report in the absence of clear evidence. In: Physica et historia. Festschrift for Andreas Kleinert on his 65th birthday. Edited by Susan Splinter, Sybille Gerstengarbe, Horst Remane and Benno Parthier. Acta Historica Leopoldina No. 45 (2005), pp. 413-429.
  35. ^ A b Wieland Berg: Emil Abderhalden and the Jewish members of the Leopoldina - balance of a search for traces. Part 1 in: EKKEHARD New Series 23 (2016), Issue 2, pp. 42–56; Part 2 ibid., Issue 3, pp. 65–75 ( PDF ).
  36. ^ Sybille Gerstengarbe: The Leopoldina and its Jewish members in the Third Reich . In: Yearbook 1993. Leopoldina (series 3) . tape 39 , 1994, pp. 363-410 .
  37. Greens are calling for Abderhalden-Strasse to be renamed. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . April 23, 2010, accessed December 3, 2013 .
  38. Inter-faculty professorial initiative to rename Emil-Abderhalden-Straße . October 23, 2013 (PDF; 69 kB)
  39. Sybille Gerstengarbe, Jens Thiel, Rüdiger vom Bruch : The Leopoldina. The German Academy of Natural Scientists between the German Empire and the former GDR . be.bra Verlag, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-95410-026-2
  40. PDF
  41. http://www.zeit-geschichten.de/abderhalden.html
  42. http://www.mz-web.de/halle-saalekreis/emil-abderhalden-strasse-in-halle-umbennung-ist-vom-tisch,20640778,32640776.html
  43. http://www.zeit-geschichten.de/visuals/StellungnahmeKulturausschuss.pdf
  44. http://www.mz-web.de/halle-saalekreis/streit-um-emil-abderhalden-strasse-in-halle-ausschuss-stimmen-fuer-beibehaltung-,20640778,32107254.html
  45. Emil Abderhalden
  46. a b Rüdiger vom Bruch : Comments on the historical classification of the former Leopoldina President Emil Abderhalden . Berlin 2015 ( PDF ).
  47. Here section 6 Abderhalden and the deletion of Jewish members of the Leopoldina Discussion: Emil Abderhalden # Abderhalden and the deletion of Jewish members of the Leopoldina as well as in the discussion: German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina Sections 4 History Discussion: German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina # History (with Information on the origin of the prejudice of Abderhalden's allegedly anticipatory obedience and the chronology of the Enlightenment) and 13 again Abderhalden and the deletion of Jewish members of the Leopoldina with reactions to it Discussion: German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina # Abderhalden and the deletion of Jewish members of the Leopoldina .