Adam von Schlieben

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Epitaph in the Lietzen Commandery Church for Adam von Schlieben, who had the church renovated in 1624

Adam von Schlieben (born March 2, 1552 in Lagow , † May 6, 1628 in Küstrin ) was a Brandenburg Privy Councilor and a well-known traveler.


Von Schlieben was a son of Andreas von Schlieben and his wife Klara, daughter of Magnus von Schlieben from the Wusterhausen-Beelitz family.

He studied at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt and the Leucorea . In 1573 he became chamberlain to Elector Johann Friedrich von Brandenburg . As early as 1574 he traveled with the Count von Hohenstein to the coronation of the Polish King Stephan Báthory . He went from Poland to France , and then again in Frankfurt jurisprudence to study. He was then sent on a diplomatic mission, in 1578 to Worms to end the rebellion in Holland . Then he went on his great journey.

His first destination was Madrid . He traveled to Madrid from Venice , Rome , Genoa , Marseille and Barcelona . When he arrived there in 1579, Don Pedro Barnegas di Cordoba was sent as envoy to the Sultan of Morocco Muley Hamed . Schiegen joined the entourage. He stayed at the Sultan's court for 13 months and then received a favorable letter of recommendation. His return journey took him from Portugal , France, Ireland , England and Scotland to Vienna. There he joined an embassy under the direction of Baron Friedrich von Breuner , which made its way to Constantinople . Once there, he joined Bernhard von Herberstein and the Nuremberg clergyman Salomon Schweigger . They made a pilgrimage via Egypt to Jerusalem . To do this, however, he was supposed to take part in the Catholic Lord's Supper , which as a Lutheran he did not want. So he invented the following white lie: The trip was a penance for a manslaughter and he was not allowed to take part in the Lord's Supper as part of his life. Apparently that was understandable for his companions. He then returned via Cyprus and Italy . In 1582 he made another trip in the delegation of the Prince of Anhalt to Constantinople. After that he stayed in Brandenburg. In 1588 he became a Brandenburg councilor and knight of the Order of St. John . Later he also became canon and dean of Brandenburg . Since 1597 he was Komtur zu Lietzen , Brandenburg Privy Councilor and ordinator of the Middle Mark region, hereditary seat on Papitz . He died in 1628.


He was married twice. In January 1584 he married Anna Maria Heymen, daughter of Christoph von Heymen (* 1567, † in May 1584). His second marriage was in 1585 with Barbara, b. von Flans († 1631) from Ziegesar. She was the daughter of Caspar von Flanß and his wife Magaretha von Rohr from the Schrepko house. Von Schlieben was buried in Küstrin. He had five sons and six daughters:

  • Maximilian († December 7, 1678), Commander of Lietzen ⚭ Lucia Maria von Trott zu Solz († April 18, 1674)
  • Johann Ernst (* December 1, 1586; † July 23, 1620), Komtur von Lietzen ⚭ 1615 Elisabeth von Broesigke, daughter of Dietrich von Broesigke, lord of Breitenfeld and Kammer
  • Oktavian († February 22, 1620)
  • Adam Friedrich († in Cairo), traveler
  • Elisabeth ⚭ 1608 Alexander von Rothenburg (* 1588; † 1653), heir to Beutnitz and Tornow, (⚭I Ursula Maria von Loeben )
  • Agnese ⚭ 1604 Dietrich von Broesigke (* 1573, † 1639) on Ketzür
  • Clara ⚭ Henning von Goetze († 1634), colonel from Kurbrandenburg, heir to Zehlendorf
  • Sophia ⚭ 1612 Gabriel von der Weyde, captain of the offices of Zechlin, Lindow and Wittstock
  • Margaretha
  • Barbara Sabine († July 3, 1617)


  • Friedrich Bülau : Secret stories and enigmatic people: Collection of hidden or forgotten oddities , Volume 8, p. 24 descendants
  • 'Samuel Lenz, S. Lentzens Diplomatic Stifts-Historie von Brandenburg , p. 105ff, digitized
  • Maximilian von Schlieben at
  • Adolf Wilhelm Ernst von Winterfeld: History of the knightly order St. Johannis from the Spital zu Jerusalem , p. 795, digitized
  • Funeral sermon for Johann Ernst von Schlieben Digitized

Individual evidence

  1. Report on Herberstein's journey, digitized from Constantinople onwards in the pocket library of the most important and interesting sea and land journeys, Volume 16, p. 377ff
  2. Dreyeckichte Grundfeste our Beatitude Bey dem ChristAdelichen (...) , funeral sermon by Barbara von Schlieben, née. Flanß, 1632
  3. ^ Gothaischen Genealogical Pocket Book of Noble Houses , Gotha, Justus Perthes , AA 1905, pp. 706–710.
  4. Heir to Ketzür, Gortz, Riewendt, Paaren, Birkenhorst, Brosigkenlake, Rüben, Linde, Garlitz, Butzow, Döberitz, Seelenhorst, Groß- and Kleinbähnitz (today both districts of Nauen ) in Havelland, Breitenfeld in Kursachsen and Großradegast in Anhalt and Bischofssee and Leissow near Frankfurt an der Oder (today both districts of Słubice ), (⚭I 1600 Elisabeth von Krosigk from Alsleben )
  5. Genealogical-historical message, p.78 Pedigree of Heino von Broesigke from the Schoenenfliess house