Antje Ruge

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Antje Ruge (born June 26, 1921 in Frankfurt am Main , † December 2006 in Berlin ) was a German actress .


From 1947 Antje Ruge worked almost exclusively at the Deutsches Theater Berlin . When the State Drama School Berlin moved into Berlin-Niederschöneweide , she became a lecturer here, in addition to her other duties. In the first election period of the People's Chamber of the GDR she was a member. From 1955 she was a member of the secretariat of the art union. Together with Lydia Billiet she translated the book: Jules Janin, Deburau. Story about the three-penny theater to continue the history of French theater (Histoire du théâtre à quatre sous pour faire suite à l'histoire du théâtre français, 1836) .

From 1952 to 1954 Antje Ruge was married to the composer Paul Dessau .

Filmography (selection)


Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Neue Zeit from December 30, 1951 p .: 6
  2. Neue Zeit of December 17, 1954, p .: 6
  3. New Germany of May 10, 1955 p .: 4
  4. ^ Edited by Antje Ruge and Lydia Billiet, Berlin: Henschelverlag Art and Society, 1977