August Paul von Kahlden

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Lieutenant Colonel von Kahlden
Grave of Paul August von Kahlden in Bredenfelde

August Paul von Kahlden (born December 17, 1823 in Ludwigslust , † September 19, 1894 in Bredenfelde ) was a Prussian major general .



He was a member of the Pomeranian noble family of Kahlden and son one in Mecklenburg- Schwerin rule services related majors and adjutant and his wife Wilhelmine, born of Massenbach .

Military career

Kahlden first visited the cadet house in Berlin and on August 30, 1841 joined the Mecklenburg dragoon regiment as a non-commissioned officer . There he advanced to secondary lieutenant in July 1842 and took part in the battles near Bilschau , Oeversee , Nübel and Düppel during the campaign against Denmark in 1848 . The following year, Kahlden was deployed with his regiment in the battles near Wald-Michelbach , Ladenburg , Großsachsen and on the Oos on the occasion of the suppression of the Baden Revolution .

From November 10, 1849 to February 11, 1850 he was then commanded to accompany Duke Wilhelm zu Mecklenburg to the imperial court in Saint Petersburg . After his return, Kahlden rose further in his regiment. He became captain and squadron chief in April 1856 , major and regular staff officer in November 1862 and finally regimental commander on December 31, 1863. In this capacity he led his association on the side of Prussia during the German war in the Main Army campaign .

After the end of the war, Kahlden was taken on as a lieutenant colonel on October 29, 1866 and as a colonel and commander of the Dragoon Regiment No. 17 on October 10, 1868 in the Association of the Prussian Army . At the beginning of the war against France in 1870, his regiment was first used in the enclosure of Metz and the siege of Toul . This was followed by fights at and around Saint-Quentin in October and the battles at Loigny and Poupry and at Orléans and Beaugency in December . For the battle near Connerré , Kahlden was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. He also received both classes of the Mecklenburg Military Merit Cross .

In position à la suite of his regiment, Kahlden was appointed commander of the 31st Cavalry Brigade in Strasbourg on November 2, 1872 , and in this position was promoted to major general on March 22, 1873. As such, he received the Order of the Red Eagle III on January 18, 1874 . Class with a bow. With the approval of his resignation request , Kahlden was finally retired from military service on April 16, 1874 with the statutory pension .

He was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John .


Kahlden had married Auguste Christiane Karoline Freiin von Brandenstein (1823-1900) on January 30, 1857 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Diary of the Grand Ducal 1st Mecklenburg Dragoon Regiment No. 17 kept during the campaign 1870–71. Verlag Köbner & Co., Altona 1872, p. 100.
  2. ^ Auguste Christiane Karoline von Brandenstein . In: Marcelli Janecki , Deutsche Adelsgenossenschaft (Hrsg.): Yearbook of the German nobility . Third volume. WT Bruer's Verlag, Berlin 1899, p. 78-78 ( ).