Belkino (Kaliningrad, Pravdinsk)

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Belkino /
Abelischken (Ilmenhorst)

Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Pravdinsk
Earlier names Abelischken (until 1938),
Ilmenhorst (1938–1945),
Abelischken (1945–1947)
population 53 residents
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
Post Code 238414
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 233 810 002
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 25 '  N , 21 ° 38'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 25 '0 "  N , 21 ° 38' 0"  E
Belkino (Kaliningrad, Pravdinsk) (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Belkino (Kaliningrad, Pravdinsk) (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Belkino ( Russian Белкино , German Abelischken , 1938-1945 Ilmenhorst , lit. Belkinas) is a place on the very eastern edge of Pravdinsk Rajon ( Friedland district (Eastern Prussia) ) within the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast ( Königsberg area (Prussia) ) and belongs to Mosyrskoje selskoje posselenije (rural municipality Mosyr (Klein Gnie) ).

Geographical location

Belkino on the west bank of the Ilme (Russian: Borodinka) is 49 kilometers east of the district capital Prawdinsk (Friedland (Ostpr.)) And 28 kilometers northeast of the former district town of Gerdauen (today Russian: Schelesnodoroschny). The Russian trunk road A 197 runs through the village in the section between Tschernjachowsk (Insterburg) and Krylowo (Nordenburg) (= section of the former German Reichsstraße 139 ).

There is no longer a train connection. Before 1945, Lonschken (Russian: Dnjeprowskoje), two kilometers away, was the next station on the Insterburger Kleinbahnen , which are no longer in operation.


The earlier "Abelischken" called Gutsdorf was born on April 9, 1874 Headquarters and the eponymous site of the newly established office district Abelischken which until 1945 for the district Gerdauen in the administrative district of Konigsberg the Prussian province of East Prussia belonged. In addition to Abelishken, the Gutsdörfer Blendowen (1938–1945 Blendau , Russian: Barejewka), (Great) Lonschken (Dnjeprowskoje) and Tortczin (1938–1945 Trotzenau , Russian: Ostrowki) were incorporated into this district.

In 1875 the district of Oschkin (1938–1946 Oschern , Russian: Korolenkowo) was reclassified from the manor district Lonschken to the manor district Abelischken, and in 1876 the manor district Gendrinn (1938–1945 Gendern , Russian: Wschody) was detached from the manor district Abelischken . In 1910 Abelishks had 136 inhabitants.

On September 30, 1928, the five estate districts of Abelischken, Blendowen, Gendrinn, Loschken and Trotczin merged to form the new rural community Abelischken, which was then only the only one in the Abelischken district. In 1933, 583 inhabitants were registered for the rural community of Abelischken, the number of which was 525 in 1939. On June 3, 1938 (with official confirmation of July 16, 1938), Abelischken was renamed "Ilmenhorst", and on November 8, 1938, the district was also named "Ilmenhorst District." It existed until 1945.

In 1945 the place with northern East Prussia came to the Soviet Union and in 1947 was given the new place name " Belkino ". Until 2009 the place was incorporated into the Krylowski soviet (Dorfsovjet Krylowo ( Nordenburg )) within the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad since 1991/92 and since then - due to a structural and administrative reform - it has been classified as a “settlement” (possjolok) within the Mosyrskoje selskoje posselenije (rural municipality Mosyr ( Klein Gnie )).


Before 1945, Abelischken / Ilmenhorst had an almost exclusively Protestant population. The community belonged to all districts - except (Groß) Lonschken - (Russian: Dnjepropwskoje) to the parish of Nordenburg (Russian: Krylowo) in the parish of Gerdauen (Schelesnodoroschny) within the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union . (Large) Lonschken was parish in the parish Karpowen (1938–1945 Karpauen , Russian: Nekrassowo) in the parish Darkehmen (1938–1945 Angerapp , Russian: Osjorsk).

During the time of the Soviet Union , church life was forbidden. In the 1990s, new evangelical congregations were formed in what is now the Russian Oblast of Kaliningrad, including one in Chernyachovsk ( Insterburg ), in whose catchment area Belkino is located. It belongs to the newly established Kaliningrad provost within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia (ELKER).

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. ^ Rolf Jehke, Abelischken / Ilmenhorst district
  3. Uli Schubert, municipality directory
  4. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. gerdauen.html. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  5. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 17 ноября 1947 г. «О переименовании населённых пунктов Калининградской области» (Ordinance of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On the Renaming of Places of the Kaliningrad Oblast" of November 17, 1947)
  6. According to the Law on the Composition and Territories of Municipal Forms of the Kaliningrad Oblast of June 25th / 1. July 2009, along with Law No. 476 of December 21, 2004, specified by Law No. 370 of July 1, 2009
  7. ^ Parish of Nordenburg
  8. Parish Karpowen / Karpauen
  9. Ev.-luth. Kaliningrad Provostry