Berlin program for in-depth professional orientation

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Keyword flyer - BvBO 2.0

The Berlin Program for In-Depth Vocational Orientation (BvBO) is a program launched in the 2007/2008 school year to improve the vocational orientation of Berlin schoolchildren in grades 8 to 13  .


Since the Berlin school structural reform in the school year 2010/2011, it is one of the new tasks of integrated secondary schools (ISS), students in addition to teaching the general education and intensive preparation for the working and professional world to allow. In doing so, school-based learning should be linked in a practice-oriented manner with content from business and working life. Under the concept of “dual learning”, all students in Berlin in the seventh to tenth grade should be given the opportunity to prepare individually for the transition to the professional and working world as well as further professional education. The program has a modular structure and, in addition to practical career exploration, also includes individual competence and potential analyzes .

The career orientation process begins in Berlin in the seventh year of school with the project Come on Tour - My Strengths, My Future of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and the Federal Employment Agency . The offers of the BvBO follow from the 8th year and should lead all young people to a concrete follow-up perspective at the transition from school to work.

Legal framework

The Berlin school structure reform and the associated changes to the Berlin School Act (SchulG) have laid down the legal framework for dual learning and in-depth vocational orientation in integrated secondary schools since 2010/2011 . At the same time, they created the legal prerequisites that result from Book III of the Social Code (SGB III) in order to be funded by the Federal Employment Agency.

The Berlin Schools Act regulates dual learning and vocational orientation as part of the educational mandate in sections § 22 - Integrated Secondary School , § 27 - More detailed design of the lower secondary level , § 76 - Decision-making and hearing rights and § 79 - General Conference on Schools Act . Furthermore, the ordinance on the types of schools and courses of education at lower secondary level (Sek I-VO) applies. Here in paragraphs § 4 - Cooperations , § 21 - Certificates and § 29 - Lesson structure, dual learning .

The Social Security Code III stipulates in Section 33 SGB III that the Federal Employment Agency, in particular, has to carry out career orientation measures for young people and adults. In Section 48 of Book III of the Social Code, the employment agency's vocational orientation measures for pupils in general schools are regulated as an optional service.

Since in the BvBO program personal data of students is passed on by the schools and used by the educational institutions for billing and analysis purposes, § 64 to 66 SchulG - data protection applies. Section 64 - Data processing and rights to information - Paragraph 5 regulates u. a. to what extent the transmission of personal data to positions outside the public area is permitted within the dual training.


The BvBO is offered by the Senate Administration for Education, Science and Research , the Senate Administration for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs and the Federal Employment Agency .

From 2007 to 2015 SPI Consult GmbH was the responsible trustee of the BvBO program. Since January 1, 2016, zgs consult GmbH, founded on December 4, 2015, has been entrusted as trustee and entrusted company for the BvBO. The zgs consult GmbH is a joint company of the future in the center GmbH , the gsub - society for social management consultancy mbH and the SPI Consult GmbH .

The 30 or so beneficiaries are inter-company and comparable vocational training institutions. The schools take part as cooperation partners of the project sponsors and book individual modules of the BvBO program.

Participation in the offer of in-depth professional orientation (BvBO) is voluntary for schools as well as for pupils, and the modules and measures do not replace regular lessons, but complement them.

The program is financed from state funds (€ 3 million / year, 51%) and a financial contribution from the Federal Employment Agency (€ 2.4 million / year, 49%).


The BvBO is divided into four sections for the eighth to tenth grade modular. A fifth module has been developed for the upper secondary level ( Abitur ). The various modules include the following main topics:

  1. Professional field exploration / practical professional testing
  2. Competency assessment
  3. Consolidation of the internship
  4. Internship and preparation for the transition to work
  5. Career and study orientation (only upper secondary level)

The BvBO program was designed on the basis of a comprehensive inventory and needs analysis; The findings and brochures published in 2012 under the name of “Regional Transition Management” were incorporated into the development of the BvBO program. Since the 2015/16 school year, the program has been based on the principles of the “qualified four-level concept of the state concept for career and study orientation” (BSO) and, as the new edition “BvBO 2.0”, guarantees practice-oriented offers for professional orientation.


View an assessment center score sheet

The BvBO uses the instruments of competence and potential analysis , documentation and workshop days. Depending on the training provider, the design and duration can vary. As a key medium, the career choice pass is one of the central information and documentation tools that accompanies the students throughout the career orientation process.

For the practical testing, the training providers must ensure that at least three out of five professional areas can be tested. The professional fields include commercial-technical professions, professions in office and administration , professions in the health industry and social affairs , professions in the service sector and professions in the creative industry . The workshop days last one day for each professional field and the young people should be able to try out at least three professional fields. In training workshops or in school rooms, they manufacture workpieces or solve certain tasks. The trainers set various tasks and look after the students. The teachers also accompany their school classes through the program.

Instruments such as the Berlin talent course based on the model of the Minden technology center can also be used for practical testing . The model is originally used as a method to filter talented, interested and suitable trainees from an applicant pool as efficiently as possible for companies (application casting). Within the BvBO, the course takes place without the involvement of companies.

In various individual and group exercises, the young participants get to know their personal skills . These include, for example , the ability to concentrate , work accuracy , the ability to work in a team , dealing with different work equipment, problem-solving skills and other skills. The students are observed during the exercises and receive feedback from the trained observers in the form of competence and potential analyzes.

In addition to the evaluation of individual observations, standardized procedures are also used, such as B. Assessment centers and questionnaires with quantitative and qualitative methodology, which are intended to support the students in their career choice. In Berlin , in addition to the procedures developed by educational institutions themselves, in particular the professions universe of the Federal Employment Agency , the competence analysis Profil AC and the Potential Determination Assessment Center (PEACe) are used.

Some companies (such as SchulePlus GmbH ) use the DIA-TRAIN method of the Institute for Vocational Education, Labor Market and Social Policy GmbH (INBAS) to determine competencies and potential . This instrument is an investigation procedure that was developed for institutions in the education sector in order to investigate and train students' competencies and potential. The content of the competence assessment procedure includes a. Social and creativity training, experiential exercises, learning training, a future workshop, a biographical interview and a two-day assessment center .

The LIFE e. V. uses the tasteMINT potential assessment procedure for high school girls to choose a subject. The procedure is aimed at participants who are interested in studying MINT subjects.

The profiling instruments hamet BOP , KoJACK , Peakus , Potential Assessment and the START AC are listed as additional diagnostic tools by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science as part of the career orientation program.

Data collection and data protection

When the BvBO program is carried out, personal data is collected from the participating students and parents. One reason for the data collection is that the educational institutions use attendance lists to bill the services provided. On the other hand, personal data is required and used to analyze and evaluate the competencies and potential of the students.

In its data protection leaflet - declaration of consent from the participant on data protection regulations , SPI Consult GmbH listed the following student data for the 2009/2010 school year, which are required for the implementation of the program:

  • Name and first name,
  • Address,
  • Gender,
  • Nationality,
  • Date of birth,
  • Native language,
  • Late repatriates ,
  • Presence of disability,
  • Information on the grade,
  • Entry and exit date,
  • Number of completed participant hours.

Under certain conditions, this information can also be passed on from the schools to the implementing educational institutions. (see legal framework ).

In addition, there is the data that is collected through documentation, observation, the use of assessment center and competence and potential analysis processes (see instruments ).

According to § 34 BDSG - Information to the person concerned, parents and students have the right to be informed about which personal data has been stored or collected for what purpose and to whom it has been passed on.

In 2009 the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information a . a. due to various critical questions with the BVBO career orientation program, when the program was still funded by the European Social Fund as a further training measure (2007 to 2013). Since June 2016, the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information has been checking whether the conditions for the collection and processing of personal student data , the creation and processing of potential and competence analyzes are still met.

March 2016 parents presented the Community School Green Campus Malchow a self-disclosure sersuchen according to § 34 BDSG to the measure of the carrier BvBO program (Foundation for unemployed youth e. V.).


In the 2013/2014 school year, 27,449 students from 112 schools across Berlin took part in the program. This corresponded to a percentage of the total number of students in Berlin in the integrated secondary schools of 29.07% and the grammar schools of 19.9%.

In the period from 2007 to 2014, the participating schools almost doubled (2007/08: 58 schools | 2013/14: 112 schools) and the number of participating students quadrupled (2007/08: 6480 students | 2013/14: 27,449).

Success control

The BvBO program is supervised by a steering committee that acts as a control body and receives regular information about the project from zgs consult GmbH . The control body consists of representatives from the Senate Administration for Labor, Integration and Women , the Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Science and the Federal Employment Agency .

In addition, the program is supervised by the teachers. For this purpose, so-called career and study orientation teams (BSO team) have been installed at the integrated secondary schools since 2015 , which are responsible for the needs-based implementation of the program. On behalf of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science , zgs consult GmbH asks the BSO teams at regular intervals about their satisfaction with the BvBO program.

In the framework agreement for the “Berlin Program in-depth Vocational Orientation for Schoolchildren” ( BvBO ) 2013/2014 it was also specified that the number of planned participants and schools is to be monitored, that the participating pupils and schools are questioned in every measure and that the final reports of the executing agency have to be checked and evaluated.

Cooperating associations

The BvBO is supported by business and interest groups. These should help to improve the program structurally, conceptually and in an advisory capacity. The economy is seen here as a partner of the schools, which u. a. has the task of supporting schools and teachers in being able to take into account the changing challenges of the professional, working and economic world in the classroom. The participating business and interest groups include a. the Chamber of Crafts Berlin , the Chamber of Commerce Berlin , the Association of liberal professions and the Confederation of Business Associations of Berlin and Brandenburg e. V. (UVB).


The Berlin career orientation program, as a consequence of the Berlin school structure reform , is intended to offer young people the opportunity to get to know their own professional skills and interests. On the other hand, the school should also meet social and economic requirements. With the conversion of the subject of work studies into the subject of business-work-technology, not only has dual learning been improved, but a subject has also been strengthened and established that considers teaching and education from an economic and economic perspective. By outsourcing vocational orientation to external educational institutions and career entry support , schools lose part of their educational autonomy. The points of criticism mainly relate to the issues of transparency , conception and data protection .

In addition, the already established assessment and competence concepts within the education system are criticized, which primarily divide education, school (e.g. through PISA ) and pupils (e.g. through potential and competence analyzes ) into measurable variables and categories "Purposeful (functional) thinking skills (cognition) to solve problems, as well as the necessary motivation, will and social attitudes" considers or measures and propagates them as a quality feature for good teaching and school.


In the press release on the decision of the national concept of career and study orientation from March 17, 2015 even the Senator for Education, Youth and Science, admits Sandra Scheeres , one that offers and initiatives of the program is not always for the schools and the public manageable and are easily classified . The content of Module IV is described on the website of the BvBO program. The descriptions are rather general and students and parents cannot see clearly how the set goals will be achieved. The Parents' Network Berlin Program-depth career orientation for students (BvBO) presented on 10 October 2016 request to the Trustee of the measure ( zgs consult GmbH ) in order to achieve a substantive transparency. The main questions addressed were:

  • Developed quality criteria, guidelines, concepts and procedures of the BvBO program,
  • Comparability of offers,
  • Tasks and time budget of the BSO teams,
  • Parental work and support as part of a supportive career orientation,
  • Ensuring and promoting cooperation between educational institutions, schools and parents,
  • Voluntary nature of the offer,
  • Quality control and evaluation,
  • Basis, transparency and data protection in the documentation of student observations with the help of potential and competence analyzes or assessment center procedures,
  • Success control of the measure,
  • Inclusion,
  • Gender-specific offers and offers for disadvantaged pupils,
  • Cooperation partner of the program.

Voluntariness of the offer

Pupils or their legal guardians must fill out a registration form in order to be able to participate in the measure ( registration for participation in a measure of in-depth vocational orientation according to Section 48 SGB ​​III or the extended professional orientation according to Section 48 in conjunction with Section 130 SGB III and & Declaration on the transmission of personal data to the employment agency ). Parents are informed about the measure and its scope in the form of a letter from parents . In both documents there is no indication that the measure is a voluntary offer that is not intended to replace the lessons, but only to complement them. The problem here is that the Senate Department for Labor, Integration and Women assumes that the high level of acceptance for the program can be explained by the high number of voluntary participants. Boris Verlter from the Senate Department for Labor, Integration and Women said in 2014: "That this program is accepted by the students, although participation is voluntary, is proven by the high number of participants." Because parents and students are not informed about the voluntary nature , it is doubtful whether the response to the program can be explained in this form.


Conceptual and substantive influence by the economy

The Berlin program for in-depth vocational orientation, like the nationwide vocational orientation program , pursues the cooperation and partnership of schools with business and business associations. It is desirable that the economy exerts influence on teachers and the school in order to be able to adequately prepare students for the demands of the economy, such as B. through the Association of Business Associations in Berlin and Brandenburg e. V. (UVB) and its former managing director Klaus-Dieter Teufel, who has been working for employers' associations in the Berlin region since 1975 and as managing director of the business education center (bbw). In the brochure Dual Learning - Practical Guide, Norbert Geyer from Industrieholding GmbH wrote : Berlin companies benefit from the anchoring of dual learning in everyday school life .

The influence of the economy on the education system and the penetration of companies and free educational institutions was and will be. a. from the trade union education and science (GEW) , the German trade union federation (DGB) , the German Association for Political Education e. V. , LobbyControl e. V. as well as by the former Federation Freedom of Science . Furthermore, the subject of lobbying in schools was discussed for the first time in the Bundestag in 2016 at the request of the left-wing parliamentary group.

The company SchulePlus GmbH can be named as an example, which acts as an educational provider and contact person within the BvBO program in Berlin, but also promotes business areas within the education system and school operations nationwide (such as digital educational offers and school cooperations). The social enterprise SchulePLUS GmbH was financed to 70% by a private business angel and an institutional investor , who also participate in the company's turnover. The company divides its business areas into three areas: supporting public and private partners in the implementation of school projects, looking for internships and digital teacher training. The company SchulePlus GmbH and its subsidiaries are and were u. a. supported and funded by Ashoka Deutschland gGmbH and FASE (Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship ). The social entrepreneur Robert Greve, the Ashoka Deutschland gGmbH and the FASE stand for commercial enterprises and foundations such as u. a. close to the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt .

In an interview with the head of the European Academy Berlin , Eckart Stratenschulte , on the subject of school and practice: a European model and in an article in the online edition of the Huffington Post , Robert Greve sees the need to open the school to external partners and experts from outside that should be structurally integrated. Robert Greve sees the role of future teachers in a modern school of tomorrow in that of a quality manager , quality representative , moderator and networker who " brings parts of school education to the point where external partners are very much involved" .

The trade union for education and science (GEW) and the German trade union federation (DGB) already formulated key points in 2011 that demand socio-economic education at general schools, which is different from one-dimensional economic education. According to the GEW and DGB , “ lobbyists urge schools to influence educational content depending on their interests. Above all, try employer - and business associations to steer the ideas of students of business and work in their favor "Both. Trade unions call for a comprehensive socio-economic formation, which not only takes economic aspects into view, but also the political , social , cultural , ecological , legal and ethical dimensions are taken into account. A critical judgment should be made possible “in order to be able to find and represent one's own positions in a society governed by conflicting interests”. Furthermore, socio-economic formation is interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and -verbindend, including life worldwide, trouble - and action-oriented design, and not by a mono-disciplinary economistic trade are covered. Political leaders demand that "lobbyism in schools and the dominance of economic interests - for example when schools are supplied with relevant teaching materials or in the field of practical contacts and learning partnerships - are put to a halt". In the view of the trade unions, the initial, further and further training of teachers should also follow an interdisciplinary approach to socio-economic education.

The German Association for Political Education e. V. had noted in its 2014 transparency code for teaching materials how teaching materials should be labeled in order to better identify the origin and the possible intentions behind it. Since the career choice pass is not the only information medium used by the educational institutions within the Vocational Orientation Program (BvBO) , the requirement could also be extended to the career guidance offers and their materials.

Participating schools by district

The schools involved in the individual Berlin districts, the respective type of school and the educational institutions involved are listed below. Each city district is assigned a higher-level contact person who is placed in front of the individual tables.


Contact person: SchulePLUS GmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium Gym.
Hildegard Wegscheider High School Gym.
Herder High School Gym.
Moser School - Swiss high school Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.



Contact person: Schildkröte GmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Albrecht von Graefe School ISS
Georg Weerth School ISS
Carl von Ossietzky School ISS
Hector Peterson School ISS
Hermann Hesse High School Gym.
School at the King's Gate ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Emmanuel Lasker School ISS
Leibniz Gymnasium Gym.
Andreas High School Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gymnasium Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.



Contact person: Bildungsmarkt Vulkan GmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Vincent van Gogh School ISS
Johann Gottfried Herder High School Gym.
Hans-and-Hilde-Coppi-Oberschule Gym.
Philipp Reis School ISS
Gutenberg High School ISS
Paul Schmidt School ISS
Green Campus Malchow ISS Support association for unemployed young people e. V.



Contact person: ABU gGmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Rudolf Virchow High School ISS QE&U gGmbH Berlin
Caspar David Friedrich School ISS QE&U gGmbH Berlin
Johann Julius Hecker School ISS
Kerschenstein School ISS
Konrad-Wachsmann-School ISS
Wolfgang A. Mozart High School ISS



Contact person: CJD Berlin-Brandenburg

school type of school Educational institutions
Diesterweg High School Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V. | more than learning e. V.
John Lennon High School Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
School at the Schillerpark ISS Zukunftsbau GmbH
Willy Brandt School ISS Zukunftsbau GmbH
Herbert Hoover School ISS Zukunftsbau GmbH
Heinrich von Stephan School ISS SOS vocational training center Berlin
Theodor Heuss School ISS CJD Berlin-Brandenburg
Ernst Reuter School ISS CJD Berlin-Brandenburg
Hemingway School ISS LIFE e. V.
Max Planck High School Gym. LIFE e. V.
Jewish high school Moses-Mendelssohn high school Gym. SEC I: LIFEe.V. | SEK II: FORUM Vocational Training eV
Ernst Schering School ISS Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH
Evangelical School Berlin Center ISS SEC I: Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH | SK II: more than learning eV
Hedwig Dohm School ISS SOS vocational training center Berlin
Quinoa high school ISS more than learning eV
Tiergarten high school Gym. SEC I: Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH | SK II: more than learning eV, FORUM Berufsbildung e. V.



Contact person: Alte Feuerwache e. V.

school type of school Educational institutions
Zuckmayer School ISS
Alfred Nobel School ISS
Kepler School ISS
Efeuweg campus ISS
X-ray school ISS
Catholic School of St. Mary ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Otto Hahn School ISS
Clay school ISS
Albrecht Dürer High School Gym.
Hermann von Helmholtz School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.



Contact person: WeTeK Berlin gGmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Kurt Schwitters School ISS QE&U gGmbH Berlin
Hagenbeck High School ISS
Reinhold Burger School ISS
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy School Gym.
Heinrich Schliemann High School ISS
Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium Gym.
Kurt Tucholsky School ISS
Heinz Brandt High School ISS
Hufeland High School ISS
Klax high school ISS QE&U gGmbH Berlin
School one ISS QE&U gGmbH Berlin



Contact person: GFBM gGmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Julius Leber School ISS
Albrecht Haushofer School ISS
Gabriele von Bülow High School Gym.
Bettina von Arnim School ISS
Humboldt Gymnasium Gym.
Max Beckmann School ISS
Georg Herwegh High School Gym.
Friedrich-Engels-Gymnasium Gym.
Romain Rolland High School Gym.
Evangelical School Frohnau Gym.
European high school Bertha-von-Suttner Gym.



Contact person: casa e. V.

school type of school Educational institutions
School on the Jungfernheide ISS casa e. V.
Heinrich Böll School ISS casa e. V.
Carl Friedrich von Siemens High School Gym. casa e. V.
Lily-Braun-Gymnasium Gym. casa e. V.
School at the Haveldüne ISS casa e. V.



Contact person: FORUM Berufsbildung e. V.

school type of school Educational institutions
Broendby School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Hermann Ehlers High School Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Private Kant school ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Copernicus High School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Max von Laue School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Willi-Graf-Gymnasium ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Wilma Rudolph School Gym. FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
European high school Bertha-von-Suttner ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Helene Lange School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.



Contact person: GFBM gGmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Eckener high school Gym.
Georg Büchner High School Gym.
Catholic School of St. Francis ISS
Rheingau high school Gym.
Robert Blum High School Gym.
Rückert high school Gym.
Sophie Scholl School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.



Contact person: SBH Nord GmbH

school type of school Educational institutions
Montgolfier Brothers High School Gym.
Isaac Newton School ISS
Merian School ISS FORUM Vocational Training e. V.
Anna Seghers School ISS
Hans Grade School ISS
Wilhelm Bölsche School ISS
BEST Sabel School ISS


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berlin program in-depth professional orientation. In: Retrieved September 3, 2019 .
  2. a b c Information on BVBO 2.0. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  3. Berlin program in-depth professional orientation (BVBO). (No longer available online.) Labor and Vocational Education and Training Department of the Senate Department for Labor, Integration and Women, archived from the original on December 23, 2017 ; accessed on December 27, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b Dr. Thomas Nix: Dual learning - handouts for practice. (PDF) Dual learning - a meaningful combination of school-based learning and learning on site. Senate Department for Education, Science and Research, December 2010, p. 8 , accessed on December 27, 2017 .
  5. Berlin program in-depth professional orientation (BVBO) - zgs consult GmbH. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  6. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 22 SchulG | State standard Berlin | - Integrated secondary school | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 05.02.2010. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  7. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 27 SchulG | State standard Berlin | - More detailed design of the lower secondary level | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 05.02.2010. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  8. ^ Juris GmbH: VIS BE § 76 SchulG | State standard Berlin | - Decision-making and consultation rights | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 04/06/2014. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  9. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 79 SchulG | State standard Berlin | - Overall conference | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 02/17/2016. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  10. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 4 Sec I-VO | State standard Berlin | - Cooperations | Ordinance on the types of schools and courses of education at lower secondary level (Lower secondary level I-Ordinance - Sek I-VO) of March 31, 2010 | valid from: 01.08.2010. In: Retrieved October 17, 2016 .
  11. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 21 Sec I-VO | State standard Berlin | - Certificates | Ordinance on the types of schools and courses of education at lower secondary level (Lower secondary level I-Ordinance - Sek I-VO) of March 31, 2010 | valid from: October 16, 2013. In: Retrieved October 17, 2016 .
  12. juris GmbH: VIS BE § 29 Sec I-VO | State standard Berlin | - Lesson design, dual learning | Ordinance on the types of schools and courses of education in lower secondary level (secondary level… |) valid from: 01.06.2013. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  13. § 33 SGB III vocational orientation. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  14. § 48 SGB III career orientation measures. In: Retrieved October 17, 2016 .
  15. juris GmbH: VIS BE SchulG | State standard Berlin | Section V - Privacy Policy | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 02/01/2004. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  16. ^ Juris GmbH: VIS BE § 64 SchulG | State standard Berlin | - Data processing and information rights | School Act for the State of Berlin (School Act - SchulG) of January 26, 2004 | valid from: 02/17/2016. In: Retrieved December 27, 2017 .
  17. a b c Clara Herrmann, Özcan Mutlu, Prof. Dr. E. Jürgen Zöllner: Quantity instead of quality - career orientation without individual needs analysis and without an advertisement? (PDF) Berlin House of Representatives, September 15, 2007, p. 3 , accessed on October 3, 2016 .
  18. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Public Relations Department: Funding Database - Funding Search. In: Retrieved October 6, 2016 .
  19. zgs consult GmbH • Commercial register HRB 172491. In: Retrieved October 6, 2016 .
  20. zgs consult GmbH new service provider for the public sector. In: ABG Arbeit in Berlin GmbH, June 1, 2016, archived from the original on October 6, 2016 ; accessed on March 10, 2019 .
  21. Berlin program in-depth professional orientation (BVBO) - zgs consult GmbH. In: Retrieved October 6, 2016 .
  22. About us - zgs consult GmbH. In: Retrieved October 6, 2016 .
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  24. SPI Consult GmbH - Berlin | Company & economic information. In: Moneyhouse Germany. Retrieved December 12, 2016 .
  25. future in the center GmbH - Berlin | Economic information. In: Moneyhouse Germany. Retrieved December 12, 2016 .
  26. Berlin program in-depth professional orientation (BVBO) - zgs consult GmbH. In: Retrieved October 1, 2016 .
  27. BvBo. In: Retrieved October 1, 2016 .
  28. a b c Katrin Möller, i. V. Boris Velter: Berlin State Program for In-Depth Professional Orientation (BVBO) - what happens next in the 2014/15 school year? (PDF) Berlin House of Representatives, July 2, 2014, p. 2 , accessed on October 3, 2016 .
  29. Written question from MP Katrin Möller (LINKE). (PDF) Printed matter 17 / 14007. Berlin House of Representatives, July 2014, p. 1 , accessed on October 2, 2016 .
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  32. Jana Pampel (Head), Ralph Döring, Silvana Kathmann, Carsten Welker: Regional Transition Management Berlin | Volume 1: Inventories | Goals | Planning | Recommendations for implementation. (PDF) SPI Consult GmbH, 2011, accessed on October 1, 2016 .
  33. Carolina Böhm, Jana Pampel: State program of in-depth professional orientation for Berlin schoolchildren (BVBO) - report 2013/2014. (PDF) BVBO: Evaluation of the 2013/2014 school year. (No longer available online.) SPI Consult GmbH, November 2014, p. 2 , archived from the original on May 7, 2016 ; accessed on October 10, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  34. For school pupils - career choice pass. In: Retrieved October 10, 2016 .
  35. BVBO 2.0 - SchulePLUS. (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on December 4, 2016 ; accessed on December 2, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  36. Professional course. In: Retrieved December 20, 2017 .
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