Boyan Kirilov Mednikarov

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Flotilla Admiral Boyan Mednikarov

Bojan Kirilow Mednikarow ( Bulgarian Боян Кирилов Медникаров ; born October 8, 1961 in Varna ) is a flotilla admiral of the Bulgarian Navy and since May 27, 2011 commander resp. Rector of the Varna Naval Academy .

Military career

Boyan Mednikarov was born on October 8, 1961 in the city of Varna , Bulgaria , into the family of Captain Kiril Mednikarov.

In 1984 he graduated from the Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow" in the city of Varna, Bulgaria, with a master's degree in "Nautics for the Navy" as the best of his year. Bojan Mednikarow joined the Bulgarian Navy as a lieutenant at sea and as commander of a missile speedboat in the light naval brigade in the city of Sozopol , Bulgaria. This was followed by promotions to deputy ship commander, ship commander , commander of a tactical group of ships, chief of staff of the Ships Division .

In 1992 he graduated from the Naval Academy "Admiral Kuznetsov" in St. Petersburg with a gold medal .

From 1994 to 1995 he was “Senior Deputy Chief of Staff in the Naval Command, Operational Management, Intervention Forces” at the headquarters of the Bulgarian Navy in the city of Varna, Bulgaria.

From 1995 to 1998 he was deputy head of the chair “Organization and Management of Military Formations at Tactical Level” at the Center for Postgraduate Qualifications and head of the “Staff Command” department at the Varna Naval Academy. Bojan Mednikarov was awarded his doctorate in 1999 , and in 2000 he was appointed associate professor of "Organization and Management of the Armed Forces ".

In 2001 he served as head of the naval forces department at the military academy " Georgi Stojkow Rakowski " in the city of Sofia , Bulgaria, where he completed the master's degree in "Strategic Defense and Armed Forces Command" in 2006 as the best of his year. In the department 05.12.02 "Military-Political Aspects of Security" he was appointed "Doctor of Military Sciences" in 2008 and "Professor of Military Sciences" in 2009 .

From 2001 to 2011 he was deputy head of the academic and scientific "Department for Teaching and Research" at the Naval Academy in Warna, which he has headed as commander and rector since May 27, 2011.

Bojan Mednikarow was president of the “Association of Scientists in Bulgaria”, Section Varna, and was awarded the Science Prize of the City of Varna in 2008 for his contribution to the development of the social sciences . For his contribution to the development of marine science , he was awarded the prize of the Bulgarian sea in 2014 and education Chamber of Commerce " Saint Nicholas" excellent.

In 2016 he was awarded the “ Honorary Badge of the City of Varna for Merit - Gold” for his overall contribution to the development of maritime education and maritime science. Since 2016 he has been the recipient of the “Black Sea Medal Awards” of the Black Sea Nature Conservation Commission , which honored his many years of work in the field of environmental protection and environmental improvement in the Black Sea .

Flotilla Admiral Mednikarov hosted the “Sea dumped munitions and environmental risk” workshop of the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO). The first international meeting of experts on old ammunition in the sea under the umbrella of NATO with the participation of the "Expert Group Ammunition in the Sea" of the "Bund-Länder Committee North Sea-Baltic Sea" (BLANO), their representatives on the salvage and destruction of anti-aircraft cannon ammunition of various calibres in the Flensburg Fjord off Mürwik by the Ordnance Disposal Service Schleswig-Holstein (KRD SH0 -KRD SH) took place in October 2016 in Varna, Bulgaria.

The " Todor Kableshkow " School of Transportation awarded Flotilla Admiral Professor of Military Sciences Bojan Mednikarow an honorary doctorate (Dr. hc) on September 18, 2017 .

Bojan Mednikarow is honorary professor at the Naval Academy " Mircea cel Bătrân ", Constanța , Romania , and holder of the honorary badge of the Naval Academy in Gdynia , Poland .

Service as a flotilla admiral

Since May 27, 2011 Bojan Mednikarow has been the commander and rector of the Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow" in Varna, Bulgaria.

In this post he was promoted to commodore on April 1, 2016 , and to flotilla admiral on January 9, 2017 .

Teaching and research at other institutions

Positions in other organizations

International relations within the framework of ENASC

As part of the "European Naval Academies' Superintendents Conference" (ENASC), there are intensive international relationships with the following naval academies, among others:

Fonts (selection)

  • A "vicious agent" modeling approach for testing port security systems.
  • An Alternative of the System Approach to Functional Aspects Analysis of the Maritime Crisis Management System. Information & Security, An International Journal, Models and Simulations in Support of Transformation, Volume 22, 2007, pp 102 - 122, (co-author K. Kalinov).
  • An Application of the System Approach to the Process of Navy's Critical Infrastructure Development. Information & Security, An International Journal, Models and Simulations in Support of Transformation, Volume 22, 2007, pp 138 - 150, (co-author N. Dimitrov, K. Kalinov).
  • An approach for "vicious agent" modeling when testing a model of port security system. // NATO ARW 983490 "Human Systems Integration to Enhance Maritime Domain Awareness for Port / Harbor Security Systems", Rijeka, Croatia, December 8-12, 2008, (co-author N. Stoyanov).
  • Case study from Bulgaria - Building a Conceptual Model for Simulation Architecture in Support for Education and Training. // Military Modeling & Simulation Conference, 2008, Singapore, August 26-29, 2008, (co-authors K. Kalinov, N. Stoyanov).
  • Challenges to Education and Training in the Field of Harbor Protection Security. Maritime Transport & Navigation Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, September 2009, Constanta: Nautica, 2009, pp. 46-53, (co-author K. Kalinov, N. Stoyanov).
  • Challenges, risks and threats to maritime sovereignty / the Bulgarian standpoint /. // NATO Security Through Science Program, Advanced Study Institute, “Security Sector Transformation in the Wider Black Sea Area”, April 10-18, 2007, Bansko, (co-author K. Kalinov).
  • Conceptual model of port security simulating complex (Bulgarian Standpoint).
  • Conceptual model of port security simulating complex (Bulgarian Standpoint) .// Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transport, Editor Adam Weintrit, Taylor & Francis Croup, London, 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-80479-0 , pp.341- 346, (co-authors K. Kalinov, N. Stoyanov).
  • Implementation and application of the system to protect the marine sovereignty of the Republic of Bulgaria in a changing security environment [Изграждане и използване на системата за защита на морския суверенитет на Република България в променящата се среда за сигурност] Military Academy "Georgi Stójków Rakowski." (Dissertation, Doctor of Military Science, 2007).
  • Faculty motivation and the role of social capital in higher education. Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, Constanta: Nautica, Universitatea Maritimay Constanta, 2008, ISSN  1844-6116 , pp. 31-44, (co-author D. Kanev).
  • Local Risk Proneness in Analytically Approximated Utility Functions under Monotonically Decreasing Preferences.
  • Maritime Education and Crisis Management in Maritime Activities. IAMU Journal, Vol. 6, No 1, August 2009, Tokyo, Japan, pp.58-70, (co-author P. Dereliev).
  • Maritime education and training of seafarers at the beginning of XXIth century - challenges and prospects. Marine Thought. Varna: ОРКА studio, 2004, p. 144-149.
  • Methodological issues of preparing and conducting computer-assisted exercises on maritime security matters. // Proceeding of the 9th Annual General Assembly of IAMU, San Francisco, California, USA, October 19-22, 2008, Common Seas, Common Shores: The New Maritime Community, Editors Dr. Donna Nincic and Dr. Graham Benton, San Francisco: The California Maritime Academy, 2008, pp. 289-302, (co-authors P. Dereliev, K. Kalinov).
  • New Perspectives for Enhancing Educational and Research Activities on Maritime Security Problems at NYVaptsarov Naval Academy.// World Maritime Excellence, Proceeding of the 8th Annual General Assembly of IAMU, Odessa Maritime Academy, Odessa, 17-19 September 2007, Одеса: АО БАХВА, 2007, pp.127-144, (co-author K. Kalinov).
  • Optimization of statuses and human behavior in stressful situations by the ship. Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, Constanta: Nautica, Universitatea Maritimay Constanta, 2010, pp.21-24, (co-author J. Bakalov).
  • Planning of Security Sector Capabilities for Protection of Maritime Sovereignty.// Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Security Sector, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, ISB Custom 978-1-58603-760-4, pp. 72-86, (co-author T. Tagarev).
  • Possibilities to enhance interagency and international mechanisms for maritime crisis management in the Black sea region. // NATO Security Through Science Program, Advanced Study Institute, “Security Sector Transformation in the Wider Black Sea Area”, April 10-18, 2007, Bansko, (co-author K. Kalinov).
  • R&D Activities in the Context of the Transformation of the National Maritime Security System. // Security and Defense R&D Management: Policy, Concepts and Models, International Conference 29-31 May 2008, Varna, Sofia: Avangard Prima, 2009, pp. 141-152.
  • Structured Description of Naval Tasks. Information & Security, An International Journal, Transforming the Navy, Volume 13, 2004, p. 25-34, (co-author P. Dereliev).
  • Terrorism on the sea, piracy and maritime security. Information & Security, An International Journal, IT, Emerging, Comercial Capabilities, Terrorism, Volume 19, 2006, p. 102-114. (co-author K. Kolev).
  • The C4I System Concept and the Control of National Sea Spaces. Information & Security, An International Journal, Transforming the Navy, Volume 13, 2004, p. 115-125. (co-author P. Dereliev).
  • The role of State-of-the Art Technologies for Developing a Modern Organizational Culture in Maritime Safety and Security Matters. // MET Trends in the XXI Century: Shipping Industry and Training Institutions in the global environment - area of ​​mutual interests and cooperation, Proceeding of the 10th Annual General Assembly and Conference of IAMU, Saint-Petersburg, 19-21 September 2009, Editor Vladimir Loginovsky, Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy, 2009, pp. 43-51, (co-authors K. Kalinov, N. Stoyanov).
  • The role of the Bulgarian naval education in the process of maritime security sector transformation. // Annual, Department Peace Keeping operations and language training, GS Rakovski Defense and Staff College, Sofia, 2008, ВА, 2008, pp. 5-38, (co-author K. Kalinov).
  • The "N. Vaptsarov “Naval Academy - A 127 year old flagman of the Bulgarian maritime education and science. Analele Universtatii Maritime Constanta, Anuaul IX, Volumul 11, Constanta: Nautica, 2008, pp. 67-72.
  • Theory and practice of complex SAR operations in the conditions of the Black sea. Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol II, Constanta: Nautica, Universitatea Maritimay Constanta, 2009, pp.69-78, (co-author P. Dereliev).
  • Improving the efficiency of the operations of the Navy Armed Forces in the Bulgarian Army's Defense Operation (Dissertation, Doctor, 1999).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Георги Николов: Началникът на Висшето военноморско училище "Никола Вапцаров" е новият носител на Голямата награда на Съюза на учените . In: Висше военноморско училище Никола Йонков Вапцаров. Retrieved August 20, 2019 (bg-BG).
  2. a b c d e f g h Bojan Mednikarow. Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow", accessed on August 20, 2019 .
  3. The new commander of the Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow". Morski Vestnik, May 2011, accessed August 20, 2019 .
  4. ^ A b c Association of Scientists in Bulgaria: Bojan Mednikarow. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .
  5. ^ Federal-State Committee North Sea-Baltic Sea. Expert group ammunition in the sea, publishing organ. Schleswig-Holstein. Ministry for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas, Editing Organ .: Ammunition Pollution in German Marine Waters, Developments and Progress . 2013, OCLC 953964366 .
  6. Проф. д.в.н. фл.адм. Боян Медникаров, началник на ВВМУ "Н.Й. Вапцаров" получи почетното звание "Доктор конорис Тауза" Конорис Укауза "Вонорис Тауза" Вонорис Тауза "Вонорис Тауза" Retrieved August 20, 2019 (Bulgarian).
  7. ^ The 21st European Naval Academies' Superintendents Conference (Enasc 2018). Retrieved August 25, 2019 .
  8. IOS Press eBooks - A "Vicious Agent" Modeling Approach for Testing Port Security Systems. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .
  9. K Kalinov, N Stoyanov, B Mednikarov: Conceptual model of port security simulating complex (Bulgarian Standpoint) . In: Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation . CRC Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-80479-0 , doi : 10.1201 / 9780203869345.ch61 ('DOI 10.1201 / 9780203869345.CH61' [accessed August 20, 2019]).
  10. Natalia Nikolova, Boyan Mednikarov, Kiril Tenekedjiev: Local Risk Proneness in Analytically Approximated Utility Functions under Monotonically Decreasing Preferences . "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, November 30, 2018, doi : 10.7546 / crabs.2018.11.13 ('DOI 10.7546 / crabs.2018.11.13' [accessed August 20, 2019]).