Carl Jakob von Jutrzenka-Morgenstern

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Carl Jakob von Jutrzenka-Morgenstern , also Carl Jakob von Morgenstern or Carl Jakob von Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowski , (* 1745 Żabno, Royal Prussia ; † November 20, 1789 ) was a Prussian officer and knight of the order Pour le Mérite .


Origin and family

Carl Jakob von Jutrzenka-Morgenstern was a member of from Pomerania originating noble family of Jutrzenka ( German  Morgenstern ). His parents were Franz von Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowski and Sabine Veronika von Massow . He had two brothers who were also born or baptized in Żabno, Ernst Johann von Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowski (* 1739) and Nikolaus Nathanael von Morgenstern (1741–1761). The latter took with the infantry regiment “v. Hagen gen. V. Geist ”(No. 8) participated in the Battle of Torgau , where he was seriously wounded, as a result of which he received his patent as ensign in 1760 , but eventually succumbed to his injuries. Carl Jakob von Jutrzenka-Morgenstern was not married and died without leaving any children.


Morgenstern began his career in the Prussian army in 1761 as a private first class - a corporal in the infantry regiment "v. Queis ”(No. 8) with garrison in Stettin . In the same year he was promoted to ensign. From 1761 to 1763 he took part in the Seven Years' War , namely in 1762 the Battle of Freiberg . In May 1766 he was promoted to second lieutenant . During his service (1758–1769) under Major General Julius Dietrich von Queis , the king took a parade at Stargard . Friedrich II asked the young officer von Morgenstern's name and fatherland, and when the latter named Poland for the latter , the king was so angry that he did not want to recognize him as a nobleman . Around 1771 he guaranteed with or for his mother in mortgages to Schönberg , Konitz and Wienskowo, part A, Schwetz district . In June 1777, he was appointed first lieutenant in the 1st Grenadier - Company of the regiment on. With the infantry regiment “v. Hacke ”(No. 8) he also took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession from 1778 onwards . For his use in the battle at Gabel on August 2, 1778, he received the order Pour le Mérite. Since March 1786 he had the patent as a staff captain and from the beginning of December 1786 he was a full staff captain in the infantry regiment “v. Scholten ”(No. 8). He died with the rank of captain .


Lars Severin: A Pomeranian aristocratic excursion on three officers from Morgenstern, the families (v.) Wagner, v. the linden tree and the first names Melchior and Nathanael. In: Genealogy German journal for family history. Volume XXXII / 64. Volume 2, Degener & Co, Insingen 2015, pp. 454–455.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kurt von Priesdorff : List of officers of the Grenadier Regiment King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (1st Pomeranian) No. 2. Mittler, Berlin 1906, p. 91, No. 220.
  2. self-testimony of royal prussia Lieutenant and hereditary lord in Wendisch Silkow, Ernst Friedrich George v. Jutrzenka (1772-1849). State Archives Greifswald , Rep. 40 III 35.
  3. Max Bär : The nobility and aristocratic property in Polish Prussia at the time of the Prussian occupation. Based on extracts from the vassal lists and land registers. In: Communications from the K. Prussian Archive Administration, issue 19, published by S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1911, No. 1243 and 1375.
  4. ^ Contributions to a list of the Knights of the Order pour le Mérite appointed by Frederick the Great. In: Supplement to the military weekly paper , 1872, p. 179 .
  5. ^ Anton von Mach: The second infantry (royal) regiment: for the illustrated list of tribe, rank and quarters of the Royal Prussian Army, according to the communications of Captain Baron von Gayl. A. Duncker, Berlin 1854, p. 42, no.346.