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Coat of arms of Cauco
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Graubünden (GR)
Region : Moesa
Political community : Calancai2
Postal code : 6546
former BFS no. : 3806
Coordinates : 729 500  /  132 905 coordinates: 46 ° 20 '6 "  N , 9 ° 7' 14"  O ; CH1903:  729500  /  one hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred and five
Height : 992  m above sea level M.
Area : 10.89  km²
Residents: 36 (December 31, 2014)
Population density : 3 inhabitants per km²


Cauco (Switzerland)
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Parish before the merger on January 1, 2015

Cauco is a village in the municipality of Calanca , which is located in the former Calanca district in the Moesa district of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland .

Prayer chapel Madonna di Loreto

Until December 31, 2014, Cauco was a separate political municipality . On January 1, 2015, it merged with the municipalities of Arvigo , Braggio and Selma to form the new municipality of Calanca .


The former municipality lies on a cone of rubble from a landslide in 1513 on the left bank of the Calancasca river and, in addition to the actual village, also consists of the districts Bodio GR , Lasciallo and Masciadone . Of the entire former municipal area of ​​1089 hectares, 539 hectares are forest and wood, 437 hectares of unproductive area (mostly mountains), 96 hectares of agricultural land (mostly alpine farms) and 17 hectares of settlement area.

Cauco borders on Lostallo , Rossa , Santa Maria in Calanca , Soazza , Verdabbio and the canton of Ticino.


The village was first mentioned in 1497 under the then name Cauco . Cauco shared the political history of the Squadra di Calanca until 1851 and then became an independent political municipality until 2015.

coat of arms

Blazon : Divided by gold (yellow) and red, in gold a red Antonius cross (tau cross), below in red a golden fish

Saint Anthony is the patron saint of the local parish church, the fish stands for the lake that once stretched above Cauco.


Population development
year 1683 1803 1850 1900 1950 2000 2004 2014
Residents 400 149 120 92 30th 37 38 36

Of the 38 residents at the end of 2004, 37 (= 97.37%) were Swiss citizens. In 2014, 53.8% of the population spoke German as their main language and 46.2% Italian.


  • The Catholic Parish Church of S. Antonio Abate
  • The ossuary
  • Prayer chapel Madonna di Loreto in the district of Bodio
  • The oratory of Sant'Antonio da Padova in the Lasciallo district
  • The Sant'Anna oratory in the Masciadone district .


  • Regional Archives Calanca


  • Vittore Veneziani (born May 25, 1878 in Ferrara , † January 14, 1958), an Italian choir director and composer lived in Cauco.


Web links

Commons : Cauco  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cesare Santi: Cauco. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . 18th May 2017 .
  2. [1]
  3. ^ Catholic parish church of S. Antonio Abate
  4. Ossuary
  5. ^ A b Simona Martinoli and others: Guida d'arte della Svizzera italiana. Bellinzona 2007, p. 520.
  6. ^ Chapel of S. Antonio di Padova
  7. ^ Archivio regional Calanca
  8. Vittore Veneziani (Italian) at (accessed on: September 5, 2016.)
  9. Vittore Veneziani on (accessed on: September 5, 2016.)