Germany out of her mind

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Germany out of her senses: The crazy cult around women, homosexuals and immigrants is a polemical bestseller published in March 2014 by the German-Turkish author Akif Pirinçci . He was in by André F. Lichtschlag laid Edition special way as imprint in Manuscriptum-Verlag published.

Pirinçci, who had previously written commercially successful novels, criticized in his first non-fiction book what he believed to be the privileged position of homosexuals , migrants and women in the political debate in the Federal Republic. He sees the role of minorities in the local political discourse critically and interprets them as deficient beings aware of their disadvantage . Furthermore, he warns that some of them would consciously turn down offers of cooperation ( defection ) and that they have a disproportionately large amount of political and social influence and blocking power.


The book is divided into eight chapters. The first and last (Germany my mother and instead of a closing word) frame the content of the book: In this preface and closing word, the author formulates his personal declaration of love for Germany. In the remaining chapters, Pirinçci gradually devotes himself to various social topics by summarizing his individual observations and experiences and denouncing the grievances he has perceived.

In Islam belongs to Germany like the Reeperbahn to Mecca (second chapter), Pirinçci expresses himself on German asylum policy and the practice of dealing with immigrant Muslims and explains his career in this context - starting with the immigration of his parents as guest workers in 1969 Turkey. He advocates less tolerance for immigrants who are unwilling to integrate and criticizes the German “ do-gooder ”, wrong and exaggerated efforts to integrate and the lack of patriotism among Germans.

The third chapter, Fear is a Decision, deals with the obstacles faced by the Germans, whom he describes as the “greatest trooper people on earth”. In addition, the decline of the middle class due to excessive tax burdens is discussed. The author criticizes the inflated state apparatus , which has gotten out of hand. He also argues that there is social assistance for people who “do nothing”.

In the fourth chapter, About Women , Pirinçci deals with feminism , gender mainstreaming and raising children.

In chapter five With the Asshole You Can See Better , Pirinçci describes how, from his point of view, more and more taboos are being broken on German television - for example when the homosexual director Rosa von Praunheim put a condom filled with semen on the table on a television program and said he was just got out of a sauna after having sex with men. The audience and the presenter applauded.

In Chapter 6, The German Intellectual and How He Saw the World - Before he got an iron rod on his head, Pirinçci settles accounts with German science and research .

The text published in the seventh chapter (The battle has begun) is an expanded and edited version of the text that appeared as a blog article The slaughter has begun on The Axis of Good . The author creates the context of an allegedly hushed up, creeping genocide against the German people in the incident of the killing of a young German named Daniel S. by Turks in Kirchweyhe .


The book, which was said to be populist , is characterized by a crude or polemical language , which provoked controversial reactions, discussions and numerous negative reviews. Despite a few discussions with devastating verdicts, Germany found great sales - especially in online bookshops - and developed into a bestseller. In the mirror - bestseller list it reached in early May 2014 range nonfiction rank second because of the parallels with respect to the identified alleged decline of Germany was several times with the 2010 book, the book Germany abolishes itself by Thilo Sarrazin compared. Similar to the SPD member Sarrazin, Pirinçci plays with the breakup of his expected role as a successful cat crime writer with a migration background and his conservative, taboo-breaking argumentation.

Interview in the ZDF lunch magazine

On the occasion of his book presentation, Pirinçci was a guest at the ZDF-Mittagsmagazin . According to him, the interview was terminated prematurely, temporarily removed from the media library and later uploaded again in abbreviated form, which Pirinçci described as censorship . The fact that the author calls the Greens there as a "child sex party" is missing from it. The ZDF contradicted the censorship allegation. The legal evaluation of the interview showed that the complete suspension of the conversation in the ZDF media library would lead to legal risks for the ZDF. Stefan Niggemeier said in MiGAZIN that the conversation on ZDF was a demonstration of "how incapable public television is to deal with a hate preacher like Pirinçci". Andrea Heinz from the feminist portal accused the moderator Susanne Conrad of treating Pirinçci uncritically. This is not an appropriate way of dealing with “potential agitators ”.

Further discussions and reactions

Ijoma Mangold (Die Zeit) sees the pamphlet on the verge of sedition and compares the book with Hitler's Mein Kampf .

According to Harald Staun from the FAZ , Pirinçci makes himself “the megaphone of the silent majority” with his book and looks like “ Sarrazin at speed ”. Stefan Schnitz commented in Stern that the style reminded him of an enhanced version of Sarrazin's books.

Marc Felix Serrao from the Süddeutsche Zeitung said that Pirinçci's book stimulates thought in many places; one is torn back and forth by his ruthless analyzes and the many "wild ideas". His work is "not a book", but "a fight". Pirinçci "spits, insults and punched his way through the German present, that Thilo Sarrazin, on the other hand, seems as controversial as Count Zahl from Sesame Street ".

In the Wirtschaftswoche felt Bettina Röhl at Charles Bukowski recalls. Germany out of her senses is "a kind of literary non-fiction book written with a lot of humor and a good dose of poltergeist".

Christoph Giesa describes Pirinçci in The European as a “clown in the best sense of the word” and describes the book as an extremely successful social criticism . Pirinçci is comparable to great provocateurs like Christoph Schlingensief or Wei Wei .

In Spiegel Online , Jan Fleischhauer sees Pirinçci as an anarchist . His style is based on a "tradition of abuse and abuse that extends from Heine to Henscheid ". Georg Diez sensually classifies Germany as one of the “hate books” that formed anger and contempt for human beings that others put into action. A book like that by Pirinçci provides the accompanying music for the NSU trial, for example . Alexander Wallasch vehemently contradicts Diez with regard to his association with Pirinçci and NSU . So Diez Pirinçci had "in stilted Antifa the -style collective guilt hingeottert for Nsus the future." Wallasch describes Pirinçci as a "torn" personality whose turmoil is also reflected in his book.

The phenomenon Pirinçci makes the journalistic network of the German right become visible, Richard Gebhardt sums up the debate about the book in Zeit Online : “Above all, the intellectual faction of the German right applauds the Bushido- style agitation against all sorts of left-green dogmas . Pirinçci has his say, from the national-conservative weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit to the radically-liberal magazine peculiarly free to the online portal of the Secession , the in-house magazine of the New Right . "

Cicero columnist Alexander Marguier describes an author who has delivered a “successful book” and introduces himself with exuberant furor, passion and childlike pleasure as the “master ofangry speech”, as a “hopeless romantic ”, who rages ultra-liberally against increasing state intervention, with “high satirical entertainment value "conveyed a serious core and posed the cardinal question of the" limits of the effectiveness of the state ".

Opinion-forming media received an abundance of letters to the editor on the occasion of critical discussions in which they were accused of being unrealistic or misunderstanding the real migration situation of certain metropolitan areas. Arnulf Baring holds Pirinçcis book in a letter (23 April 2014) to the mirror "in his own way is important and quite debatable."

Based on recent statements on social media (April 2014), Pirinçci u. a. accused of inciting hatred, provoking violence and even indirectly inciting criminal acts.


The Sonderwege edition, in which Deutschland von Sinnen also appeared, publishes, according to its own statements, "authors who firstly have an opinion (and a clearly different one) and, secondly, can also formulate it."

The publisher Manuscriptum , which has not yet appeared with social polemics , drew criticism with the publication of the book, so that the associated department store Manufactum distanced itself from its founder and Pirinçcis publisher Thomas Hoof in order to avert possible damage to the company's image.

In October 2014 the documentary on the debate about Germany from the senses appeared under the title Attacke on the Mainstream , edited by Akif Pirinçci and Andreas Lombard.

Text output

  • Akif Pirinçci: Germany out of her senses. The crazy cult around women, homosexuals and immigrants. Manuscriptum, Waltrop 2014, ISBN 978-3-944872-04-9 .


  • Akif Pirinçci / Andreas Lombard (eds.): Attack on the mainstream. "Germany out of her senses" and the media. Manuscriptum, Waltrop 2014, ISBN 978-3-944872-09-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Pöbler and the New Right Der Tagesspiegel April 10, 2014
  3. Archive link ( Memento from October 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Akif Pirinçci: The slaughter has begun. The Axis of Good , March 25, 2013, accessed May 4, 2014 .
  5. SPIEGEL bestsellers: paperbacks. Non-fiction area. Spiegel Online , accessed on April 26, 2014 : "3rd place: Germany out of the senses - Pirinçci, Akif"
  6. Akif Pirinçci: Attack against ZDF , German-Turkish News from April 3, 2014
  7. ^ A b Andrea Heinz: ZDF presents homophobic author in: from April 3, 2014.
  8. a b c Stefan Niggemeier: “ ZDF fools hate preacher Pirinçci ”, MiGAZIN , 4 April 2014
  9. Sabine Schiffer : Akif Pirinçci and the terrible suspicion of censorship , German Turkish Journal, April 7, 2014
  10. ^ ZDF contradicts Akif Pirinçci censorship allegation , German-Turkish news from April 3, 2014
  11. Harald Staun: The Populism of Akif Pirinçci. Like Sarrazin on Speed , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 5, 2014
  12. Harald Jähner: Akif Pirinçci. Der Hassbürger , Frankfurter Rundschau, April 9, 2014
  13. ^ Christian Schröder and Caroline Fetscher: The Pöbler and the New Right , Der Tagesspiegel, April 14, 2014
  14. Ijoma Mangold : Full load of hatred . In: The time . No. April 15 , 2014 ( online ).
  15. Harald Staun: The Populism of Akif Pirinçci: Like Sarrazin on Speed ​​- Feuilleton - FAZ . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . April 5, 2014. Retrieved April 23, 2014.
  16. Schnitz, Stefan (2013). Wut, Hass und Geld , stern , No. 16, pp. 50–51
  17. ^ Marc Felix Serrao: Dear fellow countrymen , Süddeutsche Zeitung of March 22, 2014
  18. Bettina Röhl: Is Germany out of her mind? in: Wirtschaftswoche from March 25, 2014
  19. Christoph Giesa: Akifs geile Welt , in: The European of April 16, 2014
  20. Jan Fleischhauer: There is no more than Hitler in: Spiegel Online from April 10, 2014
  21. Georg Diez: Hate Books: Instructions for Use of Violence , Spiegel Online Kultur, April 18, 2014
  22. Alexander Wallasch: Mit Pirinçci am Kitzler , in: The European of April 21, 2014
  23. Richard Gebhardt: Your enemy is on the left , Zeit Online, April 14, 2014
  24. The Ultraliberal Romantic , Cicero, May 20, 2014
  25. Stefan Willeke: We idiots? A visit to the defenders of the riot author Akif Pirinçci. Zeit Online, April 25, 2014, p. 2 , accessed on April 29, 2014 : “Assuming that what Temme says is true, then there would be an elite problem in Germany, and most of the media would have made themselves part of this problem. They would have created the problem, expanded it and established it. Temme's questions to the journalists are: Can you still see us? Or do you see yourself as part of a political coalition that hides everything that can disturb the image of dear Germany? "
  26. in: Akif Pirinçci and Andreas Lombard: Attack on the mainstream . Waltrop and Leipzig 2014, pp. 141f. ISBN 978-3-944872-09-4
  27. Sabine Schiffer: Pirinçci, the new star of the right-wing populists and PI Nazis - column - dtj . In: German Turkish Journal . April 5, 2014. Retrieved July 14, 2014.
  28. Thomas Hoof Group: Edition Sonderwege ( Memento from April 30, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  29. Marc Felix Serrao: What is a racist? Away from the mainstream. Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 22, 2014, accessed on April 30, 2014 : “Working with this author is a tightrope walk for the Manuscriptum-Verlag, which will publish Pirinçci's book. The small company from Waltrop in North Rhine-Westphalia is still young, but has already made a name for itself with a number of solid titles. "
  30. Manufactum distances itself from company founder because of the Pirinçci book. Manufactum distances itself from founder Hoof and his publisher. The company apparently fears damage to its image because of Akif Pirinçci's book and his right-wing positions. Zeit Online, April 8, 2014, accessed April 30, 2014 .