Study Commission Artificial Intelligence

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The study commission “Artificial Intelligence - Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential” of the German Bundestag , chaired by Daniela Kolbe (SPD), deals with the effects of the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The appointment of the commission was decided at the end of June 2018 at the joint request of the CDU / CSU, SPD, FDP and Die Linke parliamentary groups with the consent of AfD and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. The constituent meeting of the study commission took place on September 27, 2018. A final report is expected from autumn 2020.







The left

Alliance 90 / The Greens






The left

Alliance 90 / The Greens

Working method

Working groups

The members work in several project groups. These include, among others:

  1. AI and economy (industry / production, finance, services, innovations) - Chair: Ronja Kemmer
  2. AI and the state (administration, security, infrastructure) - Chair: Anke Domscheit-Berg
    • WG 1: AI in public administration, applications for the common good, participation
    • WG 2: Smart City and Open Data
    • WG 3: Internal Security, External Security / Defense / Military, IT Security
  3. AI and health (care, sport) - Chair: Anna Christmann
  4. AI and work, education, research - Chair: René Röspel
  5. AI and mobility (energy, logistics, environment) - Chair: Daniela Kluckert
  6. AI and media (social media, opinion- forming , democracy) - Chair: Joana Cotar

In addition, a “Research” task force should collect issues and the state of the art and science .

Course of meetings and participation

Contrary to the measures taken by previous commissions such as the “ Internet and Digital Society ” study, no participation tool was used at the beginning , which led to criticism from participating opposition politicians. The conflict continued in public after the majority of the commission voted for partial reports to be pre-published, if at all, in extracts, which took place on December 19, 2019. From March 10 to April 5, 2020, individuals can submit comments, suggestions and questions on twelve Submit given key questions. To use the Adhocracy + -based portal, registration on the relevant website is required.

The meetings are partially public: most of the presentations by experts and guests are public; Discussions and working groups take place in camera.

Public debate

The Bundestag discussed the “interim balance sheet” of the Enquete Commission on December 20, 2019.

Intermediate results

The reports of the project groups were decided according to the majority principle . In the preliminary summaries of the project groups, the committee members come to the following recommendations:

Project group "AI and Economy"

The project group recommends increasing acceptance through an awareness-raising campaign to impart knowledge and best practices and the strategic alignment with the principles of the German Sustainability Strategy and to take this into account in funding projects. In addition, medium-sized companies are to be supported in qualification and application through advisory and training courses. Experiment rooms should discuss new regulatory options. The transfer between basic and applied research is to be subsidized. The state should promote the processes through its own projects in the administration; a Germany-wide standard contract should support the exploitation of rights and patents. Start-ups are to be supported in taking into account the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further recommendations should appear in full text; existing dissent is evident from the summary.

Project group "AI and the state"

The project group recommends systematizing the areas of application of artificial intelligence and corresponding competencies in public institutions through central monitoring and the exchange of experiences, as well as routine checks of possible applications and the anchoring of participation approaches in the respective area. Corresponding content should be taken into account in administrative training and education. Further pilot projects are to follow, this applies above all to areas of participation ; Transparency and traceability should be relevant target parameters. Regular audits are intended to ensure freedom from discrimination. A right to human processing that is valid through objection should apply. Increased investment in security technology is recommended; There should be a division into risk classes (e.g. according to data sensitivity and the power of the software). A mapping is intended to identify areas of attack from AI systems in order to derive further recommendations for IT security . Further recommendations should appear in full text; existing dissent is evident from the summary.

Project group "AI and Health"

The project group recommends increasing the investment rate for information technology in the health sector to four percent in the long term and closing funding gaps by the federal and state governments in the short term. The release of patient data for research purposes should be voluntary, individually graduated and revocable. These are to be transferred in decentralized anonymized form to a newly established care facility or a corresponding network and made available for research. An interoperability strategy is to be developed that is to come into effect promptly. A federal-state working group is to harmonize the respective data protection regulations as quickly as possible on the basis of the GDPR . The same should happen for stakeholders in health and nursing education through the development of a joint roadmap , for which the Conference of Ministers of Education is named as an example as patron. Comprehensive training concepts with a high level of accessibility are also to be developed jointly . When expanding ecosystems , technology and data transfer, the data quality should be taken into account. For the approval of digital medical devices, the Federal Ministry of Health is to create advisory options at the Federal Institute for Drugs ; The same should be done for digital offers and their providers at the Federal Joint Committee . Access to funding for small and medium-sized companies and start-ups is to be simplified. The Federal Government should work towards the further development of the licensing law at European and national level and minimize liability risks by developing certification specifications with the German Institute for Standardization and other agencies. The determination of needs in care robotics is to be intensified through co-creative processes. Use cases are to be checked for their effects on nurses and patients as well as possible financial exclusivity of the services.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Establishment of a commission of inquiry "Artificial Intelligence - Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential". German Bundestag, June 20, 2018, accessed on January 1, 2019 .
  2. ^ Sören Christian Reimer: German Bundestag - KI-Enquete has been constituted. Retrieved January 1, 2019 .
  3. ↑ Composition of the project groups of the Study Commission Artificial Intelligence. German Bundestag, November 26, 2019, accessed on December 2, 2019 .
  4. ^ Viola Heeger: Government. No overview of AI research. In: Tagesspiegel Background. Digitization & AI. Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH, June 4, 2019, accessed on December 20, 2019 .
  5. ^ Sven Harraß: Liquid Democracy in Field Trials. Opportunities to participate in the “Internet and Digital Society” study commission of the German Bundestag . In: M. Friederichsen, R. Kohn (Ed.): Digital politics mediation . Springer, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-06571-3 , pp. 485-498 .
  6. Petra Sitte: Enquete Commission KI of the German Bundestag misses participation and continues to leave the population out. Press release. In: The Left in the Bundestag. Die Linke parliamentary group, June 5, 2019, accessed on December 2, 2019 .
  7. PM. Transparency and broad social debate about algorithms are necessary. In: Anna Christmann. Member of the Bundestag for constituency 259 Stuttgart II. Anna Christmann, February 6, 2019, accessed on December 2, 2019 .
  8. Anke Domscheidt-Berg: Thread from December 9, 2019. In: Twitter. December 9, 2019, accessed December 12, 2019 .
  9. Anna Christmann: Tweet from December 9th, 2019. In: Twitter. December 9, 2019, accessed December 12, 2019 .
  10. Katharina Zweig: Thread from December 10th, 2019. In: Twitter. December 10, 2019, accessed December 12, 2019 .
  11. Patrick Beuth: Commission on artificial intelligence. Bundestag wants to withhold results in parts. In: Spiegel Online. DER SPIEGEL GmbH & Co. KG, December 9, 2019, accessed on December 12, 2019 .
  12. Elena Metz: Inquiry on the search for an AI definition. In: Tagesspiegel Background. Digitization & AI. Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH, December 12, 2019, accessed on December 12, 2019 .
  13. Online participation of the “Artificial Intelligence” commission of inquiry on behalf of the German Bundestag. In: Participation platform German Bundestag. Constitutional organ of the Federal Republic of Germany, accessed on March 10, 2020 .
  14. Results of the “Artificial Intelligence” study. German Bundestag, December 15, 2019, accessed on December 20, 2019 .
  15. ^ Dpa-AFX: Economy. Bundestag debate on the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence. In: FOCUS Online. FOCUS Online Group GmbH, December 20, 2019, accessed on December 20, 2019 .
  16. Stefan Krempl, mho: Bundestag. AI Commission wants killer robots outlawed internationally. In: heise online. Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, December 20, 2019, accessed on December 20, 2019 .
  17. ^ Sören Christian Reimer: KI-Enquete. No publication for the time being. In: The Parliament. German Bundestag, December 16, 2019, accessed on December 20, 2019 .
  18. Project group "AI and Economy". Summary of the preliminary results. Commission printed matter 19 (27) 92. In: German Bundestag. Enquete Commission on Artificial Intelligence, December 19, 2019, accessed on December 19, 2019 .
  19. ^ Project group "AI and the State". Summary of the preliminary results. Commission printed matter 19 (27) 93. In: German Bundestag. Enquete Commission on Artificial Intelligence, December 19, 2019, accessed on December 19, 2019 .
  20. ^ Project group "AI and Health". Summary of the preliminary results. Commission printed matter 19 (27) 94. In: German Bundestag. Enquete Commission on Artificial Intelligence, December 19, 2019, accessed on December 19, 2019 .