Extensive grassland

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Extensive grassland, yield approx. 60 dt / ha DM with two uses

Extensive grassland management is a form of grassland management ( pasture or mowing management on anthropogenically created grassland) with little livestock and without fertilization. The extensive livestock on grassland has in Central Europe economically only minor importance (for example in the alpine dairy or sheep ) .

The primary purpose in Germany is to keep nature-protected cultivated landscapes open , which are historically characterized by little tree and shrub growth (including heathland and limestone grasslands ) . In this sense, extensive grassland management is a use geared towards sustainability . The main purpose of keeping it open is to preserve the habitat and breeding areas for meadow breeders such as the curlew , skylark and others in nature reserves . Furthermore, these areas serve as feeding areas for the crane and the haired game , the hares and the deer as grazing areas .

Under extensive grassland (species-rich grassland ) are therefore predominantly 1-2 schürige hay - and Öhmdwiesen understood. But it also includes areas that have been extensively grazed for many years. Such grassland is used according to the location and experiences only a partial return of the nutrients via farm manure ( manure , liquid manure ). Species-rich meadows belong to the so-called FFH biotopes and enjoy special protection under EU law ( Natura 2000 ).


Extensive grassland, however, must not be equated or confused with “extensive grassland”, which has developed out of species-poor economic grassland through a reduction in the frequency of use and fertilization, but which generally does not (yet) have the aforementioned bio-ecological value.

Extensive grassland profile

General meaning

Economic characteristics

Grassland type:

Usage type:

  • Hay preparation near pastures: standing pasture, hutung, alpine pasture.
  • Number of uses: 1 to 3

Profit margin:

  • 30 to 70  dt DM per ha (with only partial nutrient return via farm manure)

Quality margins:

  • Energy density: 3.5 to 5.8 MJ NEL per kg TS
  • Protein content (crude protein): 8 to 14%

Milk yield from basic feed:

  • up to 3000 kg per dairy cow and year

Ecological characteristics

Location: Frequent local conditions:

  • shallow soils, often with periodic drought, or
  • annual rainfall less than 700 mm, or
  • heavily pending locations, or
  • Soil types: sand, loamy sand, loamy sand

Species richness: 25 to 50 plant species per 25 m² reference area.

Types of indicators

Plants are excellent indicators of the pedological, hydrological and trophic conditions at the place of growth (compare pointer values ​​according to Ellenberg ). In addition, they also provide information on the intensity of use and maintenance of the area (see value-in-use figures according to Briemle and Nitsche). If at least four species from the following 28 species catalog are found on a grassland plot, it is species-rich grassland (extensive grassland). This is funded according to MEKA B4 of the Baden-Württemberg agri-environmental program. The indicator species are also suitable also for delimiting Habitats types of meadow under EU law with the number 6510 (lean Lowland hay meadows) and 6520 (Mountain hay meadows) .

Biotope grassland profile

Biotope grassland, yield approx. 30 dt / ha DM with one use

" Biotope grassland" is a collective term for grassland that is no longer used primarily for agricultural fodder or litter production. These are poor meadows or pastures in extreme location conditions on which the general availability of nutrients is low, either because the soil is too dry or too wet . The order of magnitude of the natural biomass production is at the level of the lean grassland and thus below 35 dt DM / ha. The plant society represents the most species-rich ecosystem in Central Europe : up to 70 vascular plant species occur on a 25 m² reference area. This diversity is not achieved in any other type of biotope!

Biotope grassland (plant sociological)

Overview of the most important plant communities of the oligotrophic biotope grassland (1 to 2 uses) in Central Europe:

  • Class: dry and semi-dry grassland (Festuco-Brometea, Br.-Bl. & Tüxen 1943)
    • Order: Calcareous dry and semi- arid grasslands (Brometalia erecti, BR.-BL. 1936)
    • Association: limestone meadows and pastures (Bromion erecti, KOCH 1926)
  • Class: Heiden and Nardus - pastures (Nardo-Callunetea, PRSG 1949th)
    • Order: Borstgras- lawn (Nardetalia, OBERD. 1949)
      • 1. Association: High montane borst grass mats (Nardion, BR.-BL. & JENNY 1926)
      • 2nd association: low-lying bristle grass heaths (Violion caninae, SCHWICK. 1944)
      • 3rd association: marsh grass meadows (Molinion caeruleae, KOCH 1926)
      • 4th bandage: burnt umbels-pipe grass meadows (Cnidion dubii, BAL.-TUL. 1965)
  • Class: Flat and intermediate moors: Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (Tx. 1937)
    • 1st order: Acid fens (NORDHAG. 1937)
      • 1. Association: Silicate - Kleinseggenwiesen (Caricion fuscae KOCH 1926 em. KLIKA 1934 = Caricion nigrae, BR.-BL. 1949)
      • 2nd association: Schlenken societies (Rhynchosporion albae, KOCH 1926)
      • 3rd association: Mesotrophic bogs (Caricion lasiocarpae, VANDEN BERG. Apud LEBRUN et al. 1949)
    • 2nd order: Lime bogs and swamps (Toflieldietalia, PREISING apud OBERD. 1949)
      • Association: Kalk-Kleinseggenwiesen (Caricion davallianae, KLIKA 1934 = Eriophorion latifolii after Br.-Bl. & Tx. 1943)

Biotope grassland (administrative)

The German federal states protect their respective biotope grassland as nature reserves or natural monuments . Maintenance and care are usually guaranteed by the nature conservation contract ( maintenance contracts between the authorities and the farmer ).

At the European level, valuable grassland habitats are protected by Natura 2000 and there by the so-called Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive (FFH Directive). The individual member states are required to maintain the following types of biotope in grassland:

FFH habitat No .:
- 5130 (juniper Heiden)
- 6210 ( brome - fescue lime dry lawn )
- 6230 (diverse bristle grass turf)
- 6410 ( Pipe grass meadows )
- 7230 (calcareous fens )

Maintenance of FFH biotope grassland

  • FFH biotope types 6150, 6410 and 7230 ( litter meadows , whistle grass and small sedge meadows ) from the plant-sociological association of Molinion caeruleae (KOCH, 1926) or Caricion davallianae (KLIKA, 1934) or Caricion fuscae (KOCH, 1926)
    • Site-specific biomass production: 30–60 dt DM / ha.
    • Mowing time ( single -cut) between the beginning of October and the end of November.
    • The cuttings must be removed from the area.
  • FFH biotope types 5130, 6210 and 6230 (lime and silicate grasslands from the plant-sociological association of Mesobromion erecti (BRAUN-BLANQUET et MOORE 1938) or Nardion (BAUN-BLANQUET et JENNY, 1926) and Violion caninae (SCHWICK. 1944))
    • Site-specific biomass production: less than 35 dt DM / ha.
    • Mowing time (single cut) from mid-July to mid-August.

Other care instructions

  1. Because of the low vegetation dynamics , a maintenance interval of 2 years is sufficient . This also promotes the diversity of fauna (e.g. butterflies , grasshoppers , cicadas ). Respects the choice of the care process should " Mowing with clearing" the " mulching be brought forward" (crushing effect).
  2. If it is juniper Heiden or silicate - skimmed Weiden , which is inherited grazing with an average of 12 sheep or 2 Jung bovine / ha ( prior pasture with a stocking density appears from 1.2 GV / ha).
  3. In contrast to the mesotrophic FFH meadow types 6510 and 6520 ( flatland and mountain meadows ), no fertilization is required for the long-term preservation of the oligotrophic biotope grassland .

Example of extensive grassland management in the district of Cuxhaven

Example Stoteler Moor : The grassland area can be mowed ...
... the rain determines the management options

In principle, the nature conservation office of the district of Cuxhaven would like the grassland areas in the nature reserve to be cultivated extensively if they are passable.

The nature conservation office concludes a maintenance agreement with the farmers for the district's own land. In the case of the state-owned areas, this is done by the domain office. This contract can be terminated, it runs from November 1st to October 31st of each year and is automatically extended by one year if neither party terminates. The contract can be terminated by both parties with a notice period of three months before the end of the lease year. Maintenance is free, management free of charge. If the agreement on maintenance measures is not adhered to, the district can terminate the agreement with immediate effect.


The farmer can include this area in the area certificate and receives an area bonus for it . This area premium is linked to the management of these protected grassland areas.

Management form

The grassland areas must be mowed at least once a year and the grass clippings removed. Mulching and rotting on the surface is not allowed because of the eutrophication (self-fertilization). You can only mow after July 1st. A short-term postponement is feasible, after clarification with the responsible nature conservation office.


Grazing of sheep or young cattle is possible, but requires the approval of the responsible nature conservation office. Grazing with horses is not permitted.

Wandering shepherds move with their flocks across fields and lawns. In consultation with local authorities and farmers, they let these areas graze. In addition to the nature conservation work that the sheep do, the animals also spread their high-quality fertilizer. Areas that should not be grazed are marked by the farmers with bundles of straw. Grassland management is a highly specialized form of agriculture in which livestock is kept by using grassland . The aim is either the production of milk or the fattening of animals for meat production. Unlike nomadic livestock is seasonal lack of food through the purchase or cultivation of animal feed ( fodder overcome). Grassland management is mostly practiced in regions in which the climatic and topographical conditions do not allow the cultivation of agricultural crops such as grain or other.

Fertilization of the land

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers , liquid manure or manure is strictly prohibited. The vegetation is to be used as it is found. Plant protection products must not be used.

Grass refinement by reseeding is not permitted. The floor must not be broken up. Drainage measures such as drainage are also prohibited.

Dragging, rolling and other cultivation of the soil is forbidden from March 15th to July 1st, and from June 20th on grazed areas. The storage of round bales and the creation of a silo on these areas is not permitted. The installation of feeding facilities requires a permit.

Proper management is monitored.


  • G. Briemle: Addressing and promoting extensive grassland. New ways to the principle of rewarding ecological achievements of agriculture in Baden-Württemberg. In: Nature conservation and landscape planning. 32. Vol. 6, 2003, pp. 171-175.
  • A. Krismann, R. Oppermann: Evaluation of species-rich grassland in Baden-Württemberg. In: Rainer Oppermann, Hans Ulrich Gujer (Hrsg.): Evaluate and promote species-rich grassland. Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-4261-9 .
  • Ministry of Rural Areas, Baden-Württemberg: Species-rich grassland. Instructions for classifying areas for funding in MEKA II. Leaflet MLR No. 59/99, 1999.
  • L. Nitsche, S. Nitsche: Extensive grassland use. Verlag Neumann, Radebeul 1994, ISBN 3-7402-0149-5 .
  • G. Spatz: Open space maintenance. Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-8001-3329-6 .

Web links

Pages of the agricultural information service Baden-Württemberg: