Friedrich August von Rummel

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Friedrich August von Rummel (born October 17, 1772 in Geldern , † December 31, 1856 in Bonn ) was a Prussian infantry general and most recently in command of the Danzig fortress.



His parents were Johann Ernst August von Rummel (* 1736; † 14 July 1810) and his wife Johanna Henriette Karoline, born von Haugwitz (* 25 March 1748; † 28 October 1829). His father was a Prussian major a. D. , last in III. Battalion of the No. 48 Infantry Regiment . All brothers served in the Prussian army . Johann Albert († 1849) became lieutenant colonel and Karl Ludwig became second lieutenant . The father went in 1806 with the surrender of the fortress Hamelin in French captivity.

Military career

Rummel came on April 21, 1786 as a private corporal in Infantry Regiment No. 48 of the Prussian Army. There he took part in the campaign in Holland in 1787. On May 1, 1793, he became second lieutenant and took part in the First Coalition War as such . He fought in the battles near Kaiserslautern and Moorlautern as well as the battles near Hasnon, Famars, St. Imbert and St. Amand. During that time he fell ill with dysentery on July 21, 1794 and had to stay in the hospital in Frankfurt am Main until autumn 1794 . On December 1, 1794, he was then appointed adjutant of the Grenadier Battalion.

Shortly before the Fourth Coalition War , he was promoted to Prime Lieutenant on April 8, 1806 . During the war Rummel was able to distinguish himself in the battle of Auerstedt . After the war he was not dismissed on October 10, 1808, but placed on half pay. On December 2nd, 1808, he became a captain with a patent from June 1st, 1808 . On December 25, 1808, Rummel was given three months' leave to go to Russia. On June 9, 1809, he received royal permission to take his leave and enter Russian service. There he became a major in the General Staff.

Rummel fought in the campaign against the Turks in 1810/11 . He fought in the capture of Silistra and earned the Order of St. Vladimir IV class. For Schumla Rummel received a golden sword of honor for bravery and for Rustschuk the Order of St. Anna II. Class. In 1812 he came to the Tsar's suite as a lieutenant colonel and was made quartermaster of the IX the following year . Army appointed. During the Wars of Liberation Rummel fought in the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig and was made a colonel on the battlefield because of his bravery. He also fought at Rothiere , Paris , La-Fere-Champenoise , Brienne and Etoges. On August 11, 1813 he received the order Pour le Mérite and at Etoges the order of St. Vladimir III. Class.

After the war, Rummel returned to Prussian service on March 13, 1815, where he was appointed colonel in the 1st Department of the War Ministry . On January 18, 1819 he received the Order of the Red Eagle III. Class. On March 30, 1820 he was promoted to major general by patent from April 3, 1820. On January 8, 1821, he was transferred to the 15th Landwehr Brigade as commander. On August 4, 1825, he received the service cross and on January 18, 1830, the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves. In addition, on March 30, 1831, he came to the 2nd Division as a commander , but on November 24, 1831, he received three months' leave at Gut Reuschenberg, which belonged to his wife, with full salary. On June 19, 1832, he was also awarded the Russian Order of St. Anne 1st Class. On March 30, 1833, Rummel was promoted to lieutenant general before he was commissioned on June 11, 1833 with the management of the business as 1st in command of the Danzig Fortress. In addition, on January 18, 1834, he received the star for the Order of the Red Eagle II. Class with Oak Leaves and on September 30, 1835, the Order of St. Vladimir II. Class. On the occasion of his 50th anniversary in service, Rummel received the Order of the Red Eagle 1st Class with Oak Leaves on April 12, 1836. On March 4, 1837, he was granted his retirement with a pension of 2,800 thalers. On May 14, 1850, he received the character of general of the infantry. He died on December 31, 1856 in Bonn.

In his assessment from 1804 it says: “His moral behavior is exemplary, as is the performance of his official duties. In the military school in Wesel he learned mathematics, recording with instruments and drawing plans. He deserves to be recommended. "


Rummel married on February 25, 1816 in Sollstadt (Mühlhausen district in Thuringia) Josephine Freiin von Knorring (* 1783; † October 27, 1819), widow of Lieutenant Colonel von Diepenbroick. The couple had two children:

  • Karl Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Albert (born September 8, 1817 - † September 26, 1817)
  • Josephine Henriette Mathilde Karoline (* October 17, 1819; † June 5, 1884) ⚭ 1844 Gottfried Friedrich Maximilian Hubert Maria von Maercken zu Geerath (* October 4, 1807; † November 17, 1886) in Laupendahl , castle captain of Düsseldorf

After the death of his first wife on May 3, 1825 in Deutzrath near Düsseldorf, he married Klara Freiin von Mylius (* 1784 - December 27, 1865), the youngest daughter of the Austrian Major General Caspar Josef Carl von Mylius from the Räuschenberg family .


Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of baronial houses, 1922, p.388
  2. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses . Fifth year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1855, p. 400.