Friedrich Schuler from Libloy

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Friedrich Schuler von Libloy (born January 13, 1827 in Sibiu , Transylvania , † November 8, 1900 in Vienna ) was an Austrian legal and cultural historian. He was probably the most important scholar of the Transylvanian Saxons.


Schuler attended the Evangelical High School AB Hermannstadt (AB = Confessio Augustana ) in his hometown and the Transylvanian-Saxon Law Academy in Sibiu . He studied law at the University of Vienna and Graz . In 1851 he returned to the academy as a substitute teacher . As associate professor (1852) and full professor (1857) he read Transylvanian legal history and Eygenland law , later - after the introduction of the General Civil Code in Austria-Hungary - Protestant church law and economics .

Politicians in Transylvania

Saxon Reen elected him to the Magyar- dominated Hermannstädter Landtag in 1863/1864, which sent him to the Reichsrat (Austria) in 1863/1864 and 1864/1865 . In 1868 he represented the Mediaş chair at the Saxon University of Nations in Transylvania . He was involved in the Evangelical Church AB in Romania and was elected to the state consistory in 1869 . Since 1868 board member of the Hermannstädter Gewerbeverein, he took care of the representation of the Sibiu industry at the Vienna World Exhibition in 1873 .

"Although I still have a lot of sympathy for this fraternized [Hungarian] nationality, I feel completely German and I belong with the utmost love to a nation to which I owe my education."

- Friedrich Schuler von Libloy (1857)

It is thanks to Libloy that the Transylvanian Saxons were among the most ardent supporters of the Germanic National Museum among all Germans outside the former imperial borders . For his services he was elected to the scholars' committee of the Germanisches Museum.


In Transylvania 's struggle for Germanness at a losing position, he went in 1875 as full professor for German law and international law at the newly founded Franz Joseph University in Bukovina . He was dean of the law faculty five times . Twice, in 1878/1879 and 1890/1891, he was rector of the flourishing university in the Austrian crown land .


  • Statuta jurium municipalium Saxonum in Transilvania. After his legal training, the Transylvanian Saxons worked on their own land law as a plan for academic lectures. Sibiu 1853
  • Transylvanian legal history. A Guide to Lectures on I. History of Transylvanian Legal Sources; II. History of the Transylvanian Legal Institutes. Hermannstadt 1854 (Volume 2, 2nd edition 1867, ).
  • Brief overview of the literary history of Transylvania from the earliest times to the end of the last century. Sibiu 1857 ( ).
  • State of the people and village institutions in German Transylvania. In: Anzeiger des Germanisches Museum. Nürnberg, 1857, pp. 285-288, 327-329, 367-369, 401-402
  • Strange municipal constitutions of the Transylvanian Szeklers and Saxons. Sibiu 1862 ( ).
  • German legal history. Vienna 1863, 1868 ( ).
  • About the relationship between small and large businesses with relation to people's life. Sibiu 1869.
  • Hungarian constitutional law. Vienna 1870.
  • Political Economy. Main economic terms and basic doctrines with consideration for commercial needs. Sibiu 1871.
  • Protestant canon law primarily that of the Evangelical Augsburg Confession in Transylvania. Sibiu 1871.
  • Outline of the European state and legal history. Berlin 1873/74
  • Socialism and the International. According to their most outstanding appearances in literature and life. 1875; Reprint Kessinger 2010, ISBN 978-1-168-86802-2 .

Rector's speeches in Chernivtsi

  • About the development of civil liberty in Austria. October 4, 1878.
  • About important legal creations of modern times. October 4, 1890.


Web links

Wikisource: Friedrich Schuler von Libloy  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Michael Kroner .
  2. Rector's speeches (HKM)