Grand méchant loup - bad wolf

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The logo: a wolf surrounded by stars alluding to the European flag

The multimedia project Grand méchant loup - Böser Wolf is an originally German-French journalistic project in Berlin, which has also been aimed at Polish-speaking children and young people since 2012. It has a media-competent team that looks after children and young reporters with a wide range of possible uses: whether politics, sport or culture, whether sound, text, photos or video. All of the bad wolf's activities can be found on the trilingual website. The website is designed to be journalistic, educational, interactive and playful. It includes interviews, articles, reports, drawings, photos and games. The materials are all designed by children.

The following portals can be found:

  1. Your city - Ta ville : An internet city with lots of information in German about France with games and opportunities to participate and where you can even learn French with audio help.
  2. Annual topics on current occasions: 20 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall / Women's World Cup / 100 years of the First World War
  3. Overcoming borders : Commitment beyond borders
  4. Europe with a difference : information on current projects of the Bad Wolves
  5. Złe wilki - redakcja młodych reporterów : Welcome to Poland, the Polish-language section of the Bad Wolves
  6. Play and participate : puzzles, quizzes, coloring pages, graffiti
  7. Portal adults : Information for parents, teachers and multipliers and for everyone who is interested in the big bad wolf

The website is primarily aimed at children and young people, but the material can also be used by teachers and parents for educational purposes. The bad wolf belongs to the network "Seitenstark" and the program Ein Netz für Kinder , an initiative of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs .


The Grand méchant loup | Böser Wolf was founded in 2000 by parents of the Judith Kerr Elementary School , a European school with a German-French branch in Berlin. The Bad Wolf newspaper appeared in French and German two to four times a year. The children talked about their school, their class, their leisure activities and interests.

The German version of the homepage of the website Grand méchant loup - Böser Wolf

Since then, the project has evolved and has become a kind of journalistic laboratory for children beyond the school context. After the development association Grand méchant loup | Bad Wolf e. V. was founded, the children devoted themselves to the topics of culture , politics and sport .

At the weekly meeting, the project participants are encouraged to work like reporters. The material created, such as articles, reports, illustrations, interviews and photos, is then put on the website by the Bad Wolf editors or the children themselves. Since 2007 the Böser Wolf project has been an "eEducation Masterplan-AG", i. H. the project is linked to the French grammar school in Berlin in the form of an extracurricular studio . The eEducation Berlin master plan program is aimed at all initiatives that make a contribution to the development of IT skills as a sub-area of ​​comprehensive media skills for children and young people: In this context, media education is not taught as a school subject, but is viewed as an interdisciplinary extracurricular area of ​​responsibility .


The name refers to a popular French nursery rhyme : Qui a peur du Grand méchant loup… “Who is afraid of the bad wolf?” The unknown, a foreign language, a foreign country, a foreign city can be viewed as a bad wolf. The association of the bad wolf is supposed to show the children that this fear of the unknown can be overcome and that it can be fun to discover Europe and the rest of the world. Wolves also live in packs. They show solidarity and have pronounced social behavior. That is the basic idea of ​​the bad wolf.

Germany, France and Poland: the Weimar Triangle

Participants had long wanted to include another country in the editorial work, especially since the editorial team had children from different cultures. Since Poland is an immediate neighbor, it made sense to include it in the work that is understood as intercultural (i.e. not just German-French). Schools and pupils in Poland are reached in this way through the online project and the tri-national competition. In 2012 the Polish-language section of the Bad Wolves was created. In 2014, the association received the Weimar Triangle Prize for civil society engagement, which honors projects that work to improve and deepen the Franco-Polish-German relationship.


Over the years, the bad wolf has founded and developed projects: interviews, blogs, films, radio reports, competitions, exhibitions and workshops on specific annual themes. A selection is presented here:


The Bad Wolf reporters conducted interviews with around 120 personalities from politics, sport, culture and business and just as many with people who were not or not yet known. Mention may be made Valéry Giscard d'Estaing , Helmut Schmidt , Richard von Weizsacker , Simone Veil , the Federal Minister Wolfgang Schäuble and Frank-Walter Steinmeier , the French Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault , Klaus Wowereit and Franz Muentefering , Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt , VW board member and former board member Daimler AG , the actors Daniel Brühl , Julia Jentsch and Dieter Hallervorden , the directors Wim Wenders and Christian Duguay , the poetry slam artist Grand Corps Malade , Ben (singer) , the writers Jean Echenoz and Marie NDiaye , the soccer players Anja Mittag and Gaëtane Thiney , the discus thrower Robert Harting and the goalkeeper Jens Lehmann .

Helmut Schmidt with the bad wolf child reporter in his office at ZEIT magazine

The interviews also provide information about the everyday life and work of a chimney sweep, a dentist, an Airbus 380 pilot or a criminal investigation officer, but also about the life of diplomats such as Maurice Gourdault-Montagne , Susanne Wasum-Rainer , Philippe Étienne or Jerzy Margański . The young journalists questioned their alter egos from the TV, print or radio sectors. a. Ulrich Wickert , Roman Leick from the news magazine Der Spiegel , Jean-Pierre Bidet from the sports daily L'Équipe , Pascal Thibault from Radio France Internationale and Hervé Deguine, Reporters Without Borders . The children’s unbiased questions lead to original and surprising answers, but conversations with professors and publicists such as Alfred Grosser , Adam Krzemiński , Rudolf von Thadden are unconventional, understandable for the younger audience and informative for adults.

Annual themes

After the printed newspaper was discontinued in 2009, the big bad wolf is now offering an “annual theme”. This forms the thematic focus. Various articles, interviews, surveys, reports, videos and interactive games are created.

Berlin wall

An online graffiti under 9000 on the virtual wall of the Grand méchant loup

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 2009, the Böse Wolf published reports, eyewitness interviews and articles on the subject. Above all, however, an online wall was created on which young and old can “spray” their own graffiti. So far, almost 9,000 graffiti have been put online. Since 2014, some interviews, articles and quizzes have also been translated into Polish, which can be read in the section about the Berlin Wall .

100 years of the First World War

In 2014 the Bad Wolves dealt with the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War: Europe 1914–1918 - what do children and young people know about their neighbors? Germany, France and Poland today and 100 years ago - a trinational multimedia project on the occasion of the beginning of the First World War in August 1914 ". The Bad Wolves project received the label" Centenaire "for the trinational web portal on the 100th anniversary of the First World War and several awards The intention was to use a special anniversary in 2014 - 100 years after the outbreak of the First World War - to make a journey through time and discovery through the three countries Germany, France and Poland on the website .de. The virtual trip informs and invites you to participate actively through a variety of interactive offers and shows the career path up to today's Europe. With the help of an internet portal, schoolchildren are provided with a new interactive source of information about the three countries as well as the time before and during the First World War and the The emergence of the European idea in the 20th century is imperative.

The aim is to develop an innovative and interactive educational offer with the web portal Europa 1914–1918, which stimulates the imagination of the pupils of the three countries, offers them the experience of a common experience and makes them aware of the topicality of their activities.

Homepage of the web section Europe 1914–1918 on the website of the young reporters

Since this generation can no longer benefit from eyewitness reports, we wanted to support the project with pictures, documents, and audio and video files, but we also wanted to support the work on the use of new media, such as v. a. of the Internet, and leave the word to the students: What is your perception of this time? Where there are no memories (any more), the children and young people have created them with their imagination. It has become a collective memory project as well as a project that specifically sheds light on people's everyday lives a hundred years ago and today in Germany, France and Poland. With the help of our young reporters, we also enriched the project with interviews with experts from the three countries. In the implementation, we wanted to give the participating classes space for everyday life in the peace period before the outbreak of war as well as during the war itself.

The portal contains seven sections [Animals at War | School and work | Everyday life | Communication | Games | Movie | Interviews] in the form of packages on the background of a map of Europe from 1914 [heading Europe] and the pedagogical heading working materials. Each section picks up on a topic with information, interviews, reports, slideshows, photos, stories, films. The category “Games” (a hands-on offer with games and interactive pages) has a special position. The content on the website is created both through online exchange and through specific encounters. Media competence is required here and is communicated.

Overcoming boundaries | engagement

What do the French grammar school, the Huguenots, engagement today and the Bad Wolf project have in common? Overcoming borders, whether between countries, between people or within oneself, whether today or 325 years ago. Europe is a rich continent made up of many industrial nations. It is a place where many people are doing well. But Europe is also a place with great contrasts between rich and poor, also in countries like Germany, France and Poland. Everyone can already contribute to the well-being of the little ones. This does not necessarily have to relate only to monetary support, but can also express itself in interpersonal behavior. In the section cross borders it comes to presenting both places and historical moments like the flight of the Huguenots from her native France three centuries ago to portray and unknown or known people who are in committed to people here and now, in the three countries Germany, France and Poland.

Your city | Ta ville

The bilingual platform "Ta ville, Deine Stadt" offers children a virtual journey through two fictitious, exemplary cities, on which they get to know the peculiarities, language and culture of the respective country (Germany for French children and France for German children) in a playful and interactive way. The platform has a cross-border German-French character and is aimed at user groups from two countries.

The aim is to arouse the children's curiosity about both countries and to promote their understanding of the language and culture of the neighboring country. This also responded to a demand that had not yet been met.

The bilingual platform “Ta ville, Deine Stadt” offers children a virtual journey through France and Germany

School competitions

The Bad Wolf has been organizing an annual competition since 2007, which aims to encourage dialogue between French, German and now Polish classes. It starts on January 22nd on the occasion of the Franco-German Day and ends in June. Then a jury from the education sector, personalities from the Franco-German context, journalists and artists will evaluate it.

Every year around 1,500 students of all ages from 100 French, German and Polish-speaking schools take part. Either class groups or individual students can register for the competition and participate with texts, a PowerPoint presentation or a video . The best entries in the competition can be seen in a virtual exhibition on the website. The trilingual competition in 2014 had the theme "A journey through time - Europe in 100 years ... Un voyage dans le temps - L'Europe dans 100 ans ... Podróz w czasie - Europa za 100 lat" Why in 100 years? Because the big bad wolf wanted to turn to the future on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.


The Bad Wolf reporters for children and youngsters make films as part of their annual themes and projects. Whether interviews (the Slamer Grand Corps Malade , the Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit , the former European Minister Günter Gloser ), whether topics on specific occasions ( 2011 Women's World Cup , car , the Franco-German friendship treaty “ Élysée Treaty “), Or even school issues like the DELF-DALF program , the bad wolves are out and about with cameras and recording devices, interviewing, filming, editing.

Many students from France, Germany and Poland wrote fictional field postcards. Six of them were filmed.

The 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War in 2014 offered the opportunity to deal with everyday life today and 100 years ago in Germany, France and Poland. How was it back then in Europe? How did people, children and adults, live? In the short documentaries, you can find out what students from Germany, France and Poland think about it - in the three languages. In the documentary “You would just say no”, children and young people as well as other European experts such as State Secretary Stephan Steinlein, journalists Ulrich Wickert and Patrick Cohen or the Polish ambassador Jerzy Margański were asked whether a war in Europe would be possible today Which means of communication they would use in this case. Cell phone vs notepad? There were amazing answers to this question: In an emergency, the younger generation like to resort to old-fashioned means. Another subject of the film are the letters from the field: many schoolchildren from France, Germany and Poland wrote fictional field postcards as if they had lived 100 years ago. Six of them were filmed. The results can also be seen on the website.

Partners, awards, recognition

Articles about the big bad wolf appeared in German and French newspapers. Particularly noteworthy are the interviews by the children's editorial team, which appeared in the Berliner Morgenpost , or the comments by the young reporters in the Tagesspiegel . The television channels Arte , ZDF , 3sat and Deutsche Welle have broadcast reports on the Böser Wolf project. The bad wolf has won the following awards for his journalistic work:

The initiative of the young reporters is mainly thanks to the voluntary commitment of the club members, many friends and the students. She also enjoys project-related support from institutions that promote German-French or German-French-Polish dialogue and European journalism, such as the eEducation Berlin Master Plan, the German-French Youth Office , the Robert Bosch Foundation , and the German-Polish Jugendwerk , the Federal Agency for Civic Education , the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation , A Network for Children: an initiative by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs , the authorized representative for Franco-German cultural cooperation. The young reporters are also encouraged in their work by the French Embassy in Germany , the Institut français , the International Youth Meeting Center Kreisau , the Polish Institute Berlin and many other facilities and institutions.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Bad Wolves .
  2. Your city - Ta ville .
  3. Annual themes .
  4. Overcoming borders .
  5. Portal Europe with a difference .
  6. Złe wilki - redakcja młodych reporterów .
  7. Play and participate portal .
  8. Adult portal .
  9. złe wilki - redakcja młodych reporterów .
  10. All interviews by the Bad Wolves at a glance ( memento of the original from March 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Everything Grand Méchant Loup newspapers at a glance .
  12. Reports, interviews, articles and quizzes on the fall of the Berlin Wall .
  13. Online wall .
  14. Exhibition on the online graffiti wall of the bad wolves .
  15. ^ Mission Centenaire label
  16. Virtual exhibition .
  17. ^ Results of the German-French-Polish competition Europe in 100 years .
  18. All prizes and awards .
  19. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated June 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. 2nd place interview: “A visit to the German ambassador in Paris”. In: Spiegel Online . August 4, 2005, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  21. ^ Special price - grammar school: "Grand méchant loup - Böser Wolf": French grammar school, Berlin