Green Card - sham marriage with obstacles

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German title Green Card - sham marriage with obstacles
Original title Green card
Country of production USA , Australia , France
original language English
Publishing year 1990
length 102 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Peter Weir
script Peter Weir
production Edward S. Feldman , Peter Weir
music Hans Zimmer
camera Geoffrey Simpson
cut William M. Anderson

Green Card - Sham marriage with obstacles (original title: Green Card ) is a film comedy by the Australian director Peter Weir that was released in 1990 and starring Gérard Depardieu , Andie MacDowell , Bebe Neuwirth and Gregg Edelman .


The French Georges Fauré and the American Brontë Parrish marry out of sheer expediency: Georges, composer and bon vivant , needs a green card , and Brontë, an environmental activist, wants a man because her dream apartment including winter garden in Manhattan is only rented to one couple.

One day, Georges and Brontë received a summons from the immigration service. A questionnaire is supposed to determine whether the marriage could be a marriage of convenience . The two prepare intensively for all possible questions. Over time, they get closer. Georges can answer almost all questions, but one of them reveals that he “couldn't remember” this answer. When the result that he is being deported is announced, the officials wonder how the two say goodbye with tears in their eyes. In the last scene, Georges is standing at the open door of the taxi that is supposed to take him to the airport.


"A charming comedy that focuses less on immigration policy than on the relationship between two people under adverse external circumstances," said the film service . The film is also "[f] sensitively staged and played excellently". According to epd Film , this is also due to the fact that the film "[was] written for Depardieu" and the actor - benefiting from it - "confidently played out the charm of the clunky outdoorsman", "without sacrificing quiet means". Andie Macdowell is credible as a "'higher' daughter". On the other hand, "the other actors [...] accessories, admittedly excellently selected". Ultimately, the film is “a lesson in solid, first-class film work”. Prisma called the film "an enchanting love comedy" with the "convincing" actors Gérard Depardieu and Andie MacDowell. “Charming and sweet” was the verdict from Cinema .


Peter Weir worked as screenwriter for the film awards Oscar , BAFTA and Writers Guild of America Award nomination. The film for Best Comedy and Gérard Depardieu for its role won the Golden Globe Award , Andie MacDowell was nominated for the same award.

The German Film and Media Assessment FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the rating particularly valuable.


The German dubbed version was produced by Film- & Fernseh-Synchron GmbH , Munich. Hartmut Neugebauer was responsible for the dialogue script and the dubbing .

role actor Voice actor
Georges Fauré Gérard Depardieu Manfred Lehmann
Brontë Mitchell Fauré Andie MacDowell Evelyn Marron
Lauren Adler Bebe Neuwirth Christina Hoeltel
Phil Gregg Edelman Elmar Wepper
Lawyer Robert Prosky Walter Reichelt

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Green Card - Sham marriage with obstacles. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 3, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. epd film . Evangelical press service , 2/1991.
  3. See
  4. See
  5. Green Card - Sham marriage with obstacles. In: German dubbing file , accessed on August 3, 2018 .