Hans Teubner

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Hans Teubner (born April 25, 1902 in Aue , † September 11, 1992 in Berlin ) was a German communist , resistance fighter and university professor.


Hans Teubner's father was the miner and metalworker Emil Teubner , who later became known as a sculptor for his wood carving skills, his mother worked as a textile and home worker. From 1908 to 1916 he attended elementary school in Aue and then attended an arts and textile drawing school in Schneeberg to become a glass painter . From 1919 to 1924 he also worked odd jobs at the railway post in Chemnitz and Leipzig . In 1919 he joined the KPD and co-founded the KJVD in the Ore Mountains . In 1922/23 he was a city councilor, from 1920 he wrote regularly for the newspaper Kämpfer in Chemnitz, in 1924 he became its editor. In 1923 he organized the Proletarian Hundreds together with the KPD member of the state parliament, Ernst Schneller . Because of political persecution by the judicial authorities, he had to live under the code name Ernst Rohde at times and moved to the KPD newspaper Freiheit in Düsseldorf , where he was briefly imprisoned in 1927. He then went to Berlin, where he worked at the KPD headquarters until he was delegated to Moscow to study at the International Lenin School of the Comintern . After completing his studies, he was sent to Romania by the Comintern headquarters to enforce their political guidelines in the Romanian Communist Party.

After his return in 1930 he headed a Comintern news office in Berlin and in 1931 was head of the KPD sub-district northwest for a few months until he was elected to the Reich leadership of the Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition (RGO). In 1932 he was also active in the organizational apparatus of the Red Trade Union International (RGI) in Bulgaria , Turkey and Greece and became editor of the RGI central organ International Trade Union Press Correspondence . In March 1933 the Western Europe Secretariat was evacuated to Copenhagen , where Hans Teubner was staying until he was sent back to Berlin in October 1933 to organize the underground union movement, where he was arrested a few weeks later. The 2nd Senate of the People's Court sentenced him to an 18-month prison sentence for “preparing for high treason ”, which he served in Luckau . In 1936 he emigrated to Czechoslovakia . In January 1937 he changed his place of emigration in order to organize the section leadership of the KPD together with Erich Gentsch and Paul Bertz from Amsterdam .


From August 1937 he was one of the two editors of the German freedom broadcaster 29.8 in Spain. and also worked for the International Brigades in Spain as an officer trainer in Benicasim . After the defeat of the Spanish Republic, Teubner fled to Paris .

From March 1939 he became head of the KPD section leadership south in Switzerland . Through the mediation of Wolfgang Langhoff , from Easter 1939 he also got in contact with the resistance groups of the Rote Kapelle in Berlin around Harro Schulze-Boysen , Kurt Schumacher , Walter Küchenmeister and Elfriede Paul , whose information he passed on to the Comintern and the GRU headquarters.

In 1940 he was interned by the Swiss authorities as an unwanted refugee and sentenced to prison, which he served in Regensdorf and St. Gallen . In December 1940 he was sent to the Malvaglia special camp . From December 1941 he was interned in the Gordola camp. He worked for the “Free Germany” movement in Switzerland and had contact with the Unitarian Service Committee under Noel H. Field .

In May 1945 he returned to Germany “illegally” with Bruno Fuhrmann and was again active as editor-in-chief of the Deutsche Volkszeitung for the KPD . In April 1946 Teubner became a member of the SED . The unification party conference for the state of Saxony took place on April 7, 1946 in the Kurhaus Dresden-Bühlau. The unification of the two workers' parties also had consequences for the newly created Sächsische Zeitung from the merger of the Sächsische Volkszeitung (KPD) and the Volksstimme (SPD) . In addition to Teubner, the former Social Democrat Kurt Gentz (1901–1980) acted equally as their editor-in-chief. From 1947 to 1950 Teubner was a teacher at the SED party college "Karl Marx" in Kleinmachnow .

In 1950, like many other “Western emigrants”, he came into conflict with the Central Party Control Commission of the SED. He was accused of being a "Zionist-imperialist agent". He was released from all party functions and worked from September 1950 to May 1952 as a statistician in the VEB Bunt- und Samtweberei in Seifhennersdorf , then he worked as a lecturer in social sciences at the Technical School for Energy in Zittau . In 1956 the function block was lifted and he became a university professor, institute director and vice dean of the Faculty of Journalism at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig . From 1959 to 1963 he was editor-in-chief of the Leipziger Volkszeitung and a member of the SED district leadership in Leipzig . Then he became an employee at the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED .

In the course of his career, Teubner received a number of medals and state awards from the GDR and other socialist states, including the Patriotic Order of Merit in gold with a bar of honor, the Labor Banner , the Badge of Honor of the Society for German-Soviet Friendship in gold and the Georgi-Dimitrov -Medal . The city of Aue declared him an honorary citizen .

Teubner was buried in the Pergolenweg grave complex in the socialist memorial at the Friedrichsfelde central cemetery .

People of the "Red Chapel"

Fonts (selection)

  • When we have the power . Factory and trade union, Berlin 1931.
  • Who commands the NSDAP? Factory and trade union, Berlin 1932.
  • Facts and arguments about the SPD's program . Gera 1957.
  • The struggle of the German communists and the "Free Germany" movement in Switzerland . Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED, Berlin 1972 ( Dissertation A ).
  • Country of exile Switzerland. Documentary report on the struggle of German communists who emigrated from 1933 to 1945. Dietz, Berlin 1975.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Voice of Freedom in German Night. The German freedom broadcaster 29.8. July 1, 1991, Retrieved June 9, 2018 .