Heinrich I of Wolfratshausen

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Heinrich I von Wolfratshausen († May 10, 1155 ) was the 21st Bishop of Regensburg and Prince-Bishop in the Regensburg Monastery from 1132 to 1155.

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Heinrich I von Wolfratshausen belonged to the family of the Counts of Wolfratshausen, a sideline of Dießen-Andechs named after Wolfratshausen .

With the Guelph Heinrich the Proud , an escalating feud developed over the Regensburg Cathedral Bailiwick. In a settlement Heinrich I ceded the county of the bishopric to the right of the Inn , but was able to assert himself in Regensburg. Heinrich I supported the Staufer Konrad III. He took part in the Second Crusade in 1147 , from which he returned prematurely. A defense of Konrad against Pope Eugene III is necessary for an early return . known against accusations of infidelity. In 1150, Henry I made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He was the last bishop to be buried in the monastery of Sankt Emmeram .


predecessor Office successor
Konrad I. von Raitenbuch Bishop of Regensburg
Hartwig II of Spanheim