Heinrich Rohne

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Heinrich Wilhelm Rohne (born April 5, 1842 in Minden ; † September 25, 1937 ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and military writer.


As the son of a Prussian officer, Rohne was transferred to the Prussian Army as a Second Lieutenant in the Guard Artillery Brigade after his education in the Cadet Corps on March 6, 1860 . In 1864 during the war against Denmark he took part in the fighting in Jutland and at Düppel with the 2nd Guard Fortress Company and in 1866 during the war against Austria in the 4th Cavalry Guard Battery in the battle of Königgrätz . After the peace agreement, Rohne was transferred to the newly established field artillery regiment No. 10 in Hanover as prime lieutenant . From October 1867 until the beginning of the war against France he graduated from the War Academy in Berlin . During the mobilization Rohne was leader of the 2nd light reserve battery of his regiment and in this capacity became captain in mid-December 1870 . Without taking part in combat operations, he remained with the occupying army in France until August 1873 . Then he was chief of the 4th battery of his regiment in Oldenburg . This was followed in 1875/79 by a command as a weapons teacher at the war school in Neisse . After his promotion to major, Rohne moved up to the regimental staff with his appointment as regular staff officer. As commander of the 1st division in the 2nd Brandenburg Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 ("General-Feldzeugmeister") he was transferred to Frankfurt (Oder) in 1881 and in 1883/87 under position à la suite of his regiment as a teacher at the artillery shooting school Berlin commands. Then Rohne was a lieutenant colonel with the staff of the 1st Thuringian Field Artillery Regiment No. 19 in Erfurt . From 1888 to 1890 he was assigned to the Artillery Examination Commission as head of department , where he worked particularly on the development of explosive shells . During the Imperial maneuvers Rhone was a colonel at first on August 18, 1890 to represent the furloughed commander for Schleswig's Field Artillery Regiment. 9 after Itzehoe ordered and three months later the commander of this association appointed. He was then from September 19, 1891 to May 19, 1896 commander of the 8th field artillery brigade in Koblenz , rose to major general and became governor of Thorn as lieutenant general . In approval of his resignation , Rohne was put up for disposition on June 15, 1899, with the award of the Order of the Red Eagle, 1st class, with oak leaves and the statutory pension .

Rohne had already been active as a military writer during his active service since 1881. From 1907 he was the editor of the Artillerist Monthly Bulletin and published a. a. in the military weekly .


  • Gun training for the field artillery with special consideration of the German field guns. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1893.
  • Combat detachment shooting of the infantry. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1899.
  • The tactics of field artillery for officers of all weapons. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1899.
  • The French field artillery. Organization, arming, training, shooting, combat. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1902.
  • Combat infantry division shooting and shooting with machine guns. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1905.


  • Lieutenant General Rohne. In: Military weekly paper. No. 30, March 5, 1910, pp. 687-689.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sprat: History of the Schleswig Field Artillery Regiment No. 9. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1891, p. 262.
  2. ^ Günter Wegmann (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Formation history and staffing of the German armed forces 1815-1990. Part 1: Occupation of the German armies 1815–1939. Volume 3: The occupation of the active regiments, battalions and departments by the foundation or list until August 26, 1939. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1993, ISBN 3-7648-2413-1 , p. 228.
  3. ^ Military weekly paper. No. 56 of June 24, 1899, p. 1455.