Hessentag 1973

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The 13th Hessentag took place from June 16 to 24, 1973 in Pfungstadt in southern Hesse . 160,000 visitors were counted on the nine festive days.


In the 1970s, Pfungstadt was the largest municipality in what was then the Darmstadt district . With the incorporation of Hahn in 1972, the population was a good 20,000. The city applied for the Hessentag the following year in 1971, but failed because of Marburg, which celebrated its 750th anniversary together with the Hessentag in 1972. The state government decided to replace the city of Pfungstadt in 1973.

Event focus


Pfungstadt presented itself as a sports city. Nine gymnasiums and sports halls, a swimming pool and 30 sports fields were available in the city area. Among other things, competitions in bowling, weightlifting and the archery shooting took place. Show jumping events were on the program as well as chess. Furthermore, a handball game of the Hessen selection against the national team was played.


There was a dispute in advance about the fact that the Hessian State Chancellery rejected the participation of the opposition CDU in the Hessentag. The Christian Democratic parliamentary group in the state parliament called for participation in the citizens' conference days that were held during the Hessentag. Junge Union and CDU criticized the state chancellery's behavior as authoritarian. The CDU parliamentary group in the Hessian state parliament then demonstratively avoided the ceremony for the opening of the Hessentag.

At the opening of the Hessentag, the then state chairman of the FDP and chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Wolfgang Mischnick , spoke .

The Stadtjugendring ran a permanent youth meeting place in Mühlbergheim, where, among other things, discussions were held on current topics such as the apprenticeship movement .

During the Hessentag a delegation of the destroyer " Hessen " of the German Navy visited Pfungstadt.


The traditional parade took place on Sunday June 24th. The Hessian territorial reform , which was just taking place, was poked fun at this. The Hahn district, which came to Pfungstadt last year, took part with a moving van on which the incorporation was persefled as the wedding of the year. About 100,000 people attended the move. The grandstand was on Kirchstrasse in front of today's town hall I.


The infrastructure measures that are still preserved today include the city museum, the city library and the Haus Hessenland senior citizens' home. Furthermore, the church mill was converted into a restaurant, but is currently no longer used as such.

Future event

In the meeting on October 14, 2019, the city council of Pfungstadt voted to apply for the 50th anniversary in 2023, for the 63rd Hessentag .

Individual evidence

  1. Contemporary history in Hessen - data · facts · background: Extended search: LAGIS Hessen. Retrieved October 15, 2019 .
  2. Overview of the Hessentage - Trachtenland Hessen. Retrieved October 15, 2019 (German).
  3. ^ In a dive through Hesse. January 12, 2011, accessed October 15, 2019 .
  4. hessenschau de, Frankfurt Germany: Hessentag application in Pfungstadt. October 15, 2019, accessed October 15, 2019 (German).