Jürg Löw

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Jürg Löw (born January 27, 1946 in Basel ) is a Swiss actor , radio play and voice actor .


Jürg Löw completed his acting training between 1967 and 1970 at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich . Until 1990 he was engaged at the theaters in Heidelberg , Bremen , Stuttgart and Cologne , among others . For many years he was part of Hansgünther Heyme's ensemble , under whose direction he took part in the German premiere of Ariane Mnouchkine's Mephisto dramatization based on the novel by Klaus Mann in 1981 .

Since 1990 he has been working as a freelancer and has played as a guest on several large German theaters, e. B. the Mackie knife in the Threepenny Opera and participated in various musical productions by Herbert Wernicke . On television he was seen with guest roles in series such as Die April Hailer Show , Die Wache , Nikola and SK Kölsch . Jürg Löw played leading roles in the television series Westerdeich (1995) and alongside Kalle Pohl the French chef in Kalle kocht (2003) as well as episodic roles in several Tatort episodes, e.g. Cornelius Stettenkamp in the Münster crime scene Das Ewig Böse . He also portrayed the public prosecutor Suter in the Swiss Kommissär-Hunkeler film adaptations (based on the novel by Hansjörg Schneider ). His most important roles in movies were that of Ambassador Müller in an emergency in Havana and that of Bäschteli's father in Mein Name ist Eugen .

As a voice actor , he spoke, among other things, the Phoebus in Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) and lent actors such as James Brolin his voice. He was also the spokesperson for numerous television documentaries and has worked on well over two hundred radio plays and audio book productions.

Löw is a trail rider and became president of the German trail rider academy in 2008 .

Jürg Löw is the father of the actor Hans Löw . He lives in Cologne (as of 2008).

Filmography (selection)

Synchronous rollers (selection)

Radio plays and features


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürg Löw at randomhouse.de, accessed on May 12, 2014.
  2. In the interview: Actor and trail rider Jürg Löw Mein Pferd , September 15, 2008. Memento from the Internet Archive of May 13, 2014