Karl August Sigismund Schultze

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Karl August Sigismund Schultze (1837)

Karl August Sigismund Schultze (born October 1, 1795 in Halle (Saale) , † May 28, 1877 in Jena ) was a German anatomist and university professor.


Greifswald anatomy building

Karl August Sigismund Schultze was a son of the Halle government trainee and city counsel Friedrich Schultze (1765-1806) and his wife Johanna Dorothea Apel (1765-1826). After the early death of his father, August Hermann Niemeyer , Chancellor of the University of Halle, became his guardian and made it possible for him to visit the Pedagogy in Halle.Then he studied at the University of Halle from 1814 and was a member of the Corps Teutonia (I) Halle and here from 1816/17 of the Corps Guestphalia Hall . In 1817 he took part in the Wartburg Festival . With a doctoral thesis with Johann Friedrich Meckel , he was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. The dissertation Nonnulla de primordiis systematis ossium et de evolutione spinae dorsi in animalibus was translated into French and English at Georges Cuvier's instigation. Schultze became Meckel's assistant and - in the same year - a prosector . In 1821 he followed the call of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg to its chair and director of the anatomical and physiological institutions.

In 1831 Schultze moved to the Royal University of Greifswald . Here he tried in vain for a long time to improve the spatial situation of the anatomical-zoological collection, which led to disputes within the medical faculty. It was only in 1855 that he succeeded in having his own institute for anatomy built on the site of the former Dominican monastery . The Greifswald anatomy building has long been considered the most beautiful and functional of its kind in Germany and has been beautifully restored since 1998.

In 1856, Schultze gave up his chair, but remained a member of the teaching staff at the University of Greifswald. In 1869, after half a century as a university lecturer, he resigned completely and moved in with his son Bernhard in Jena.

Since 1833 Schultze was a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . In 1862 he was awarded the title of a Secret Medical Councilor , and in 1868 the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd class .


In 1822 he married Friederike Bellermann (1805–1885), a daughter of the orientalist Johann Joachim Bellermann (1754–1842) and Dorothea Juliane Schorch (1769–1857). The couple had several children including:

⚭ 1854/55 Christine Bellermann (1830–1865), daughter of Christian Friedrich Bellermann
⚭ 1868 Sophie Sievers (1840–1911)


  • Lothar fights : Schultze, Karl (1795–1877) . In: Dirk Alvermann , Nils Jörn (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon für Pommern. Vol. 2 (= Publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Series V: Research on Pomeranian History. Vol. 48,2). Böhlau, Cologne et al. 2015, ISBN 978-3-412-22541-4 , pp. 251-256.
  • Julius Pagel : Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1549–1550 ( online ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 108/114.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 116/526.
  3. ^ Bernhard Sommerlad : Wartburg Festival and Corps students. Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research , Vol. 24 (1979), p. 40 (No. 64).
  4. ^ Member entry by Carl August Siegmund Schultze at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on June 25, 2016.