Charles II (Münsterberg-Oels)

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Charles II of Munsterberg

Karl II. Von Münsterberg , also Karl II. Von Podiebrad , Karl II. Von Oels , Czech Karel II. Z Minsterberka , (born April 15, 1545 in Oels ; † January 28, 1617 ibid) was Duke of Oels and 1565-1617 1604–1617 Duke of Bernstadt . He also held the title of Duke of Münsterberg and the title of Count von Glatz . 1608-1617 he was under the emperors Rudolf and Matthias upper governor of Silesia .


Charles II came from the Münsterberger family branch of the Bohemian noble family Podiebrad . His parents were Heinrich II. Von Münsterberg and Oels (1507–1548) and Margarethe (1515–1559), daughter of Duke Heinrich V of Mecklenburg-Schwerin .

1561 Charles II went. With his tutor and his tutor to study in Vienna, where he the emperor at the court of Ferdinand I lived. After his death in 1565 he belonged to the court of Emperor Maximilian II for another six years , whom he accompanied to all Imperial Diets as well as to Hungary and on other trips.

After the death of his uncle Johann von Podiebrad in 1565, Karl inherited the principality of Oels. On September 17, 1570 he married Katharina Berka von Dubá (1553–1583) in Mährisch Trübau . Through this marriage he came to the Sternberg rule in North Moravia, which remained with his descendants until 1647. After Katharina's death in 1583, Karl married Elisabeth Magdalena (1562–1630), daughter of Duke Georg II of Brieger, on September 30, 1585 .

After the death of the art town Jiřík Zajímač in 1587, his sister Katharina, who was married to Hynek Pirnitz von Waldstein ( Hynek Brtnický z Valdštejna ), transferred the rule of Jaispitz in South Moravia to Charles II, as only the Münsterberg line of the lords of Podiebrad and Kunstadt existed. In 1588 Karl exchanged the Moravian rule Saar , which was also in his possession, with the Olomouc bishop Stanislaus Pavlovský von Pavlovitz for smaller possessions near Sternberg.

Karl was a supporter of the evangelical doctrine, which he also promoted in his Moravian rule. In Trebnitz he was able to enforce a Protestant community with his sovereign influence, although the abbess of the Trebnitz monastery fought against it and was supported by the Breslau bishop as well as the emperor. In 1602 Karl took over the guardianship of his nephews Johann Christian von Brieg and Georg Rudolf von Liegnitz , who were brought up at his court in Oels. In 1604 he acquired the Duchy of Bernstadt back, which his brother Heinrich III. Had sold in 1574.

After the death of Wroclaw Bishop Johann VI. Sich of 1608 was Charles II. by the emperor Upper governor appointed by Silesia.

In his residence town of Oels, Karl completed the construction of the palace begun by his uncle Johann . In 1594 he founded the " Gymnasium illustrious " and a library which served the teaching staff and the students, but was also available to the citizens of Oels. It was housed in a room in the castle church and was given a new location in the extension of the vestibule after the church collapsed in 1905. After the Second World War and the associated transfer to Poland, this room was inaccessible and the library was initially considered lost. In 1997, the holdings were recorded by the Research Center for Personal Papers at the Philipps University of Marburg , a department of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature . With financial support from the Federal Ministry of the Interior , the damaged book collections were restored.


Charles's first marriage to Katharina had the children:

  1. Heinrich Wenzel the Elder Ä., (1575-1591) and
  2. Margareta Magdalena (born May 13, 1578 - † May 14, 1578)

The marriage with Elisabeth Magdalena resulted in:

  1. Georg (born August 31, 1587 - † November 14, 1587)
  2. Karl (January 8, 1590 - May 20, 1590)
  3. Heinrich Wenzel the Elder J. (1592-1639)
  4. Karl Friedrich I (1593-1647); with him the era of the Podiebrad family in Oels ended.
  5. Barbara Margarethe (1595-1652)
  6. Georg Joachim (1597–1598)
  7. Elisabeth Magdalena (1599–1631) married to Georg Rudolf von Liegnitz
  8. Sophie Katharina (1601–1659), married to Georg III. of Liegnitz (1611–1664)


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Individual evidence

  1. After Karl Christoph von Münsterberg died childless in 1569, Münsterberg returned to the Crown of Bohemia as a settled fiefdom . Nevertheless, the Lords of Podiebrad received the right to continue to use the Münsterberg duke title. s. History of Silesia . Vol. 2, p. 67
  2. ^ Norbert Conrads : Educational Paths Between Silesia and Vienna . In: Silesia in early modernity: On the political and intellectual culture of a Habsburg country . New research on Silesian history. ed. v. Joachim Bahlcke . Weimar 2009, ISBN 3-412-20350-5 , p. 185
  4. Joachim Bahlcke , Winfried Eberhard, Miloslav Polívka (eds.): Handbook of historical sites. Volume: Bohemia and Moravia (= Kröner's pocket edition. Volume 329). Kröner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-520-32901-8 , p. 534.